This website is for those who take the line in the Nicene Creed seriously that says, “I await the resurrection of the dead and the life of the ages to come.”
That is the life immortal into which Jesus Christ will someday usher renewed humans. For centuries these people have been called Christians, and they are still called Christians, but since Christianity has become such a broad term and Christ said that the gate into immortal life is narrow and difficult to squeeze through, then perhaps those few serious people would be better identified as “Aspiring Immortals”.
This blog is a journal of just such an Aspiring Immortal. Through stories, poems, and journal entries, many of which are compiled into "books" I teach and inspire orthodox Christianity.
I am a practicing Greek Orthodox Christian with an ecumenical love and respect for all followers of Jesus Christ including Roman Catholics and Protestants. It is for God alone to sort us and judge us as He surely will some day. I like to identify with GK Chesterton, CS Lewis, and my favorite Saints such as Francis of Assisi, Saint John Chrysostom, and Climacus whose vision and creativity have guided so many aspiring immortals through this earthly life.