ALIVE: Chapter 143, Victorious Victims
/On the boat Jesus sat alone gazing at the people, frenetic children, plump mothers, sun hardened men with leathery skin and wrinkled bristly faces. The disciples scattered themselves around the small ship, enjoying the breeze.
A brother and sister were fighting with each other, “I hate you, I wish you were never born!” cried the little girl. “I don't want a brother!” she then screamed with tears flowing from her eyes. The older boy was a little dumbfounded, not knowing how to answer that, since he could neither disappear nor turn back time, so instead he punched her in the arm. “Mommy! Cory hit me!!”
“Now children, stop fighting.” and she then told her son to go find something else to do. Jesus stood up and said to the boy, “Child, come, let’s walk together to the other side.”
The boy looked at Jesus, relieved to be out of his hysterical sister’s orbit. He smiled and nodded, then looked at his mother and asked, “Mom, is that okay?” The mother looked at Jesus sizing Him up and replied, “I guess that’s okay. But bring him back here soon, I don’t want to go all over this boat looking for you when we land.”
Jesus said, “Yes ma’am. Let’s go.” And led the way with the boy following at his heals. When they reached the opposite end of the boat they saw the stairs and climbed to the top deck to enjoy the expansive view of the sea. Jesus turned to the boy and said, “Let’s sit down here. People were strewn on the deck sitting and lying down on blankets. Some were napping and sunbathing, others were chatting and eating. Jesus and the boy found a spot and sat without a cushion on the hard deck. The boy was fascinated by the Man who rescued him from his bratty sister.
Sitting together Jesus said, “What”s your name? How old are you?”
“They call me Cory. I’m ten years old. How old are you mister and what is your name?”
Jesus smiled and replied, “My name is Jesus, I’m from Nazareth and I’m 32 years old.”
“Wow, you are old! What do you do?”
Jesus liked this boy’s outgoing personality and joyfully accepted the interview. “I was a carpenter; my father was a carpenter, but he died and now … well, I travel a lot.”
“My father died too, suddenly in an accident. We are going to live with my grandmother in Caesarea Philippi; have you been there?”
“No, I was about to go to Judea, where I often go, but perhaps we should go to Caesarea Philippi instead. Is it nice there? Have you been before?”
The boy replied, “No. It’s far away, but I heard that there is a really fun waterfall! I want to just stand under it!”
Jesus was sad to hear about this fatherless boy, and said, “Well then, God is your father, right?”
The boy stopped to think about that. Jesus gave him time to contemplate the concept of the invisible God taking the place of his muscular father, while looking at the land mass in the distance. Jesus and Cory sat in silence for a while, enjoying the breeze and the view. The boat was rapidly approaching its destination.
“Cory, let’s work our way back to your mother, I should also try to find my friends.”
“Okay.” said the boy, feeling happier and more peaceful than he had felt himself to be since before his dad died.
“Thank you mister.” said the mom when Jesus and Cory returned. Cory announced to his mother, “God is my father!”
The mother smiled in contemplation and replied, “then God is my husband too.”
“No, I think He is your father too mom, because your father died too.”
“You’re right sweetheart. Let’s always remember this. Thank you Mister.”
Jesus reached out to shake Cory’s hand. “It was nice meeting you young man. I will pray for you. Maybe I will even see you in Caesarea Philippi someday. I want to see the waterfall too.”
While Jesus and Cory were shaking hands, the boy, feeling the grip of Jesus’ strong hand said, “Thank you mister. I will pray to my FatherGod for you too and I hope we will see you again. Peace!”
Jesus and the boy completed their hearty handshake, said their good-byes and then Jesus went to find his disciples, leaving the sister a little dumbfounded and the mother grateful.
Walking through the mid-deck, Jesus soon spotted Thomas, Mathew, and Simon. Simon said, “Where have you been? We were looking for you.”
“I couldn’t have gone far. Come, let’s find the others, we are almost there.”
By the time the boat had docked and everyone disembarked, the disciples and Jesus were all together. Jesus spotted the mother and her two children pass them and rushing to embrace Cory’s grandmother and grandfather who had met them there to take them to Caesarea. He said a quick prayer of blessing over the little family, which a gaggle of angels heard and rushed over to become their supplemental guardians.
A week later, Jesus and His disciples indeed travelled to Caesarea Philippi. The disciples didn’t question the change of direction.
Caesarea Philippi was a beautiful place, lush and fertile. When they arrived, they soon found the waterfall, threw off their outer garments and jumped in. A man named Hector recognized Jesus with His disciples and approached Him.
“Master! How wonderful to see you in my town! Do you remember that we met? My family and I were among the crowd, when after days of listening to your teachings you managed to feed us warm bread and smoked fish. What a miracle that was! It was the most delicious bread that I had ever eaten!”
Jesus recognizing Hector replied, “You remember the bread, but do you remember what I said?”
Hector thought hard for a moment or two and with relief he replied, “Yes! Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are ….. those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled. Uh, one more… blessed are those who mourn for the shall be comforted!”
“Good! You got the gist of it.”
“What brings you all the way up here Master? You must stay at my home. We have a large house and I am so glad to be able to thank you for healing my wife that day.”
Overhearing the conversation, Peter interjected before Jesus had a chance to reply, “We would be happy to stay at your home!”
Jesus turned to Peter, a little surprised by his blurting out, but agreed. “Yes, we are grateful to accept your invitation, but we are many.”
“No problem at all, we were once a big family with many sons and daughters but most of them have left for their own homes; my wife will be so very happy to thank You by caring for you and your men. Come, dress, and gather your bags, I will take you there.”
Peter turned and shouted to the disciples who were scattered between the falls, the pool and the shore, “Brothers, come, get dressed, we have a place to stay.” Then Peter walked around, repeating the announcement until everyone was dressed and ready, feeling refreshed after their showers.
As they walked toward his home Hector thanked God in his heart, for what he perceived as the miracle that the Master, who had changed his family’s life so dramatically, was in his city and about to stay at his home. It was almost too good to be believed. He had to suppress his joy wondering how he could be worthy of such an honor.
Hector’s wife, seeing her husband walk into the house with a large group of men looked very curious. Hector explained, “Miriam, look who’s here! Remember the Man who we listened to outside Jerusalem? The One Who healed you? Who fed us warm bread and fish? He is HERE! He just arrived and I saw Him at the waterfall, so I invited them to stay at our home.”
Mariam spotted Jesus among the group and collapsed at His feet, weeping for joy. “My Savior, we are your servants.”
Jesus took her hand to help her stand up, and the she hugged Him, and quickly bowed her head. Because she was overwhelmed, she turned and went into her bedroom to pull herself together.
The disciples quickly showed that they would be easy guests as they all pitched in to make up beds. Fortunately, her mother lived there too who was a large energetic warm woman and an excellent cook. Grandma looked forward to the change and having a table …or two full of guests. She missed the boisterous old days since her daughter’s children had grown up and left the roost. Since then, grandma felt like the house was cavernous.
After supper, Hector and his wife and grandma withdrew into their bedrooms to sleep and to give their houseguests some privacy.
Jesus planned to walk around the city the next day and hoped to run into Cory and his sister. He wasn’t finished with him yet.
That evening when all was quiet the disciples, Matthew, Simon, Thaddeus, Bartholomew, John, James, Judas and the rest all made themselves comfortable in the great room. Andrew and Thomas built a fire in the massive fireplace. Jesus situated himself in the best comfortable chair and the disciples moved some chairs around, John sat on the floor closest to Jesus.
When everyone was settled Jesus started by saying, “Who do men say that the Son of Man is?”
Thaddeus was the first to answer, “I heard a man say You are John the Baptist.”
Andrew and Bartholomew said together, “Elijah.” At the same time Jesus heard, “Jeremiah.” Matthew added, “or one of the prophets.”
“Interesting,” said Jesus scanning His men, “So, who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered confidently saying, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Right?”
Jesus answered, “You are blessed My friend Simon Bar-Jonah: for flesh and blood did not revealed that to you, but my Father who is in heaven.”
Hearing that exchange, the hearts of the disciples all felt lightness and sweetness as if they were made of lemon chiffon. It was the sound of Truth and Beauty that resonated like an aftertaste, or like the reverberating sound of a violin for seconds after the strings are rubbed.
Most of the disciples knew that instinctively; after all, it was so obvious that with all His powers, and His shrewdness, but also His compassion, Jesus was much more than normal, but He was even more discerning, more like a prophet, though no one had ever met a prophet in those days.
Jesus added, “Peter (which in Greek is also the word for stone, ‘petra’) on you, My stone, I will build My own assembly, of the people who My Father will call out from the world, (just as I called you, Peter away from your boats and out of your world). And again Jesus reverted to the Greek language when He translated it as Ecclesia (also translated as ‘church’) and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.”
Peter sat up straighter peering into Jesus’ face to look for instructions. He was in awe to be called out like this. His chest suddenly felt constricted as if there was a heavy burden placed on it. Peter couldn’t even imagine what Jesus meant, and what was in store for him, but he didn’t dare question Him in front of the others.
Jesus facing Peter, continued , “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and whatsoever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
A few moments of silence followed that powerful proclamation to give those words time to percolate into their minds and then deep into their hearts for safe keeping. Peter, who needed to understand what that meant, was dumbfounded. Was he being give given a new power, as when they were sent out to heal?
Then Jesus broke the silence by saying, “Men, please do NOT tell anyone that I am the Messiah.”
Being the keeper of the purse, Judas Iscariot wondered how he could monetize this information.
Not everyone to whom Jesus spoke, of the thousands of people in all the crowds, even those who followed him for weeks and months, could accept everything He said. Some of those men and women said good bye, othered just disappeared to go back to their villages and synagogues to go through the motions of piety without it’s substance, like actors in a play.
Because He knew that what He told His disciples was so extraordinary, Jesus offered to release anyone who could not fully accept Him so He said to the twelve men in room, “Would you also go away?”
Simon Peter was the first to speak up, speaking for them all when he answered, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You speak the words of eternal life. We believe You and know that You are the Holy One of God.”
Heads bobbed up and down in a cacophony of agreement.
In a shocking response Jesus added, “Didn’t I choose you twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?” Those words broke through the pleasant gathering like thunder and lightening on a summer afternoon. Jesus knew that He was speaking of Judas Iscariot, but no one else did, not even Judas who didn’t know his future.
This large home was so accommodating, offering comfort and privacy, that Jesus wanted to take full advantage of the situation. He had been looking for the right moment to tell them.
Jesus cleared His throat and dove into the subject, “I must tell you to expect that I will suffer many things. I will be rejected by the elders and chief priests, and the scribes; I know that is not news. But you need to know, that I will be killed.”
Waves of gasps filled the room. The men looked at each other as if asking if anyone anticipated such a thing. ‘How could a man with such power over nature, with miraculous power to heal, even the blind and deaf, the lame and lepers, who could walk on water, how could He not prevail over hatred brought on by jealousy and ego?’
Then Jesus added that after three days He would rise again.
The men looked to their right and left at each other again. What was more shocking, they wondered, that the Son of God would be killed or that He would rise from the dead?
“My brothers, you need to know these things before they happen so you will understand that My Father has a higher purpose in allowing them to happen. I must suffer many things, and be rejected from the elders and chief priests, and the scribes.”
James blurted out, “That’s no surprise my Lord, they have been denying you from the beginning. Not all, but most of them. But kill you? I can’t imagine that they would go to that extreme.”
Jesus replied, “Believe it.”
Peter, who was sitting next to Jesus said in a low voice so the others wouldn’t hear it, “Jesus, don’t talk like this! How can they kill you. Even if they try, the people won’t stand for it. No, I can’t accept that. Stop talking like that!”
Jesus turned His face to Peter, and flashed him an angry expression and then, then said’ “Get behind me, Satan; you are not regarding the things of God, but the things of men. Yes, I will suffer and die at the hands of these so-called reverent men. It WILL happen. Look at it this way, doesn’t a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die? But if it dies, and only if it dies will it then return and produce much grain and bread to nourish man. Death is not the end.”
The men were stone silent, even Peter didn’t dare contradict Him after that. He felt that he had been taken to the mountaintop and then thrown thrown off!
“I have news for you, and be prepared for this too, everyone who follows Me, you men first of all, must also, consider your lives here as nothing. Practice denying yourselves every opportunity you can. Accept suffering, accept being mistreated, and even you being killed for My sake.”
Chills traveled down the spines of each disciple to hear that not only their Master, but he too should prepare himself to be killed. It was hard to focus on the following words while trying to digest that shock.
Meanwhile, Jesus continued to inform His men of what to expect, “They don’t just want to destroy Me, My body, but they want to destroy My Teachings, the Will of My Father, and inasmuch as I sent you to the villages to preach and heal, I will continue to send you into the world after I am gone, and they will kill you too.”
Until that moment, until that revelation, the disciples had seen only miracles, all the amazing feats Jesus did. It was hard, nearly impossible to imagine that such power could be diffused, even destroyed by foolish men. Why?
“If you lose your life for My sake and for the sake of the good news that God transcends death, you will save it for eternity. Let go of the body, and they will never be able to harm you again. Expand your self awareness from your physical limited flesh, and consider your soul which is the true immortal you that can only die when it forgets God.
I will take up My cross, and you must follow Me in that. Just as I gave you power to heal, I give you power to face death nobly.
For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and forfeit a new life in God? For what should a man give in exchange for his eternal life?”
The Jesus turned to Peter again, and looking into his wide open eyes under his furrowed brow and said, “Whoever is ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man also shall be ashamed of him, when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”
Then Jesus stood up, and one by one the disciples stood as well and He said, “Let’s go to sleep now.”
He paused and decided to end on a high note, which confused His men more than anything else when He said, “Some of you will not taste death until you see the kingdom of God come with power. Okay, good night.”
Hector and his little family had been sound asleep through all of this. Little did they know the limitless wisdom and power that was stirring in their house that night, echoes of which were heard throughout the planet for thousands of years. What a contrast.