ALIVE: Chapter 147, God Speaks

Peter was irate and couldn’t control himself when he answered Judas who accused him of holding back money for their groceries. “Look!” he shouted, even though Judas was standing only three feet away, “If you don’t believe me, that’s your fault, not mine!”

With an arrogant smirk on his face Judas replied, “I must be right or you wouldn’t get so upset, just turn over the money you got for selling fish yesterday and we’ll be fine.”

“First of all, whatever I get goes to my wife to maintain the household that you don’t mind resting in. No one said I have to take from her and give to you. Now let up! What is your problem? Didn’t I see you buying fruit yesterday in the village and eating it yourself? I didn’t say anything. What you do is your business, right or wrong. I let the Master deal with you if He wants.”

Seeing that he lost that argument Judas closed the conversation saying, “I was starving, that never happens. I have to go pick up bread for dinner. Good bye.” Judas stormed out the door just as Jesus was coming in without even acknowledging Him.

Peter watched Jesus enter, spent a moment or two calming down and asked, “Lord, how often must I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Seven times?” 

Jesus replied casually, “No.”

Peter was relieved to hear that.

But then Jesus added in a most serious and concerned manner, “Seventy times seven.”

Peter lowered and shook his head as he walked into the bedroom.

That evening at supper Jesus announced that it was time to head back to Jerusalem, and that they needed to prepare to leave in three days. Meanwhile, they should sweep the city to make sure everyone in Capernaum who wanted to be healed would be.

For the next few days, Jesus made the circuit of the local synagogues. Those who needed healing knew to approach Him and they would be healed of small maladies, of grave diseases, of psycho-spiritual illnesses and demon possession. Each healing brought more admirers, so that the crowds of followers grew. When Jesus announced at each synagogue that He would soon be leaving for Jerusalem several young men asked if they could join Him, and of course Jesus consented.

On the morning of departure there was a small crowd of young men standing outside Peter’s home carrying satchels on their backs and over their shoulders waiting patiently for Jesus to emerge. Peter walked out of the door and looked down the stairs at them. It was just after dawn, the air felt fresh and thin punctuated by the smell of the salty sea.  He wondered how long they had been waiting, then went back inside and announced, “We have followers, many of them.”

Thomas and Andrew were the first to go to the door and look down at the crowd and then  at each other, “Oh well, the price of success.” said Thomas with a shrug of his shoulders.

Andrew called down, “We will be down shortly.” The two went back inside to announce that there was a group of traveling companions outside waiting for them. Andrew looked at Jesus for His response to the news. He had no reaction but instead went into the kitchen to thank the women for their hospitality and to say goodbye.

Within an hour the disciples and Jesus were all packed, and well supplied with food for the road. Hugs and shaking hands sent the troops off to Jerusalem rich and in good spirits.

Jesus was the last to leave the house and was alone at the top of the stairs to speak. “Men, our journey will be long, some towns and villages will welcome us and help us, others won’t. Our God is with us. Walk prayerfully, speak sparingly. Drink your water sparingly for you don’t know know how long it must last.

We will stop five times a day, to rest, eat and pray together, and we will set up camp just before sunset. Everyone works. I want to speak with each of you, one by one, while we walk, but sometimes I need to be alone. Don’t approach me. I will come to you. In this way I can help the most. You are all going to become like My disciples. If any one of you has reservations about the discipline and the discomfort of this journey, stay back. You will gain more by living this life than by complaining on the journey, and your complaints will hurt us too. Stay and be at peace, pray.” Then he paused for a short while to give the audience time to ready themselves. “Okay, let’s go.” As they walked down the road, Peter in the lead, two young men with lowered heads peeled off to their homes.

Gaggles of birds flew over this entourage walking south en masse as if it was another Exodus from Egypt, holy and purposeful.

They walked for days, and as they were so obvious a group, a few new young men caught up, first out of curiosity and when they heard it was followers of the Wonder Worker, some free spirited ones decided to joined them. Others joined the growing group after witnessing miraculous healings. For the most part the way was barren and dry; seeing villages and towns showed them where there were natural springs. The holy flock of men ping-ponged their way from village to village to buy food and filled their water bags.

As they approached a village of Samaritans, different from the one where Jesus spoke to the woman by the well, Jesus sent James and John on ahead to reconnoiter, and to tell them that they were coming.

The two went straight to a table of four elders sitting in the town square drinking tea and looking important. Listening to what these vagabonds had to say, a very gruff and hairy man, the largest person at the table spoke up for them saying, “No, don’t come here. You are going to Jerusalem, just Go.”

“That’s fine. Good-bye.” replied James and turned and left them with John following close behind.

But a man sitting at the next table overheard the altercation. He knew of the Healer because he had been in Capernaum months before. He excused himself telling his companions that he was going to meet Jesus, and called out, “Hey there, I’m coming with you!”

“Me too!” blurted a young man who was at the table with him. He and his kid brother and one other young man got up and rushed passed the old men who shunned the visitors. The big guy grunted egotistically. Sure that he was right to divert the crowd away from their quiet village. Not thinking for a moment of the several ill people laying on their beds moaning and groaning at that very minute.

“Terrific,” shouted John who stopped to wait for them to catch up, “Come on!”

When they got back to where Jesus and His flock were, John ran ahead and relayed that they couldn’t go to that village. He reported how the man shooed them away, then John said enthusiastically, “Lord, will you call fire to come down from heaven, and consume them?”

Disappointed in that attitude coming from John, His favorite, Jesus answered, “Have I taught you nothing! That was a terrible thing to say. The man wants us to go, so we’ll go. There are other villages and we can reach another one before sunset.”

The two additions to the crowd were standing behind John, excited to meet Jesus up close. The first said, “Master! I am happy to find you here. May I join you all? I will follow you wherever you go!”

Jesus answered him, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the heaven have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”

Jesus looked beyond him to another young man, pointed to him and said, “You over there, will you follow me?” The young man pointed to himself questioningly and once he was sure that Jesus had referred to him, said, “Lord, sure I will, but first let me  go to bury my father who died this morning.”

Jesus told him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but you, come to publish abroad the kingdom of God.” The young man looked at him curiously because he had a very important decision to make. Should he join Jesus or go back to bury his father?

Hearing that, a third young man who had recently attached himself to the group, seeing that Jesus was recruiting, blurted out, “I will follow you Lord; but first wait until I tell my father and my family. I’ll be right back.”

Jesus shot back, “No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” Surprised to hear that, the young man was paralyzed being torn between abandoning his family for the itinerant Wonder Worker, or just going home and missing the opportunity to be with Him and observe more miracles. Focused on his rumination he missed whatever else was going on. How could he leave his family without a word, they would worry, but how could he miss this opportunity, or start to follow the master by disobeying him? Then the thought of Lot’s wife looking back and becoming a pillar of salt struck him, and at that moment he knew what he needed to do. He turned to a kid who came with him and said, “Go back and tell my family that I am following Jesus and not to worry.” The kid nodded that he would, and ran off.

By this time those who followed were more than just the twelve; there were other regulars who attached themselves to Jesus. Scanning the eager faces of these young men, Jesus realized that His Father sent them to Him for a reason, to spread the good news that God was approachable and loved them. When they were ready, He would send them to spread the good news. Jesus was being multiplied, the beginning of continuous growth that has last thousands of years and generations and covered the planet with Christ followers and the Christ-like.


The heart of that news is that while it was always true that God made mankind in His brilliant, creative, emotional image and likeness; in a most magnificent denouement God made Himself in man’s likeness assuming the role of His Son and at the same time, the Son of Man. This Person, at the same time unique and ordinary, demonstrated the potential that every human being is by virtue of simply being human. The goodness of God, the relationship of created to Creator, a relationship of love, awe, obedience, and indeed mimicking makes as grand as possible the value of life.

Jesus knew, God knew that people needed to know this, to live it and so Jesus needed to spread the message, in deeds as much as in words, to the entire world, through the twelve disciples and then seventy, then seven thousand and hundreds of thousands from that moment forward throughout all history until the end of the world. Jesus knew that knowing this was so powerful that the power of the message would far surpass the effects of any torture the enemy would inflict and indeed Jesus knew, even at that moment that the future would bring unimaginable tortures, eyes gouges out, tongues cut off, cuts, burns slaughter and beheading of His brothers and sisters and yet seen as nothing in comparison to the joy that would follow when the veil is lifted. These seventy young men were given a message that would free humanity, one open mind and heart one person at a time from the mundane, simply utilitarian and decadent and corrupt life.

John the Baptist did so much to reel the Jews back in. They had a long history of veering away from the path, but in these days, largely because of the Baptist, and because of resentment over being controlled by the long arm of Rome, they were ready to cling to the good God to whom they really belonged. And who they were ready to worship.

This was no ordinary trip from Galilee to Jerusalem, this was a recruitment mission. It was a walking basic training of soldiers of the Lord. As they entered Judea Jesus determined that they were ready.


For the next several days the entourage continued traveling south to Jerusalem stopping at towns and villages along the way to preach and heal. The newcomers were renewed in spirit. Every day they experienced the love and power of Jesus. He cured, He healed, He taught. His utter control of demons amazed them.

Watching as Jesus healed a blind child, young Manessa nudged Peter who was standing next to him and said, “Does this ever get old? I mean do you ever get used to this?”

Peter replied, “Never. Why do you think we live like this, traveling around? The Master is showing us a world, like the first world in the Garden. We never want to leave it.”

“I think I know what you mean.”

When they arrived at Jericho Jesus announced that he had a friend with a large house. He would go alone to visit while the others should do what they want until His return.


“Jesus, my friend! It’s so good to see You! Come in!”

“Thank you. It’s good to see you again. How have you been?”

“Fine, fine. How long will you be in Jericho? You must stay here, Joseph will be so happy to see you when he comes home.” replied a robust very motherly woman.

Jesus walked into Martha’s beautifully appointed home. Her husband had provided very well for her, but rather than make her proud and arrogant, the wealth humbled her. She never felt worthy of such finery and so she spent her time doing good works and trying to give it away. The more she gave, the more her husband brought home. She ushered Jesus, who was alone to the finest most comfortable throne of a chair. Sitting in that chair, Jesus was so comfortable, he felt he could fall asleep right then and there.

“Get comfortable, I’ll be right back with tea, you must be starving. Who takes care of you out there on the roads?”

Jesus smiled and replied, “If you don’t know, I won’t tell you.”

Martha smiled back and nodded knowingly.

Jesus closed His eyes and nodded off. He truly felt His humanity at that moment, and indeed needed the rest. When Martha returned with her tray of a large assortment of foods assembled by her cook, she found her Friend fast asleep, breathing deeply and slightly snoring. She quietly set the tray down, and let Him sleep while she went into another room to pick up what she was doing before Jesus entered.

About an hour later, Jesus opened His eyes and after a few moments remembered where He was. “Martha?” He called.

She rushed in. “I’m so sorry, Martha, how rude of Me.”

“My dear,” she replied, “You could not have made me happier than to give You what you apparently needed most. What brings you to Jericho?” she said while preparing a plate of food, and pouring Him the tea.

“I am on My way to Jerusalem with a large group of men. I will send them out to preach and heal. It is imperative that my disciples, all of them not just the twelve, be able to do My work.”

“Wonderful and You will stay here with Joseph and me until their return! I am honored! We will prepare supper for them tonight; how many people are with you?”

“About 82.”

“Oh my! I will need an extra day for that. We will marshal the whole town. Where are they now? Have they set up camp outside the wall.”

After a nice long visit, a meal and a wonderful nap, Jesus left to talk to His men. He found them outside the wall where He left them, milling around, eating whatever they had left. When John spotted Jesus he stood up quickly and announced, “There He is, the Master has returned!” And he ran to meet Him.

“Greetings Master, what should we do now?”

“John, please gather the men for Me.” Jesus truly loved John’s enthusiasm and purity.

“Men, friends,” He started, “we will set up camp here, tomorrow there will be a feast for all of us by the townsfolk. The following day I will send you out two and two into every city and place around here, in advance of My arrival. The harvest indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few.  Pray to the Lord of the harvest that He sends forth laborers into His harvest. Go your ways; be careful, I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves. Carry no purse, no wallet, no shoes; and salute no man on the way. And into whatsoever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house.’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace shall rest upon him: but if not, let the peace turn back to you. And in that same house stay, eat and drink whatever they give you: for the laborer is worthy of his hire. Do not go from house to house. Stay in one house per town. Whatever city you enter, and they receive you, eat whatever they serve you; heal the sick there, and say, ‘The kingdom of God is come near unto you.’ But in a city where no one welcomes you, go to the town square and say, Even the dust from your city, that sticks to our feet, we wipe off against you: nevertheless know this, that the kingdom of God came near you, and you did not welcome it. Don’t fret about it because I tell you, it will be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city.”

Then Jesus began to rebuke the cities where most of his mighty works were done, because they didn’t change. “Woe to Chorazin! Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon which were done in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I’ll tell you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment, than for Chorazin or Bethsaida.”

Then Jesus really hit home, He was angry, blood rushed to His usually placid face  “And Capernaum! They think that city will be exalted in heaven! No way!  Capernaum will be shocked to find itself in hell. Most of you have seen what I have done in Caprrnaum. If the teachings and healings that were done in Sodom which were done in Capernaum, Sodom would still exist today, and not have such a terrible reputation.  It will even be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for Capernaum. What went on in Sodom was vile, it was disgusting, but they didn’t know God. The ignorance that lead to their depravity rendered them forgivable. But these towns, the teachings and the miracles they have seen and take for granted... Not forgivable.”

Jesus expressed the anger of God through the centuries from godly kings to monsters. How often was God disappointed and angry, often letting His people suffer slavery and exile and abuse, lost wars bloodshed for neglecting Him for their fickleness and preference for false gods and absurd practices. And here He was on earth, telling them face to face how angry He was. It was clear, no excuse, no way out.

But also like His Father who always forgave when they repented, Jesus calmed himself down made His message as clear as possible by saying, “He that receives you, receives me, and he that receives me receives Him that sent me.”

Jesus made Himself out to be God. Truth wins in the end.