ALIVE: Chapter 157, Another Mystical Day on the Road

After a deep sleep under the stars Jesus woke up feeling refreshed. He decided that it was time to take His mother back to her home. She had seen enough and He wanted her to be comfortable.

After His morning tête-à-tête with His Father, when He went back to camp, the first thing He did was to look for her.

“Good morning mama, I found you.”

“My Son, I was never lost!” she teased.

“Come, let’s walk over there where we can talk.” Jesus led her to a large marble ledge away from the campers. They climbed up on it as if it was an enormous throne made for them and sat on it together comfortably.

“Mama, it’s time to take you home to Jerusalem.”

Mary knew not to disagree with Him. “Alright, but I have enjoyed being with you and your friends. These people are so kind and so dedicated to You. I feel that I’ve known Mary Magdalene all my life. She is such a dear. I think she loves you as much as I do!”

“We will come back to Jerusalem from time to time, and you can come out with us again. Besides, it will take several days to get there.”

To take advantage of this precious time alone together, His mother thought for a moment about what she wanted to say, and whether to mention it, and then just to keep His attention, she came out and said it.  “I admit it was awkward to hear You tell the people that they should hate their mothers, in front of me. I felt a lot of eyes on me and I didn’t know what to do.” She paused to search His face for a reaction, then said, “But I understand, that You needed to exaggerate a bit to get the point across.”

“Mama, what do you think the point was?” He asked her out of curiosity.

Mary thought for a few moments, while Jesus patiently waited for her reply and then she said, “I think you were describing a supernatural relationship. It is natural to love your family, but it is supernatural to love God and obey Him more, different than, anyone else on earth. That love and obedience to God should dwarf love of family, so much that a person should be willing to erase everything. It is a full commitment, not one of many commitments.”

Jesus heard that and reached his hand over, and so His mother took it in hers and He squeezed her hand and said, “You get it, that’s why I love you so much.

But let Me explain it this way,” He added releasing her hand. “It is natural to love your family, nature has rules and laws, but humans are free, above nature because of free will. This freedom is what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God. To love God above the natural love of family, is therefore an act of free will…..because it is the love that rises above nature with its laws.  To obey our Father, willingly, requires self sacrifice, the antithesis of self indulgence, which is also above nature. Do you understand?”

She answered, “Maybe I get it, but I can’t hate you my Son, I never will.”

He replied, “You don’t have to, since you were My disciple before I was born. You are in a unique position.”

She said, “What a relief. I’m only a little sorry that I can’t go to the extent that you tell the people to go to…to be your disciple.”

He replied, “Don’t worry about that My mother, you will be required to go beyond that when I am lifted up.

Mary furrowed her brow in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

At that moment John broke into into their tête-à-tête and announced, “Okay we are all packed up and ready to bug out. Where are we going?”

Jesus told him that they were going to take His mother back to Jerusalem and then they could head up to Galilee, to Peter’s house. Peter had been mentioning a desire to check in on his wife and father for a while.

Jesus and Mary slid off the rock and stood up to follow John back to camp for breakfast.

“Yes sir!” said John cheerfully. He loved being by the sea and eating fresh fish. There is only so much arid land, day after day, that he could take considering he was a Galilean.

When they reached the morning campfire, a man named Silas approached Jesus to say, “Excuse me Master, may I ask you something?” Silas was a middle aged prematurely gray haired man with emerald green eyes and a ruddy face who had been with them since Jericho, “I don’t know what to do; this guy, Hiram, has been driving me crazy. He keeps berating me in front of the others and I don’t know how to defend myself from his attacks, and then he takes my hair brush and I spot him stealing it; when I ask for it back he lies to me! I’ve been telling him to give me my brush back and he refuses, saying it’s his!”

Jesus replied, “You may never be able to control him, so control yourself. Simply rebuke him, without anger or hostility. If he begins to see his fault and is sorry, then forgive him, it’s over!”

“I do that my Lord! I rebuke him. Of course I do. And after listening to you, I suppose his conscience wakes up and sometimes he even asks me to forgive him. And I do, but then he does it again!”

“Well, then it’s on you. You can’t keep him from behaving that way, but as many times as he asks for forgiveness, you must give it, even if he insults you seven times a day.”

Silas lowered his head to think about that, and realized that it was the only way to keep the peace, to allow the insults and appreciate his repentance, no matter how brief it may be. Silas suddenly realized that God must feel the same about him.

Jesus said, “Now let’s get out of here. We are going back to Jerusalem.”

A few of the veterans in the crowd looked at each other to say, “So soon?” And then shrugged their shoulders.

To get the group moving Jesus was the first to be packed up and start walking away from the camp. His mother found her friends, the two other Marys packing their satchels and told them that the group was going back to Jerusalem to take her home. Both ladies were disappointed that she would leave the group, and one after the other gave her a hug. Mary appreciated their hugs and was sorry to leave them too, but they had a few more days together. Mary said, “Let’s look on the bright side ladies, we can stay at my house together, maybe more than one night, and we can go shopping and cook together!” Mary Magdalene smiled at how easily His mother accepted whatever He said.

The ladies hurriedly finished packing and went to catch up with Jesus. They saw the people heading out and quickly joined them being among the last. They were glad for the smooth flat path that lead away from the campsite. The stragglers quickly cleaned up the campsite to catch up so they wouldn’t be left behind.

Close behind Jesus at the head of the train each person wanted to be as near to Him as possible to hear what He may be saying to others or in case a question came to mind.

Usually the children were the closest because they were spry and small and could more easily weave their way through the crowds.

Thomas, Bartholomew, and Phillip caught up with Jesus too. Being roughly the same height as He, they had no trouble talking to Him while walking, whereas the young boys didn’t even hope to get His attention. They just wanted to be near Him.

Thomas said to Jesus somewhat confidentially, “My Lord, yesterday when I was in town, a young man came up to me with his sister who has demons. She was in bad shape and he asked me to cast them out. I tried, I really did, but nothing happened. I had to apologize. It was awful. I was so embarrassed and so sorry for her.”

Bartholomew and Phillip confessed that they were there too and also prayed in vain.

“Why could not we cast them out?” the three men said in unison, then looked at each other and chuckled at the harmony as if they were singing of their woe.

To the surprise of the disciples, Jesus replied, “Because of your little faith. I tell you that if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to a mountain, ‘Go over there!’ and it will! I tell you men, nothing but nothing will be impossible for you.”

Thomas was still flummoxed; he thought he had faith. But Jesus must be right, so he needed to search deep within, to understand the difference between the faith that he thought he had and the faith that it would take to heal and have authority over demons. All three men searched their hearts for what they lacked in faith….and why. Thomas was the most sad and confused.

Reading Thomas’ heart, Jesus said while slowing down to think and walk simultaneously, and to be heard  on the smooth straight path, (please note, dear reader how perfectly the Father God ordered their every step, to have even given them the smooth straight path at that moment to be able to walk and teach at the same time.)

Jesus said to the three, “Are you servants of God, or do you just want to be servants of God, or just think you are?”

The disciples listened most attentively for they were desperate to be able to relieve the pain and suffering of those who asked them to. Not only to avoid the shame, or was that the reason for their lack of faith?  Did pride keep them from being able to have the quality of faith they needed to be able to heal? Bartholomew set that thought aside to be alert to what Jesus would say.

Jesus paused to allow the men to complete their shallow rooted thoughts, and then said, “ Who is there of you, having a servant plowing or keeping sheep, will say to him when he comes in from the field, ‘Come and sit down, we have meat for supper tonight, relax!’? No. that’s not how a servant is treated. Instead, when the servant comes in from the field you say, ‘It’s about time! I’m hungry, get my supper ready. Clean yourself up and serve me. After I finish my supper, then you can eat and drink.’ Does he thank his servant because he did the things that were commanded?”

The disciples, being accustomed to the relationship between servants and masters had to admit that servants had no control over their time or their own their lives but instead were at the beck and call of their masters day and night. Phillip realized soonest that their shame over not being able to heal may have been linked to the pride of healing, rather than the humility required of being God’s servant. Only God and humble servants can heal and command demons because as God’s truly humble servants, they are both above nature and demons and pride. Being pure and true servants they can serve Him in overcoming natural illness, and ruling demons.

Jesus verbalized what Phillip realized when He closed the subject by saying, “As servants of the One True God, when you have done all the things that are commanded you, be fully prepared to go the second mile, work harder than you thought you would have had to, sacrifice more, and even then, say to yourself, ‘I am an unprofitable servant who has only done my duty.’ Don’t look for reward or even gratitude. Don’t expect payment or admiration. This is the key to your failure. Faith must come with humility, not pride.” Jesus said that hoping that His men could grasp it. He knew that humility came naturally with His own condescension from the throne of God, and how unless human beings were fully aware of the great chasm between God and man, they would have a hard time maintaining humility.

After that exchange the three disciples slowed down their pace, falling behind Jesus in the march to Jerusalem to think about that intense lesson. At that point on the way to Jerusalem, passing along the borders of Samaria and Galilee, they arrived at a village. Ten lepers stood in awe as the mass of people walked toward them. One of the lepers said to his companions, “Look, isn’t that that healer coming towards us?”

The other said, “How could it not be? Who else travels with such a crowd? As Jesus came within hearing range, in unison the ten men yelled as loudly as they could to be heard above the drone of their footsteps, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”

Being about 100 feet away, Jesus heard them calling to Him. He stopped, and so did his entourage stop suddenly, with some people bumping into others, some falling. Then, from the distance He shouted back at them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.”

The lepers looked at each other. Conferred about what they should do, shrugged their shoulders in agreement that they might as well do what the man said. The one who first noticed Jesus lifted his arm and waved to agree. Then all ten of them turned to go to the village synagogue to find the priest. One of the lepers complained saying, “You know the priest will just banish us. What’s the point of this? More humiliation? I think He was just trying to get rid of us.” But the others kept walking in silence, figuring that someone may feel sorry for them and toss them some food. The synagogue was a good half hour walk away. The ten lepers walked in pairs and a few walked alone, deep in thought. As they were walking very gradually their skin was being transformed. One by one, a leper noticed that he could see better. He looked over at his friend and saw that his skin glowed with health. “STOP!” yelled one of them. They all stopped and grouped together. “Look! I think we are healed! How do you feel?”

Another said, “I can’t believe this!” I can’t see myself so well, but I feel different, and I see you and you. You, you men look ….healthy, you look normal!”

The group of former lepers rejoiced together. Two men started to dance together.

“I can’t wait to go home and show my mother! Good bye!”

“Wait, I’m going with you.” said another.

“I am going to show the priest so it doesn’t go away.” Another shouted, “I’m coming!” Followed by the echo of the others.

One man disagreed and said, “I am going back to thank the healer! Good bye. May we never meet again!”

His friend chuckled because he knew that indeed the lepers would never meet again as lepers. “Good-bye. I’m going home too.”

The one who said he was going back to thank Jesus walked alone in silence. His gratitude growing in his heart like bread dough rising higher and higher until it spills over the bowl. All he could think about was his gratitude. He was a sensitive man who had suffered so much from the disdain and repulsion he caused in others who saw him. Mostly, he sat alone in his cave because the sun hurt his eyes. His days had been spent in misery and prayer. God, to Whom he was praying knew how much suffering increases the joy of the sufferer whose prayers are answered. Suffering can either yield exhilaration and praise or bitterness from the faithless and inpatient.  Finally this man saw the familiar crowd in the distance. He picked up his pace and when he got close enough, he shouted, “Jesus, where are you?”

Jesus looked up to see who was calling him and noticed the man. “Here I am, come.”

The healed man shouted as he approached Jesus, “Glory to God! Glory to God! Look at me! I’m healed! Alleluia! Glory to God!”  The crowd around Jesus moved back to make a path for the healed man. When He reached the inner circle the man fell on his face at the feet of Jesus. By then his face was drenched in tears of joy. All he could say, over and over again was “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Jesus looked down and offered his hand to help the man to his feet. He studied the man’s new face and noticed that he had the features of a Samaritan. He said, “Arise. Were not all ten of you cleansed? So, where are the other nine? Didn’t any of the others want to returned to give glory to God, except this stranger?”

The grateful man looked around and humbly shrugged his shoulders. He said, “some went to show themselves to the priest as You told us to, and others, in their joy went to their homes.” Jesus said to him, “Now go and stay grateful to God. Your faith made you whole.”

The man who hadn’t touched another person in ten years hugged Jesus who hugged him back. When released from the hug, he turned to go to his village and to the priest who knew him from childhood and had had pity on him.

As he passed, the crowd marveled because many of them had noticed the ten lepers and how changed this one man was. His mother Mary was beaming with joy to see how happy this man was. She was sure the other lepers were happy too, but she was glad that he returned for all the crowd to see. In her wisdom, she knew that even though her Son had told them to show themselves to the priest it was important that this foreigner returned to the source of his healing. The priest needed to see the healing of the lepers. But this group too benefitted by observing the wellspring of gratitude.


In the nearby village, the priest was standing at the door to look for a person who had scheduled a visit and spotted the men walking toward him. He squinted his eyes to see if he recognized any one of them, and then waited for them to come closer.

“Welcome, what can I do for you?” said the priest.

"The man, Jesus, healed us! Remember us, we were lepers and now we aren’t!” said their spokesman. The other men nodded joyfully. One of them added, “He told us to show ourselves you you.God is great!”

“You are right my sons to give the glory to God. Now go get your thank offerings and come back, and we will sacrifice them to the Lord. I will go back inside and offer the prayers of thanksgiving for you.

The men thanked the priest and turned to find the best lambs that they could to offer in thanksgiving. Each man, his own lamb. The men were glad to do something so tangible in thanks. It is one thing to feel happy, the feeling of gratitude but to manifest that joy with the effort that the burnt sacrifice required, and then the eating of the lamb was such a fulfilling act of gratitude.

Indeed, the priest returned to the altar and wept silently that he was blessed to see the manifestation of God’s love and power on that day. Memories of the ones he knew from childhood rushed to his mind and the deep grief of their parents when they became lepers flooded the priest’s heart as he prayed. At that moment he also gave thanks to God that he had become a priest, and not a shepherd or a shoemaker.