ALIVE: Chapter 165, Warm and Overcast Days

Recognizing the effect of the shock of His announcement on His disciples who for three years had protected Him, cared for Him, listened and learned from Him, Jesus decided to tarry before diving headlong into the flames of Jerusalem. The detour would give them more time together, and besides He was also timing His entrance with Passover.

When He returned that morning, He said, “Let’s go back to Jericho..and then Bethany, I want to see how Lazarus is doing? I thought he was to go to Greece, but it seems that he hasn’t left yet.”

Thomas said, “How do you know that?”

In response, Jesus shot an expression that clearly said, “Do you really have to ask me that?”

Andrew looked on and chuckled while rolling up his blanket to shove it into his knapsack.

The hike to Jericho was unlike any other. Thoughts of the impending arrest filled everyone from Andrew to Thomas with apprehension and anxiety. The contradiction of Jesus’ power, yet surrender to evil was palpable. Absurd, ridiculous, impossible. Unless it was His plan.

That first evening, James and John approached Jesus together while the others were setting up camp and preparing supper. They walked Him away from the center of activity to a remote place where they could speak privately. Jesus went along and stopped sooner than the men would have wanted for maximum privacy. Nevertheless, James being the elder spoke, “Teacher, don’t You agree that You should do for us whatsoever we ask?” Not bothering to add “because we are so close to you all this time through thick and thin.”

Jesus casually replied, “What do you want?”

Again James said, “When you are killed and come in Your Glory, allow us, who saw You transformed into light on Mount Tabor, to sit one on Your right hand, and one on Your left hand.” John nodded meekly.

Jesus was quiet for a few moments then replied, “You don’t know what you’re asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink? or to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?”

John and James eagerly nodded and replied in unison “Yes, we are able.”

To the dismay of James and John, Jesus answered loud enough to be heard by the others, “The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism that I am baptized you will  be baptized, but to sit on My right hand or on My left hand is not mine to give; but it is for them for whom it has been prepared.”

“Hey!” shouted Peter while the rest who were just as indignant grumbled.

Jesus looked over and said to the others, “Come here.” When they came close, a few flashed sneers at embarrassed but not ashamed, James and John.

“You know that those who rule over the Gentiles lord it over them; and their great ones exercise authority over them. But that’s not how it has been with you, My disciples. Whoever would become great among you should also be their counselor and whosoever would be first among you, should be servant of all. I did not come to be coddled and cared for, but rather to give My life as a ransom for others. Come, let’s eat and go to sleep.”

Some disciples were still angry at James and John, others silently, and intentionally allowed no thoughts, but simply went to their bedrolls to sleep.

Early the next morning, they continued their trek to Jericho, figuring that they would arrive in the afternoon. Jesus didn’t plan on staying at Hannah’s house this time; He just wanted to be in Jericho for what He knew would be the last time. Ahhhh! Jericho! What a simple but powerful place on earth, nestled majestically in and on the mountain linking the heavens to the earth.

Because Jesus was familiar to the people of Jericho, as they approached a growing crowd assembled around Him to be with Him and if possible to talk to Him. As they were passing through, a short rich man named Zacchaeus; who was a chief publican, was trying to see Jesus but he couldn’t because he was so short so he scurried on around and ahead of the crowd and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him. When He was nearing the distant tree Jesus looked up and called out to Zacchaeus, “Hurry up and come down out of that tree. I will come to your house.”

Zacchaeus grinned and said, “Wonderful!” And descended carefully but as quickly as he could so Jesus wouldn’t be impatient and change His mind.

Jesus waited. When Zacchaeus finally landed he shook Jesus’ hand joyfully, and said “Come follow me. Thank you Master.”

The townsfolk who knew Zacchaeus well murmured, saying, “Why would Jesus go to that guy’s home? He’s a cheater and a liar!”

Zacchaeus  heard their snide remarks and to show that he was repentant, and how much he esteemed Jesus, he said loud enough for his critics to hear, “Behold Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have wrongfully charged any man, I will restore fourfold.”

Impressed, Jesus said to Zacchaeus, “Today salvation comes to your house, forasmuch as you too are a son of Abraham. As the Son of man, I came to seek and to save that which was lost.”

Zacchaeus straightened his shoulders and proudly lead his honored guest to his home. Entering, his wife was surprised to see Jesus and His men in her home, but welcomed them warmly and offered the washing water bowl. “Gentlemen, please make yourself comfortable, and we will prepare supper. Rest and relax, my home is your home.”

Jesus replied, “Thank you.” The disciples collapsed on the sofas and divans in the large room.

The evening was restful and pleasant and in the morning Jesus and His disciples were ready to continue their trek to Bethany. A crowd was already standing at the entrance to Zacchaeus’s house waiting for Jesus to emerge. They walked with Jesus to the outskirts of Jericho.

As the crowd approached the son of Timaeus, named Bartimaeus, who was a blind beggar sitting by the way side, he heard and sensed that it was Jesus the Nazarene. Seizing the opportunity, he cried out as loud as he could, “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!” The familiar townsfolk rebuked him to  hold his peace: but he cried out even louder. “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Jesus stopped and said, “Bring that man to Me!”

A brother (cousin) of Bartimaeus went over to him and said, “Come! The Master wants to see you!”

Bartimaeus excitedly sprang up, threw off his garment, and latching on to his brother, together they  squirreled their way though the crowd until they reached Jesus Who was patiently waiting for them.

“What do you want me to do for you?”

The blind man answered , “Rabboni, please oh please give me my sight!”

Jesus said, “Go, your faith has made you whole.”

And it did! It was truly a miracle, the darkness faded, gradually, light entered his old hazy eyes and went straight to his soul. The first thing he saw was the face of Jesus. He never forgot that beaming face until the day he died decades later. Bartimaeus fell at Jesus’ feet and kissed them. Jesus held out His hand to help him up. They hugged and Jesus said, “We must be going.” Bartimaeus joined the group that attached themselves to Jesus and the disciples and walked with them until they reached some steep rocks, and he and his brother decided to go back to tell their families what happened. They said good bye and returned to their blessed town in the mountains.

Peter was feeling very nostalgic as they hiked down the mountain. After what Jesus had announced, and especially after the raising of Lazarus, the report of which went straight to their enemies, Peter knew that these days of watching Jesus’s miraculous healings and joyful people like Bartimaeus would soon be ending. He even wondered if he had just seen the last healing by Jesus. In fact everyone was more quiet and thoughtful than usual. They didn’t know what to expect, but they all sensed a major change in the air.

They approached Bethany just as the sun was about to set on the horizon. Jesus pointed and said, “That’s the house of Simon the leper, let’s go there.” Indeed, Simon’s house was on the outskirts of Bethany and most convenient since it was dark. Jesus knocked on the door. When Simon opened it he was thrilled to see Him.

“Come in! Come in my Friend!” Jesus had healed Simon, but he was and would always be known as Simon the leper. He didn’t mind; he was used to it; as long as the symptoms were gone he was happy and grateful. In fact, Simon wasn’t alone, others were visiting that day. He opened the door wide and in poured Jesus with His 12 disciples exhausted from the long walk and more than ready for deep sleep. But first they had to be sociable. They entered the large room and sat comfortably on the divans there. A servant walked around the room with a tray of meats and falafel. As they were making small talk to stay awake and be sociable, a young beautiful woman approached Jesus with an alabaster pot of exceedingly precious liquid ointment. She demurely approached Jesus and without asking gently poured the serum on His head. But when Judas and a few others saw it, they became disgruntled. Judas voiced his anger and said, “What a waste! Why are you doing lady? You could, you SHOULD have sold that ointment and given the money to the poor!”

Jesus stepped in disagreeing with Judas saying, “Don’t offend this woman. She is honoring me and I appreciate it. You will always have the poor with you. She did it to prepare Me for burial.” The room of people were stunned to hear Jesus talk of His burial.  He continued, “In fact, what this woman has done, will be known throughout the ages. She will always be remembered and regarded highly for this kind act as a memorial to her.  “Thank you My dear!”

The lovely young lady bowed her head and walked backwards so as not to turn her back on Jesus, and carefully slipped away into another room. As she lay down to sleep, her heart was full. Yes, she knew that her angel prompted her to spend her precious ointment on Jesus. In fact, when she saw Him walk in the door, she knew immediately why she even purchased it. Her heart was brimming with sadness too at the thought of Jesus’s burial?

Peter who was already feeling nostalgic now became somber. Fortunately, the group broke up when several local people stood to go home, and Simon realized that his guests were probably very tired from their journey and had his servants orchestrate where everyone would sleep that night.

In the morning, after everyone woke up, Jesus thanked Simon for the shelter and food. He looked around for the young lady, but she still hid herself feeling too shy to approach Him again. As brave as she had been, she had become equally shy, which was her true angelic nature.

The next morning, after thanking Simon, they headed straight to Mary and Martha’s house to check in on Lazarus.

Martha opened the door and was full of joy seeing Jesus.

“Come in, come in!”

“Hello Martha, I was in town and thought I would come by and see how Lazarus is doing. Is he still here?” teased Jesus with His formality.

“Yes, he is here and feeling normal again! Lazarus!” she shouted.”Look Who’s here!”

Lazarus immediately entered the room. Welcome brother!” And gave Jesus a big bear hug.

“I thought I told you to leave town!”

“I will, I promise. I feel much stronger now.”

By then there were more knocks on the door of people who, because Jesus was there felt bold enough to come and see Lazarus. Until that day they were afraid to barge in on the dead man. But seeing Jesus, the public figure, they had more reason to go there.

“I will leave as soon as you do brother, I promise. Martha, pack my bags!” shouted Lazarus to his sister.

Jesus said, “They want to kill you, and they will if you don’t escape.”

Judas Iscariot heard that and thought, “They want to kill You too Jesus, and raising Lazarus is the reason. You can’t undo that by sending him away. Now even more people will follow You. Where will it end? It’s not smart to become more popular than the political and religious leaders, just not smart. Jealousy will kill You.”

Lazarus kept his promise and left for Greece the next morning.

“Jesus, come with me. They will want to know about you in Greece and there are plenty of people to heal there too?”

Jesus smiled at the thought and replied, “Their time will come. I need to go to Jerusalem.”

“Why would You do that?”

“I have My reasons, and someday you will understand. Someday the whole world will understand?” replied Jesus.

Lazarus was ready to leave and didn’t have time to decipher what He was saying.