Remember the Revolution
/Today we were going to start out on a mystical vacation with a two-foot tall angel named Juan Diego, but it happens to be the 4th of July, Independence Day. This day is much too important to ignore, so our vacation will have to begin next Sunday. Meanwhile, start packing.
Aspiring immortals get out your flags and wave them high, high enough for all the angels in heaven to see. Even if our ancestors were far far away from America in 1776, when we adopted this country, we adopted the brave signers of the Declaration of Independence as our forefathers, and their protestation as our cry.
Today we keep the memory of what they did alive because it was brave, and intelligent, and right. To remember the words of the Declaration of Independence forces us to measure this country by what they revolted and died for: the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and equally vital: freedom from tyranny and oppression.
Are we the America they demanded? Are we alert enough to recognize and revolt against tyranny and oppression even when it creeps in from within our government? Are we brave enough to demand liberty? Do we consider that the right to life extends to the most vulnerable among us and do we fight to protect that right? Finally, are we free to pursue happiness? Yes! I say yes to all. We are that America they demanded 234 years ago today!
On the day we cut the cord that tied us to Great Britain, Americans became more aware of humanity’s dependence on God who created us equal and was able to protect and provide for this rich young country-full of industrious men and women. Let us maintain that awareness of our ultimate dependence on God, for all that we are, and all that we have, and all that we aspire to.
May our gunpowder always be used for glorious showers of light, and when it is not, let it be for the most noble causes.
What does this have to do with aspiring to live in Kingdom Come? I say, be faithful in the small things and God will grant you greater. A good citizen of America will make a good citizen of the new earth. Rejoice in our freedom to disagree; may right and goodness always prevail in our holy land, America. Amen.