Dear Reader of the Bride

After completing the 9 year-long writing of Alive, a book very close to my heart that continues to live in my soul for the many imaginings of the characters in the Bible that came alive to me and hopefully to you too.

I sensed that Alive was finished, although I argued with myself that I could go on, the answer was NO. It’s finished! “Okay” I argued, “then what next?”

After about two weeks the answer was clear. “Write about The Bride.”

Perfect. The Bride described in Revelation and the Marriage Feast of the Lamb is after-all, the topic of our great ambition. To write about the Bride would be as amazing to me as all of my books, The Immortal Life, The Mark, The Year, and Alive. I was anxious to dig in.

And so I worked on an Overview to give me a path. After a while I started with the Preface and Chapter e1.

This was difficult. The Bride is a deep and mysterious subject that could not be treated as was Alive where my imagination could blend with inspiration. I sensed that some things I was writing were more imagination than inspiration. That there was something not quite right, which was totally unacceptable but I wasn’t sure of what to do but continue to pray and listen for guidance.

One Sunday, in the prominent bookstore of my Church in Saco, I noticed a series of books on the book of Revelation by Archimandrite Athanasios Mitilinaios. Perfect! Just what I needed, a scholarly and inspired book on Revelation.

I purchased the first volume and the last one at the store which was Volume 4. The introduction was fascinating but I soon rushed over to volume 4, where I assumed I would find the key chapter on the Wedding Feast of the Bride. As it turned out there is a volume 5, that wasn’t in the store. So I went to the publisher and eventually got the complete set.

After reading and rereading the most relevant chapters, I realized that the Bride is not merely characterized by the Wedding Feast.

The Book of Revelation as explicated by the author is one of the most encompassing and profound books of the Bible. It speaks to the past, present, and future. it is a letter epistle. As the author explains, the book is written in a mysterious complicated way to protect it from casual readers. The cross references of Revelation with the rest of the Bible are astounding. This series should be read by every serious Christian and every spiritual wanderer and truth seeker.

I soon heard that I need to read the entire series in order to synthesize the book into the description of the Bride with my simple book that needs to be written for my readers, Christendom of the 21st century, truth seekers, and for myself.

So dear reader, I hope you will check in from time to time. I see this as taking a few months, but only God knows. Meanwhile, pray and listen.
