No. 37 Follow the Leader

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To another He said, "Follow me." but he said, "Let me first go bury my father." But Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God." Matthew 8:22, Luke 9:60

This Mark is one reason why the road to immortality is the one less traveled.

Even goody two-shoes would have a tough time walking away from dad, especially if he needed burying, especially to run off with another man. It takes more than being nice to become immortal.

Jesus Christ shined the spotlight on this Mark when He said things like, “Those who leave brother and sister and father and mother for My sake will be rewarded in the kingdom of heaven,” and “If you don’t love Me more than your family, then you are not worthy of Me.” Allegiance to the immortal Triune God must be pure and exclusive. Nothing less will do. Remember: it’s God. Love your family, but be willing to disconnect from them.

When John the Baptist, and Jesus proclaimed that we must Repent, they simply meant that we need to stop shooting arrows into the air with our behavior, our choices, and our attitudes. Hit the mark. Repent! Be penitent again and again to get it right. Be sorry for not even trying to hit the Mark; be frustrated for missing, and try again. Do it!

Follow the Leader; talk up the kingdom of God and how different that is than all the un-united nations of this world. ‘Let the dead bury their own dead’ is not a nice thing to say. This Mark chooses life over warm fuzziness.

Dinner before dessert.