Reality - Stranger than Science Fiction
/After reading the last entry about the fiery end of Humble Pie making, I had to ask myself and my heart’s Holy roommate how we expect anyone to believe this. It sounds so very science fiction. I even had thoughts of sending it to Hollywood for new episodes of the Twilight Zone. The idea that there will be a new planet earth for immortals that were formed on this old planet earth to live with God forever is preposterous. Particularly, the part that says God chooses who will become immortal and gives them painful fiery baptisms. Any well-grounded reader will think I’m crazy and turn to a good Soduko instead.
Then this morning I opened my Good Book to where I left off in the Epistles and the Gospels, and right there in the first chapter of Corinthians, God’s friend Paul goes on and on about how the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men, and how God likes to play with our heads by speaking through the smallest of us, like children or the poor and meek rather than the most educated and illustrious.
I’ve often thought that using a middle-aged woman like me, who was trained to build clay sculptures, and plans cafeterias for money was certainly a dubious pick for a writer friend but I play along because it’s fun. I often ask Him if He noticed that agents and publishers don’t care about me, but He tells me to shut up and write, so I do. God’s wisdom truly looks like foolishness to men like me too.
Then my Boss made two interesting points. 1) Only true immortals know the difference between science fiction and reality and that’s all that matters. This is the Home Page for Immortals. I am not here to turn water into wine or to turn mortals into immortals. I couldn’t possibly do that. I am only here to encourage aspiring-immortals and 2) Even though the message is far fetched, wouldn’t even a rational mortal realize that the Creator knows best why He made mankind? After all Thomas Edison knows why he made light bulbs better than the light bulb knows why Edison invented it. Oh yeah, most light bulbs don’t believe in Thomas Edison.
Shut up and write means to turn down the noise in my head so I can focus on what He wants me to say to you. The point is that if you can’t possibly believe that human beings are created with the capacity for immortality and that a dual civilization is occurring on earth in the twenty-first century then you probably can’t see the wisdom in hand picking the most virtuous, peaceable, and trusting population to live with forever and ever. Have you noticed that there are two kinds of shoppers in the produce department, the kind who grab a handful of green beans and the kind who look at each bean for bruises that would make the stew bitter? God is the second kind of shopper.
The point is that creative thinking, the kind that set the stars in the sky and turns the planets, the kind that came up with a trillion shapes, colors and textures in nature, hundreds of animal forms and the kind of creative thinking that even dabbles in history and politics is just creative enough to make reality sound like science fiction.
It isn’t God who mystifies me most but mortals. Why do mortals accept the pain and suffering from a surgeon who cuts them open to remove a tumor or to repair an artery, but when a priest or psychologist tries to remove a demon all they can focus on is the giver of the pain and not the cure? Reality is truly stranger than science fiction.