This Beautiful Reality

Saint Nectarios Kevalas of Aegina

(taken from Homilies During Great Lent, Volume 1, publisher Irvin Mary of Australia and Oceana 2020)

Please friends, DO NOT FRET over the conditions under which we live, untold corruption, pedophelia, gender confusion, violence and all manner of sheer evil. Be patient, have FAITH. St. Nectarios put it well.

  1. The Creator God, is a BEING that is perfect in itself, self existent, lacking nothing.

  2. Transmission of Himself to the other is a work of love, not of necessity.

  3. God is love.

  4. He desired to establish other beings outside Himself as partakers in His own goodness. John 3:16 . For God so loved the world….

  5. Being a work of LOVE, the world is embraced by the love of God, and God comes into relationship with it.

  6. a. If God did not come into relationship with the world, but as a transcendent being He stood afar off from you, indifferent, then the world would either have to disappear since it is purely material, subject to corruption, and finite, or

  7. b. The world would have to be considered perfect in itself, independent, and thus rational and personal and endowed with spiritual powers.

  8. c. Spiritual powers are diametrically opposed to the essence of matter, because matter and spirit are mutually exclusive.

  9. The absurdity of this assumption of a personal cosmos would lead us to believe in two gods, a principle completely incompatible with the idea of the absolute creator God.

  10. The existing world is preserved by the providence of God who created it out of love, and it is clear that God provides for the world, since it exists through Him alone.

  11. Everything that happens in the world happens by God’s will.

  12. a. This statement is clear out of logical necessity.

  13. b. Since the world is not complete in itself and absolutely independent, but is a creation of God, it is subject to the will of God.

  14. c. Otherwise, it’s relationship with the Creator would be removed.

  15. d. In that case, it would either have perfection in itself and rationality, (is proven to be impossible) and therefore free will and independence,

  16. e. Or else it would have to lapse immediately into nothingness. (refuted by the very existence of reality).

  17. Therefore, the world is subject to the divine will.

  18. a. Because philosophical observations demonstrate that everything exists and is preserved because an inviolate, wise, and secure law directs them, and keeps them.

  19. b. This cannot work by chance but must be a work of the wisest mind and omnipotent Being, capable of holding together and perpetuating through the continual renewal of things that are constantly subject to destruction by their very constitution.

  20. In order to exist, Creation must be subject to the will of God, because nothing is able to exist by itself.

  21. So then, the will of God that maintains the world also directs it.

  22. NOTHING happens without God’s permission or outside if His divine will.

  23. EVERYTHING happens with divine assent and approval.

  24. When events do not appear to point to the divine will, as if they are inconsistent with the goodness of God, they nevertheless do occur by His will.

  25. Since God in no way desires that which is opposite to what is good, it follows that what is apparent to the eye is not true, but simply an appearance, while it’s true and real aspect is good.

  26. If our senses perceive a different character (than good), it is attributable to the quality of our sense organs that are perceiving.

  27. Concealed under the apparent [bad] form is the divine will, which directs everything and leads to an intentional and rational end.

  28. The finite nous (mind) of man, being unable to discover and discern God’s will, denies it and characterizes such events as evil and displeasing.

  29. However, because that is not true, man is obliged to accept the [bad] as being according to the will and concession of God.

  30. And if God loves the world more than a mother loves those born in her womb, (Isaiah 49:15) it follows that everything that happens, regardless of what it looks like, is good,  because it happens for our instruction and admonition: “For whom the Lord loves, He rebukes…” proverbs 3:12, Hebrews 12:6.

  31. And if the event seems evil to us, that thought originates from our perception, just as medicine is not evil , although sometimes it makes us feel horrible.

  32. Thus, everything that happens to man is good - whether pleasant or grievous—-because all things ultimately lead to our perfection.

  33. God is pleased to test His saints as gold in a crucible, that they might be similar to Him, for they were created in His image and likeness.

  34. Finally, to attribute events that happen to us that appear to be pleasing or displeasing to the will of God, is also demanded by the righteousness of God.

  35. Because a just God cannot tolerate injustice to befall His creation, for then He would need to be reckoned as unjust for being tolerant of injustice.

  36. Since it is unjust for the rational being to suffer from irrational animals and soulless nature—-or it would mean that God is unable to impede their activity, which is absurd.

  37. Not a single hair from our head falls without the will of God. Matthew 10:30.

  38. Truly, it is impossible for anything to happen, independent of the divine will since God is “all in all.” Corinthians 15:28. End.