ALIVE: Chapter 147, God Speaks

Peter was irate and couldn’t control himself when he answered Judas who accused him of holding back money for their groceries. “Look!” he shouted, even though Judas was standing only three feet away, “If you don’t believe me, that’s your fault, not mine!”

With an arrogant smirk on his face Judas replied, “I must be right or you wouldn’t get so upset, just turn over the money you got for selling fish yesterday and we’ll be fine.”

“First of all, whatever I get goes to my wife to maintain the household that you don’t mind resting in. No one said I have to take from her and give to you. Now let up! What is your problem? Didn’t I see you buying fruit yesterday in the village and eating it yourself? I didn’t say anything. What you do is your business, right or wrong. I let the Master deal with you if He wants.”

Seeing that he lost that argument Judas closed the conversation saying, “I was starving, that never happens. I have to go pick up bread for dinner. Good bye.” Judas stormed out the door just as Jesus was coming in without even acknowledging Him.

Peter watched Jesus enter, spent a moment or two calming down and asked, “Lord, how often must I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Seven times?” 

Jesus replied casually, “No.”

Peter was relieved to hear that.

But then Jesus added in a most serious and concerned manner, “Seventy times seven.”

Peter lowered and shook his head as he walked into the bedroom.

That evening at supper Jesus announced that it was time to head back to Jerusalem, and that they needed to prepare to leave in three days. Meanwhile, they should sweep the city to make sure everyone in Capernaum who wanted to be healed would be.

For the next few days, Jesus made the circuit of the local synagogues. Those who needed healing knew to approach Him and they would be healed of small maladies, of grave diseases, of psycho-spiritual illnesses and demon possession. Each healing brought more admirers, so that the crowds of followers grew. When Jesus announced at each synagogue that He would soon be leaving for Jerusalem several young men asked if they could join Him, and of course Jesus consented.

On the morning of departure there was a small crowd of young men standing outside Peter’s home carrying satchels on their backs and over their shoulders waiting patiently for Jesus to emerge. Peter walked out of the door and looked down the stairs at them. It was just after dawn, the air felt fresh and thin punctuated by the smell of the salty sea.  He wondered how long they had been waiting, then went back inside and announced, “We have followers, many of them.”

Thomas and Andrew were the first to go to the door and look down at the crowd and then  at each other, “Oh well, the price of success.” said Thomas with a shrug of his shoulders.

Andrew called down, “We will be down shortly.” The two went back inside to announce that there was a group of traveling companions outside waiting for them. Andrew looked at Jesus for His response to the news. He had no reaction but instead went into the kitchen to thank the women for their hospitality and to say goodbye.

Within an hour the disciples and Jesus were all packed, and well supplied with food for the road. Hugs and shaking hands sent the troops off to Jerusalem rich and in good spirits.

Jesus was the last to leave the house and was alone at the top of the stairs to speak. “Men, our journey will be long, some towns and villages will welcome us and help us, others won’t. Our God is with us. Walk prayerfully, speak sparingly. Drink your water sparingly for you don’t know know how long it must last.

We will stop five times a day, to rest, eat and pray together, and we will set up camp just before sunset. Everyone works. I want to speak with each of you, one by one, while we walk, but sometimes I need to be alone. Don’t approach me. I will come to you. In this way I can help the most. You are all going to become like My disciples. If any one of you has reservations about the discipline and the discomfort of this journey, stay back. You will gain more by living this life than by complaining on the journey, and your complaints will hurt us too. Stay and be at peace, pray.” Then he paused for a short while to give the audience time to ready themselves. “Okay, let’s go.” As they walked down the road, Peter in the lead, two young men with lowered heads peeled off to their homes.

Gaggles of birds flew over this entourage walking south en masse as if it was another Exodus from Egypt, holy and purposeful.

They walked for days, and as they were so obvious a group, a few new young men caught up, first out of curiosity and when they heard it was followers of the Wonder Worker, some free spirited ones decided to joined them. Others joined the growing group after witnessing miraculous healings. For the most part the way was barren and dry; seeing villages and towns showed them where there were natural springs. The holy flock of men ping-ponged their way from village to village to buy food and filled their water bags.

As they approached a village of Samaritans, different from the one where Jesus spoke to the woman by the well, Jesus sent James and John on ahead to reconnoiter, and to tell them that they were coming.

The two went straight to a table of four elders sitting in the town square drinking tea and looking important. Listening to what these vagabonds had to say, a very gruff and hairy man, the largest person at the table spoke up for them saying, “No, don’t come here. You are going to Jerusalem, just Go.”

“That’s fine. Good-bye.” replied James and turned and left them with John following close behind.

But a man sitting at the next table overheard the altercation. He knew of the Healer because he had been in Capernaum months before. He excused himself telling his companions that he was going to meet Jesus, and called out, “Hey there, I’m coming with you!”

“Me too!” blurted a young man who was at the table with him. He and his kid brother and one other young man got up and rushed passed the old men who shunned the visitors. The big guy grunted egotistically. Sure that he was right to divert the crowd away from their quiet village. Not thinking for a moment of the several ill people laying on their beds moaning and groaning at that very minute.

“Terrific,” shouted John who stopped to wait for them to catch up, “Come on!”

When they got back to where Jesus and His flock were, John ran ahead and relayed that they couldn’t go to that village. He reported how the man shooed them away, then John said enthusiastically, “Lord, will you call fire to come down from heaven, and consume them?”

Disappointed in that attitude coming from John, His favorite, Jesus answered, “Have I taught you nothing! That was a terrible thing to say. The man wants us to go, so we’ll go. There are other villages and we can reach another one before sunset.”

The two additions to the crowd were standing behind John, excited to meet Jesus up close. The first said, “Master! I am happy to find you here. May I join you all? I will follow you wherever you go!”

Jesus answered him, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the heaven have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”

Jesus looked beyond him to another young man, pointed to him and said, “You over there, will you follow me?” The young man pointed to himself questioningly and once he was sure that Jesus had referred to him, said, “Lord, sure I will, but first let me  go to bury my father who died this morning.”

Jesus told him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but you, come to publish abroad the kingdom of God.” The young man looked at him curiously because he had a very important decision to make. Should he join Jesus or go back to bury his father?

Hearing that, a third young man who had recently attached himself to the group, seeing that Jesus was recruiting, blurted out, “I will follow you Lord; but first wait until I tell my father and my family. I’ll be right back.”

Jesus shot back, “No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” Surprised to hear that, the young man was paralyzed being torn between abandoning his family for the itinerant Wonder Worker, or just going home and missing the opportunity to be with Him and observe more miracles. Focused on his rumination he missed whatever else was going on. How could he leave his family without a word, they would worry, but how could he miss this opportunity, or start to follow the master by disobeying him? Then the thought of Lot’s wife looking back and becoming a pillar of salt struck him, and at that moment he knew what he needed to do. He turned to a kid who came with him and said, “Go back and tell my family that I am following Jesus and not to worry.” The kid nodded that he would, and ran off.

By this time those who followed were more than just the twelve; there were other regulars who attached themselves to Jesus. Scanning the eager faces of these young men, Jesus realized that His Father sent them to Him for a reason, to spread the good news that God was approachable and loved them. When they were ready, He would send them to spread the good news. Jesus was being multiplied, the beginning of continuous growth that has last thousands of years and generations and covered the planet with Christ followers and the Christ-like.


The heart of that news is that while it was always true that God made mankind in His brilliant, creative, emotional image and likeness; in a most magnificent denouement God made Himself in man’s likeness assuming the role of His Son and at the same time, the Son of Man. This Person, at the same time unique and ordinary, demonstrated the potential that every human being is by virtue of simply being human. The goodness of God, the relationship of created to Creator, a relationship of love, awe, obedience, and indeed mimicking makes as grand as possible the value of life.

Jesus knew, God knew that people needed to know this, to live it and so Jesus needed to spread the message, in deeds as much as in words, to the entire world, through the twelve disciples and then seventy, then seven thousand and hundreds of thousands from that moment forward throughout all history until the end of the world. Jesus knew that knowing this was so powerful that the power of the message would far surpass the effects of any torture the enemy would inflict and indeed Jesus knew, even at that moment that the future would bring unimaginable tortures, eyes gouges out, tongues cut off, cuts, burns slaughter and beheading of His brothers and sisters and yet seen as nothing in comparison to the joy that would follow when the veil is lifted. These seventy young men were given a message that would free humanity, one open mind and heart one person at a time from the mundane, simply utilitarian and decadent and corrupt life.

John the Baptist did so much to reel the Jews back in. They had a long history of veering away from the path, but in these days, largely because of the Baptist, and because of resentment over being controlled by the long arm of Rome, they were ready to cling to the good God to whom they really belonged. And who they were ready to worship.

This was no ordinary trip from Galilee to Jerusalem, this was a recruitment mission. It was a walking basic training of soldiers of the Lord. As they entered Judea Jesus determined that they were ready.


For the next several days the entourage continued traveling south to Jerusalem stopping at towns and villages along the way to preach and heal. The newcomers were renewed in spirit. Every day they experienced the love and power of Jesus. He cured, He healed, He taught. His utter control of demons amazed them.

Watching as Jesus healed a blind child, young Manessa nudged Peter who was standing next to him and said, “Does this ever get old? I mean do you ever get used to this?”

Peter replied, “Never. Why do you think we live like this, traveling around? The Master is showing us a world, like the first world in the Garden. We never want to leave it.”

“I think I know what you mean.”

When they arrived at Jericho Jesus announced that he had a friend with a large house. He would go alone to visit while the others should do what they want until His return.


“Jesus, my friend! It’s so good to see You! Come in!”

“Thank you. It’s good to see you again. How have you been?”

“Fine, fine. How long will you be in Jericho? You must stay here, Joseph will be so happy to see you when he comes home.” replied a robust very motherly woman.

Jesus walked into Martha’s beautifully appointed home. Her husband had provided very well for her, but rather than make her proud and arrogant, the wealth humbled her. She never felt worthy of such finery and so she spent her time doing good works and trying to give it away. The more she gave, the more her husband brought home. She ushered Jesus, who was alone to the finest most comfortable throne of a chair. Sitting in that chair, Jesus was so comfortable, he felt he could fall asleep right then and there.

“Get comfortable, I’ll be right back with tea, you must be starving. Who takes care of you out there on the roads?”

Jesus smiled and replied, “If you don’t know, I won’t tell you.”

Martha smiled back and nodded knowingly.

Jesus closed His eyes and nodded off. He truly felt His humanity at that moment, and indeed needed the rest. When Martha returned with her tray of a large assortment of foods assembled by her cook, she found her Friend fast asleep, breathing deeply and slightly snoring. She quietly set the tray down, and let Him sleep while she went into another room to pick up what she was doing before Jesus entered.

About an hour later, Jesus opened His eyes and after a few moments remembered where He was. “Martha?” He called.

She rushed in. “I’m so sorry, Martha, how rude of Me.”

“My dear,” she replied, “You could not have made me happier than to give You what you apparently needed most. What brings you to Jericho?” she said while preparing a plate of food, and pouring Him the tea.

“I am on My way to Jerusalem with a large group of men. I will send them out to preach and heal. It is imperative that my disciples, all of them not just the twelve, be able to do My work.”

“Wonderful and You will stay here with Joseph and me until their return! I am honored! We will prepare supper for them tonight; how many people are with you?”

“About 82.”

“Oh my! I will need an extra day for that. We will marshal the whole town. Where are they now? Have they set up camp outside the wall.”

After a nice long visit, a meal and a wonderful nap, Jesus left to talk to His men. He found them outside the wall where He left them, milling around, eating whatever they had left. When John spotted Jesus he stood up quickly and announced, “There He is, the Master has returned!” And he ran to meet Him.

“Greetings Master, what should we do now?”

“John, please gather the men for Me.” Jesus truly loved John’s enthusiasm and purity.

“Men, friends,” He started, “we will set up camp here, tomorrow there will be a feast for all of us by the townsfolk. The following day I will send you out two and two into every city and place around here, in advance of My arrival. The harvest indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few.  Pray to the Lord of the harvest that He sends forth laborers into His harvest. Go your ways; be careful, I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves. Carry no purse, no wallet, no shoes; and salute no man on the way. And into whatsoever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house.’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace shall rest upon him: but if not, let the peace turn back to you. And in that same house stay, eat and drink whatever they give you: for the laborer is worthy of his hire. Do not go from house to house. Stay in one house per town. Whatever city you enter, and they receive you, eat whatever they serve you; heal the sick there, and say, ‘The kingdom of God is come near unto you.’ But in a city where no one welcomes you, go to the town square and say, Even the dust from your city, that sticks to our feet, we wipe off against you: nevertheless know this, that the kingdom of God came near you, and you did not welcome it. Don’t fret about it because I tell you, it will be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city.”

Then Jesus began to rebuke the cities where most of his mighty works were done, because they didn’t change. “Woe to Chorazin! Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon which were done in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I’ll tell you, it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment, than for Chorazin or Bethsaida.”

Then Jesus really hit home, He was angry, blood rushed to His usually placid face  “And Capernaum! They think that city will be exalted in heaven! No way!  Capernaum will be shocked to find itself in hell. Most of you have seen what I have done in Caprrnaum. If the teachings and healings that were done in Sodom which were done in Capernaum, Sodom would still exist today, and not have such a terrible reputation.  It will even be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for Capernaum. What went on in Sodom was vile, it was disgusting, but they didn’t know God. The ignorance that lead to their depravity rendered them forgivable. But these towns, the teachings and the miracles they have seen and take for granted... Not forgivable.”

Jesus expressed the anger of God through the centuries from godly kings to monsters. How often was God disappointed and angry, often letting His people suffer slavery and exile and abuse, lost wars bloodshed for neglecting Him for their fickleness and preference for false gods and absurd practices. And here He was on earth, telling them face to face how angry He was. It was clear, no excuse, no way out.

But also like His Father who always forgave when they repented, Jesus calmed himself down made His message as clear as possible by saying, “He that receives you, receives me, and he that receives me receives Him that sent me.”

Jesus made Himself out to be God. Truth wins in the end.

ALIVE: Chapter 146, Petersburg University

Not laughing were the two tax collectors. They were so accustomed to having the upper hand over others that to be upended by a fish and a fisherman sullied their dignity. The short one simply said, “Fine, now take us to shore.” And the tall one added, “Immediately, I have appointments.”

Without a word, Peter picked up the oars and started rowing quickly being in agreement that they should separate as soon as possible. Little John stopped laughing and was looking at these men with deep curiosity at how they could be so dulled.

Back at the house, a young woman friend of Simon-Peter’s wife had come to visit with her twin toddlers. “Oh, I didn’t know you had visitors.” said Deborah upon entering the room full of men.

“Come in!” replied the mother-in-law.”Let me see your beautiful boys, how they have grown!” Deborah followed the old woman into the kitchen while the little boys stayed with the men who were lounging around sitting on the divans chatting with each other.

Jesus found a rare moment of silence and inserted His thoughts in it saying, “By the way, yesterday when we were walking I overheard you men arguing. What were you arguing about?” Of course He knew full well the answer, but He wanted to see who would fess up.

The men had to think for a while about what He meant. Andrew soon remembered, but didn’t say anything out of embarrassment.

At that moment, Peter and John walked into the house. John exclaimed, “You should have seen the expression on their faces when those men saw Peter open the mouth of the fish. There really were coins in there!! It was amazing!” The disciples looked over at Jesus for His reaction. But He had moved on and was more concerned about the matter at hand. They were wandering off the trail. He wanted to bring them back.

Bartholomew, suddenly remembered the argument too and said, “Nothing much; it wasn’t important.”

Jesus stood up and went over and sat down next to Bartholomew and then looked around at His men who as each man recalled the argument similarly kept quiet.

One of the toddlers crawled over to Jesus and grabbed His robe and pulled himself up to lean on His knee, then the boy craned his neck to look up as if looking up at the moon and garbled something that sounded like, “Pick me up!” Jesus looked down at the cute kid, bent over, lifted him up and sat him on His knee. Then Jesus said, “If any man would be first, he shall be last of all, and servant of all. Whosoever shall receive one of such little children in my name, receives Me: and whosoever receives Me, receives not Me, but Him Who sent Me.”

Hearing that, the disciples realized that Jesus actually knew that they had been arguing about who was greater. Peter was sure that he was first because he and and brother were first chosen, and because his house had become home base. This was further proven in Peter’s mind because he was selected to witness Jesus being illuminated on Mt. Tabor. All indications pointed Peter to himself. But he tried to be humble and not make that announcement.

Matthew was sure he should have the first seat because unlike the simple fishermen, his conversion was greater. Judas was sure he was the greatest because he was trusted with the treasury. It went on, each man inflating his ego with his thoughts.

Jesus aimed to burst all the ego-bubbles when He said, “If any man would be first, he shall be last of all, and servant of all.” A few of the bubbles managed to ascend out of reach of the arrow of His words.

Then Jesus lifted the squirming boy high off His lap which made him giggle, while his twin brother toddled from man to man like a pin ball. When the baby boy landed back on Jesus’ lap, the child looked around the room curiously, wondering why all those men were looking at him. Jesus surprised them when He announced, “Whoever receives one of such a  little child in My name, receives Me: and whosoever receives Me, receives not Me, but Him that sent Me.”

Not quite sure what Jesus meant about receiving a child in His name, John squirreled away that thought for bedtime time and suddenly remembered that he wanted to tell Jesus something very important. John said, “Teacher, the other day we saw a man casting out demons in Your Name; we made him stop because he wasn’t one of us.

Jesus replied, “You were wrong to do that. Think about it, after that man caste out demons in My name, would he be able to criticize Me? Look men, whoever is not against us is for us. Likewise, whoever helps us, gives us water or a place to sleep, My Father will reward him or her.” Hearing that, most of the disciples nodded, receiving the correction.

Then Jesus carefully lifted the squirming boy off His lap again and set him down to chase after his brother. He said, “I know some of you don’t like children, but I tell you that in heaven their angels see the face of my Father there.”

Thomas said, “Master, tell us more about heaven. Have You been there? How? When? What’s it like?”

Selecting the question He wanted most to answer, Jesus replied in an strange way. Instead of describing the physical characteristics of heaven by saying heaven was filled with golden light or that it had or didn’t have nature as Thomas wanted to know, Jesus, still thinking about His disciples going astray with their yen for greatness, replied, “Imagine a man who has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, doesn’t he leave the ninety and nine, and go into the mountains, to search for the one that went astray? And if or when he finds it, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which are waiting in the pen for his return. Our Father who is in heaven doesn’t want anyone, not even this little boy here or his brother to perish.”

Thomas listened carefully to Jesus’ answer and was perplexed by it. He expected Jesus to tell him what heaven looks like, and what people or angels look like and do there. Instead Jesus forced his thoughts to go in a different direction describing the effort of loving.

Meanwhile, Jesus went back to talking about the little boys, toddling around them, giggling and fighting.

After watching them for a few moments, He said, “Whoever causes one of these little ones that believe on Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck, and then he was thrown into the sea.” One of the little boys collapsed onto his bottom,  and twisting himself onto all fours, crawled over to Thomas. The toddler looked up to be picked up to escape his oncoming brother. Thomas looked down and smiled at the boy who was begging him with his expression and grunts, so he picked him up and sat him on his own lap.

Once the boy was settled on his lap, looking around at all the men, Thomas went back to listening to Jesus telling them more about heaven.

At that moment Deborah and Peter’s wife entered the room. “Oh! I’m so sorry. I hope the boys didn’t disturb you gentlemen.” Turning to her friend, Deborah said, “We really must go. Thank you my dear for the advice. I don’t know what I would do without you.” She lifted her little boy off Thomas lap, and nestled him on her hip, while she went to grab the other boy’s hand. Peter’s wife said, “Let me walk a ways with you to help with little Ari. I need some fresh air.” And she went and caught the other toddler who was giggling and trying to escape the woman’s grasp.

Finally the two women with wiggling boys in their strong arms walked past Jesus and the other men to the door and left the holy classroom. Deborah intentionally did not acknowledge Jesus, even knowing that He was the wonder worker she had heard so much about. She sensed that He deserved privacy and normalcy, and didn’t want to impose on that. Nevertheless, walking passed Him nonchalantly she felt an inexplicable sweetness and joy unlike anything she had sensed before, or ever again as much as she tried and tried to conjure it up in quiet moments before sleep.  All she could do was remember the unfading memory of the feeling, but she never experienced it again, even when she saw Jesus surrounded by a crowd in public. The truth was that that feeling was Jesus’ expression of gratitude to her.

After the women and boys departed, Jesus stood up and with His back to the door continued His lesson by saying, “If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off: it is good for you to enter into life in heaven maimed, rather than having both hands with you when you go to hell, into the unquenchable fire.”

Several disciples looked down at their hands and wondered what those hands could do to send them to hell. Steal? Hit innocent people? Can hands operate on their own volition? No. It was obvious with only a little contemplation to know that a person’s own will can lead to misusing their bodies, even a part of it, and how that is self-damning.

Jesus wanted His men, and through them, the world to know that with the same mastery of their own will, with discipline, a person can rule over every part of his or her body, and that discipline had far reaching effects.

He continued, “And if your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off: it is better to enter into life in heaven hopping on one foot rather than being cast into hell with both feet. Thomas imagined heaven as filled with people without hands and feet and shivered.

And if your eye cause you to stumble, cast it out: it is good for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell; where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.”

As often as Andrew had witnessed the power of Jesus in healing, and walking on water, or calming the wind and sea, the thought of a person casting out his own eyes was shocking. Could He really mean that? Who could do that? Then again, to be made aware of the far reaching, albeit eternal, consequences of indulging in what one knows is wrong, well such a realization castes a spotlight on the volition of the soul that fleeting moments hide.

How much power and authority each free human being, made in the image and likeness of the all powerful Creator God has, over himself or herself? With eyes fixed on the choice of destination and not weakening by the attraction of the indulgences of this world, each of the disciples and indeed the species of humankind freely chooses life or death. Being master over one’s body is the first step, crawling, toddling, walking, running and finally….dancing to the real place that hellfire cannot grab.

Andrew popped out of his rumination to hear Jesus say, “Every one will be salted with fire.”

Andrew heard that strange phrase, “salted with fire”. And wondered if that juxtaposition of useful and painful was key to surviving, even benefitting by the pains of life.

Jesus continued to speak through Andrew’s mental wandering and wondering. “Salt is good: but if the salt has lost its saltness, how can it be useful? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace one with another. If your brother sins against, go, show him his fault between you and him alone: if he hears you, you have gained your brother. But if he doesn’t, take with you one or two friends, that at the mouth of two witnesses or three, every word may be established. And if he refuses to hear them, tell it unto the rabbi: and if he refuses to hear the rabbi also, let him be unto you as a foreigner who is unaware of the majesty and existence of God. Hear this truth, Whatever you will bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Andrew interpreted that to mean that he should be vividly aware of his power and authority as a human being, and use them well, not to harm himself or others, but to live the immortal life here and now, to be and to become a citizen of the peaceful, joyful immortal world that Jesus had spoken of as the kingdom of God, and heaven. Then Andrew thought, if only everyone, not even just Jews, could listen to these teachings and heed them, well, that must be heaven on earth. Andrew imagined a new kind of synagogue where people of like mind and ambition and effort gathered to leave the world that is suffused with evil, hatred, malice, greed and the like, to leave that if only for a while, but frequently, to heed all of these teachings, these descriptions of heaven and live every day in this new way together. Andrew wondered if that was possible and how it could come about. He thought that they needed to make it happen.

ALIVE: Chapter 145, The Servant Fish

While Jesus and His disciples we approaching the village at the foot of Tabor they saw in the distance a small crowd in turmoil. A woman was crying out loud, “Why, o why?” Her 8 year old son was in the midst of a seizure, his brown eyes reaching into his forehead, drool dripping from the corners of his mouth. His father and uncles yelling at Bartholomew and Thomas who were trying to calm them down and defend themselves. Jesus studied the scene from afar as He was approaching it, seeing the details with His mind’s eye.

The father looked away from the target of his wrath and spotting Jesus approaching, he shot himself out from the harangue and ran up to the Miracle Worker. When he reached Jesus, he collapsed to his knees and cried, “Lord, have mercy on my son, He has seizures. We are all suffering because of them. He often falls into the fire or into the water. I brought him to your disciples, but they were useless.”

Jesus looked with compassion on the father, then over to Bartholomew and Thomas who sheepishly turned away from Jesus’s piercing glare. Jesus turned His face toward the child in mid seizure with compassion. Then He  pivoted back to Bartholomew and growled, “You unbelieving and perverse generation, how long must I stay with you? How long do I need to I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.”

The father and uncle calmed down. The mother and her sister heard that and immediately grabbed each of the boy’s arms, to lift him and drag him over to where Jesus waited for them. The child was writhing and shouting all along.

Peter, James, and John looked on the scene and then over to their brothers who look as frustrated and helpless as they had ever seen them before. Matthew was sitting on the bench with his head in his hands wondering why they were so incompetent. Jesus made His healings look so easy.

In a strong authoritative voice, Jesus spoke to the demon that controlled the child, “How dare you latch on to this child! Be gone this minute!”

The boy let out a scream, evidently it was the sound of the demon’s pride, its impotent arrogant attempt to defy the infinitely more powerful Holy Spirit. Jesus touched the boy’s forehead. He jumped back and tried to push Jesus away.  The mother and aunt managed to restrain the child. Then his body collapsed, but let out a piercing shriek from which words emanated. “Go away! I don’t want you!’ Foam came out of his mouth, along with an unbearable stench. The people watching were frightened. Jesus reassured them, “It is coming out, don’t be afraid.” Jesus barked, “Satan, leave!” A demon that looked like a growling black dog came out of the child, leaving him in a quiet faint. Heads looked up to marvel at the apparition as it faded in its ascent.

The mother hugged her son tightly. His limp body. His eyes closed. She wiped the sweat off his young brow and stroked his wet hair with her sleeve. Feeling his mother’s gentle touch, the boy slowly opened his eyes. His mother noticed how clear they looked. The boy started to weep from relief. Jesus looked at the mother and father and said, “Take the child home, bathe him and feed him. He will not be tormented again, I promise you.” The aunt went over to Jesus to thank Him with a hug, the father shook His hand, which Jesus accepted. “Now go. He is hungry. Go and worship God.”

After the parents had gone and the other villagers went their own ways to spread the news, Jesus was left with His disciples. Bartholomew preempted another chiding, by saying, “I’m very sorry Master. We tried and tried. Why couldn’t we drive the demon out?”

Jesus replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you truthfully, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

The disciples heard that with mixed emotions of shame and regret, but also confusion.

Jesus said, “Let’s go home.” and silently lead His band of brothers, some walking in twos and threes, and others alone on the empty dusty road to Capernaum.

After walking for a couple of hours, Jesus stopped for a break at a cluster of large rocks. Each man took out his water pouch and drank; he also ate whatever he had left. Now that they felt a bit refreshed, Jesus said to them, “I must tell you something serious. I want you to know this before it happens. The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill Him, and on the third day He will be raised to life.”

The disciples knew that He was speaking about Himself and were filled with grief and confusion. James wondered why He spoke as if referring to someone else, when He said “They will kill him.” James stopped listening to think about it. He obviously meant Himself. He guessed that it was because of the many facets of His being. That they could only kill the body, and He was so much more. Satisfied with the explanation he gave himself, James resumed listening to Jesus.

Meanwhile, Andrew was wondering how Jesus, who had such power over Satan could become a victim of such evil and injustice. It didn’t make sense. Yet, of all Andrew witnessed, he noticed that nothing, not even nature itself was purely logical and inflexible. He slowly learned by experience that the world as Jesus showed them was not at all captive to unbending natural laws, but rather there was an invisible higher power, a supernatural presence, illogical, above reason, a contradictory power that operated in this world. It was so unusual, so mystical that probably no one else, but Jesus and perhaps the prophets Elijah and Elisha, and a few others could grasp the various spirits at work on this earth.

Andrew wanted the faith that Jesus described, but all he knew he could do was to stick close to Jesus and emulate Him as best as he could. He figured that since Jesus kept saying that God was His Father, the closer he got to Jesus the more he would be able yield himself to the Creator of the universe in all its abundance. Andrew was a naturally happy man. He knew that God had sent him to Jesus and every day of his life he sensed the uniqueness of his situation and gave glory to God for it. When Jesus told them He had to be killed, Andrew simply accepted it, as he did so many situations that he didn’t understand. While he couldn’t yet heal as he wanted, he could grow to trust. He figured that if Jesus could know about His impending death and accept it, then Andrew had to accept it too.

The travelers finally arrived in Capernaum and went straight to Peter’s house. Peter, James, and John felt as if they had travelled from heaven atopTabor to hades with the news about His death, all in one day. They were especially exhausted. It was nightfall before they arrived at the house, and soon went straightaway to their beds. Peter’s house had become a home-base for them, so each man knew where he would sleep, and the chores he could do for the women.

As they were in bed preparing to sleep, Peter, James, and John were thinking about how Jesus shined at the top of Tabor, and how astounding it was to be in the presence of Moses and Elijah! James thought about how, when God first called Light into being, days before the sun was created, how that kind of bright light may have been like the unusual light that filled Jesus that morning. John thought to himself, “I heard the voice of God today!!! How can I sleep remembering that.” John was so overwhelmed with emotion, he wanted to cry.

The next morning as the men were collecting the breakfast dishes they heard a hard knock on the door. Peter went over to open the door to find two burly tax collectors.

The tallest one in a gruff authoritative voice said, “We are here to collect the two drachma temple tax from Peter. Pay up.”

The shorter tax collector looked into the room and spotted Jesus who had just gotten up from the divan and was walking towards him.

The short tax collector looking at Jesus approaching said, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?”

Peter replied, “Yes, He does.”

Jesus, standing before Peter looked at him and then at the taller, tax collector and said, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes—from their own children or from others?”

“From others,” Peter answered.

“Then the children are exempt,” Jesus said to him and added, “But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.”

Peter looked at Jesus, smiled and looked over at the tax collectors and said, “Follow me.”

The two men shrugged their shoulders, the taller wondering if this was a ploy to get rid of them along the way, but nevertheless followed Peter out the door and down the steps. A few of the other disciples, including young John followed the tax collectors to the lake.

When they arrived, Peter said, “Excuse me, let me get into my rowboat and cast away from the shore a bit.

“We’re coming with you!” demanded the tall tax collector.

“Can I come too?” chimed in John.

Peter said, “Sure kid.”

So the two tax collectors, Peter and John climbed into the boat while the others stayed on shore.

While Peter rowed, John prepared the line with a sinker and bait. When they were about 100 feet from the shore, Peter stopped rowing, stood up and caste out his line. The tax collectors dubiously looked at each other wondering if this was some kind of a trick, but played along.

Within ten minutes Peter felt the familiar tug on his line and reeled in the large mouth bass. It was a beauty, all silvery with clear eyes.

Peter held the squirming fish tightly to remove the hook and firmly opened the bass’s mouth. All eyes were on that fish.

Sure enough behind the hook was a four drachma coin!

Peter smiled wide. His eyes met the tall tax collector who was astounded. He reached in and took out the coin and handed it to the tall tax collector, then he threw the still squirming fish back into the sea.

I Peter then said, “Is this what you came for?”

John just kept laughing and laughing.

ALIVE: Chapter 144, Love and the Super Light

The next morning, His first in Caesarea Philippi, Jesus woke up before daybreak as usual and went looking for a solitary spot to be with His father. He walked over to the waterfall knowing that no one would be there so early, and He was right. He hiked up the hill and found a perfect place to sit near the top of the waterfall. The sounds of water crashing and the wildlife brought Jesus much joy. He was accustomed to desolate deserts. Surrounded by all this life reminded Him of the cacophony of creation week. His Father continued to prepare Him for the difficult days ahead, but also for the glory. Jesus listened attentively and asked questions. He wanted to know how to prepare His disciples. God explained that He would demonstrate His power in more astounding ways to give His men memories of miracles to cling to in the most harsh moments. Surrounded by so much life, particularly with His Father’s love and guidance energized Him for the day, after all, He was still human and needed a father’s guidance.  As the sun rose in the east and suffused the deep dark woods with light, Jesus and His Father decided it was time to go back.

As He was descending the hill, much to his surprise Jesus spotted Cory hiking up. “Cory! Hello!” He called out, “Remember Me?”

“WOW” replied Cory, “Of course I do. I think about you every day! I come up here to be with my Father…God!”

“So did I.” said Jesus with a smile. “How have you been? Do you like it here with your grandparents?”

“Yes, very much.” answered Cory. “They told me it’s about time that I pick a profession and I wonder what it will be.”

“Don’t worry, our Father will pick one for you, just ask Him to and it will happen, and it will be perfect for you.”

“When did you get here?”

“We arrived yesterday. It’s beautiful, you were right. I’m so glad to find you here.”

Jesus and Cory sat and talked for over an hour. Jesus talked to Cory about the psalms of David and that he should study them and recite them every day, for in those words King David walks through this dangerous world, emotionally on solid stepping stones.  After all, God said that David was a man after His own Heart. Imagine that, a man who killed thousands, a man who had so many wives, and even stole another man’s wife. And yet, David refused to kill Saul when doing so could to save his own life.  In fact, he revered the anointed king just because of his anointing. David went through the lows and highs of life, being fully exposed to good and evil, but who else could write such beautiful heartfelt words about the awesome God? That morning Jesus taught Cory Psalm 23 to memorize and keep with him throughout his life. “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul…” Cory quickly memorized the short psalm and he had it down pat before they parted.

Cory remembered that precious meeting until he was a very old man.  On his deathbed, Jesus visited him and ushered him into heaven. Did Cory ever learn about the crucifixion and resurrection? We have to ask him if or when we meet him in the new world. But having known Jesus so intimately, Cory’s relationship with Him, brief as it was physically was deep and lasting. How many nights during his life did Cory lay in bed and pray and think about Jesus and their Father? How many answers to pressing questions or acts of providence did he gain from His Father? Meeting and being befriended by Jesus was the pinnacle of his life. It was the gift of a spiritual birth.

“Jesus, before you leave, can we go under the waterfall together?”

“Sure, Cory. This will be your baptism!”

“Baptism? What’s that?”

Jesus said, “I’ll race you to the bottom.”

Cory was given the most glorious baptism of anyone, and as the years went by and the man Cory evaluated his life, he clearly received the definition of baptism he sought that surpassed words. Jesus knew that.

Jesus and Cory parted with a handshake and a hug. As Jesus walked down the hill back to Hector’s house, Cory followed Him with his eyes until Jesus was no bigger than a dot and then even that dot disappeared. Cory went back to spend a few more moments with His Father God.

After leaving Cory, Jesus returned to Hector’s home. Everyone was awake and preparing for breakfast. Thomas explained to Hector’s wife that it was normal for Jesus to be gone in the morning and that He would soon return.

While helping to set up breakfast, James was still thinking about what Jesus told them the evening before about preparing for his own martyrdom. It was one thing to observe the miracles and delight in the Wisdom of their Master’s teaching, but to be tortured was going to require the strength of God. James figured that it would require a miracle to have such superhuman courage. This was one subject none of the disciples spoke to each other about. It was too personal.

Jesus and the disciples spent one more day in enjoyment of lush Caesarea Philippi, and then because Jesus had spent the time with Cory that He went for, they thanked their hosts and  returned to Galilee.

Taking the caravan back to Galilee, they couldn’t speak much to each other, leaving more time for each disciple to ruminate on his own thoughts about the hatred and violence he would have to endure, even to death, and how to prepare for it.

When they finally arrived in Capernaum, it felt good to be home.

Around a week later, one morning Jesus woke up Peter, James, and John and told them to come with Him. A little groggy, they crawled out of bed and dressed. This was the first and only time they were invited to join Him in the morning and wondered why. They followed Jesus out of the house and walked southwest in silence toward a small grassy mountain range. As they hiked up one of the peaks, some called Tabor, James remembered that this was where beacons of light had been sent out to inform the northern villages of the holy days or of the beginning of a new month. James wasn’t aware that either was the case on that day.

When they reached the summit, Jesus said to Peter, James, and John, “Stand back and watch.” That was all He said. John wondered if they would find out what happened every morning when Jesus would speak with His Father.

Jesus walked over to a ledge and stood on the hard flat rock facing His men. All was silent. By then the sun was above the horizon and all was bright around them revealing all manner of crawling wildlife and colorful fauna.

Suddenly and without warning as they looked at Jesus He became luminous, brighter than the sun behind Him. His robe shone exceedingly white, as no one on earth could whiten them.

Peter, James, and John stood aghast gawking at Him. It was amazing how bright He became!

Then two men appeared, one on His left and one on His right and they were talking with Jesus! John overheard them enough to hear the names Elijah and Moses!

John turned to James and Peter in disbelief and whispered loudly, “That is Elijah and Moses!!!! He is talking to them!”

Peter said to John, “Can you hear what they are talking about?”

John replied, “Sh. No, let me listen.”

Peter gaining courage, took a step towards them and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. James and John and I can make three tabernacles, one for You, and one for Elijah and one for Moses!” Peter didn’t know what else to say. They were so shocked!

Then just as suddenly as that happened, a cloud descended around them and a voice came out of the cloud. It said loud and clear so there would be no doubt, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him.”

When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, and covered their heads, terrified.

Jesus walked over to them, touched Peter and said. “Get up. Don’t be afraid.” All three men peaked out from their arms to see Jesus looking down at them, grinning. He was standing there alone in the lesser light of the sun. Moses and Elijah were gone. All was silent except the birds chirping and singing and flapping their wings. John returned the smile as if saying, “That was fun!…what just happened?”

“Come on, get up. Let’s go.” Peter, James, and John stood up, brushed themselves off and looked around to make sure nothing strange was left from the spectacular scene. Jesus looked around too, very matter of factly as if nothing unusual had just happened and then started down the hill with the three perplexed men following close behind. Each man trying to digest what happened as best as he could.

As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus said, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until The Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”

James heard that and quietly said to Peter and John, “What does the rising from the dead mean?” Peter shrugged his shoulders and replied. “Shhh He will hear you.”

Then James asked aloud, “Why then do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?”

Jesus replied, “That’s true. But I tell you, Elijah has already come to restore all things, and they didn’t recognize him, but did to him what they wanted. In the same way I too will suffer at their hands.” Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.

John thought about what the Baptist did to restore, and figured that making people aware of their need for repentance and by giving them a new birth, of a contrite heart, John was restoring the relationship with God that He intended in the beginning.

Jesus knew that when His disciples were going to suffer for them, they needed to have no doubts whatsoever of Who He was, and Who sent Him. They would suffer nobly knowing that there was much more to this life than nature and evil.

While they were hiking down the mountain, Peter wondered how anyone on earth would want to kill Jesus? Forget that, how could anyone kill Him who has so much power over nature? Not possible.

Years later, when the time came for James and Peter to be tortured as Jesus predicted, it was impossible for any of them to deny the Truth of what they witnessed, no matter how much torture Peter or James or any of them had to endure. So strong is Truth and so weak and vulnerable are lies. How much easier life would have been for the disciples, if they could have gone back to their homes after the resurrection and pick up where they left off three short years earlier. Instead, they traversed their world to spread the good news that evil and even death, as powerful as they may appear to be, are temporary at best, because Jesus rose from the dead. It took Him, but it couldn’t hold Him. He unlocked the gates of Hades and granted new life to those in the tombs. Adam and Eve shyly walked into the light, forgiven.

When they arrived at the village below, there was a big hullabaloo because the disciples couldn’t heal. Everyone was frustrated and upset. Most of all Jesus.

ALIVE: Chapter 143, Victorious Victims

On the boat Jesus sat alone gazing at the people, frenetic children, plump mothers, sun hardened men with leathery skin and wrinkled bristly faces. The disciples scattered themselves around the small ship, enjoying the breeze.

A brother and sister were fighting with each other, “I hate you, I wish you were never born!” cried the little girl. “I don't want a brother!” she then screamed with tears flowing from her eyes. The older boy was a little dumbfounded, not knowing how to answer that, since he could neither disappear nor turn back time, so instead he punched her in the arm. “Mommy! Cory hit me!!”

“Now children, stop fighting.” and she then told her son to go find something else to do. Jesus stood up and said to the boy, “Child, come, let’s walk together to the other side.”

The boy looked at Jesus, relieved to be out of his hysterical sister’s orbit. He smiled and nodded, then looked at his mother and asked, “Mom, is that okay?” The mother looked at Jesus sizing Him up and replied, “I guess that’s okay. But bring him back here soon, I don’t want to go all over this boat looking for you when we land.”

Jesus said, “Yes ma’am. Let’s go.” And led the way with the boy following at his heals. When they reached the opposite end of the boat they saw the stairs and climbed to the top deck to enjoy the expansive view of the sea. Jesus turned to the boy and said, “Let’s sit down here. People were strewn on the deck sitting and lying down on blankets. Some were napping and sunbathing, others were chatting and eating. Jesus and the boy found a spot and sat without a cushion on the hard deck. The boy was fascinated by the Man who rescued him from his bratty sister.

Sitting together Jesus said, “What”s your name? How old are you?”

“They call me Cory. I’m ten years old. How old are you mister and what is your name?”

Jesus smiled and replied, “My name is Jesus, I’m from Nazareth and I’m 32 years old.”

“Wow, you are old! What do you do?”

Jesus liked this boy’s outgoing personality and joyfully accepted the interview. “I was a carpenter; my father was a carpenter, but he died and now … well, I travel a lot.”

“My father died too, suddenly in an accident. We are going to live with my grandmother in Caesarea Philippi; have you been there?”

“No, I was about to go to Judea, where I often go, but perhaps we should go to Caesarea Philippi instead. Is it nice there? Have you been before?”

The boy replied, “No. It’s far away, but I heard that there is a really fun waterfall! I want to just stand under it!”

Jesus was sad to hear about this fatherless boy, and said, “Well then, God is your father, right?”

The boy stopped to think about that. Jesus gave him time to contemplate the concept of the invisible God taking the place of his muscular father, while looking at the land mass in the distance. Jesus and Cory sat in silence for a while, enjoying the breeze and the view. The boat was rapidly approaching its destination.

“Cory, let’s work our way back to your mother, I should also try to find my friends.”

“Okay.” said the boy, feeling happier and more peaceful than he had felt himself to be since before his dad died.

“Thank you mister.” said the mom when Jesus and Cory returned. Cory announced to his mother, “God is my father!”

The mother smiled in contemplation and replied, “then God is my husband too.”

“No, I think He is your father too mom, because your father died too.”

“You’re right sweetheart. Let’s always remember this. Thank you Mister.”

Jesus reached out to shake Cory’s hand. “It was nice meeting you young man. I will pray for you. Maybe I will even see you in Caesarea Philippi someday. I want to see the waterfall too.”

While Jesus and Cory were shaking hands, the boy, feeling the grip of Jesus’ strong hand said,  “Thank you mister. I will pray to my FatherGod for you too and I hope we will see you again. Peace!”

Jesus and the boy completed their hearty handshake, said their good-byes and then Jesus went to find his disciples, leaving the sister a little dumbfounded and the mother grateful.

Walking through the mid-deck, Jesus soon spotted Thomas, Mathew, and Simon. Simon said, “Where have you been? We were looking for you.”

“I couldn’t have gone far. Come, let’s find the others, we are almost there.”

By the time the boat had docked and everyone disembarked, the disciples and Jesus were all together. Jesus spotted the mother and her two children pass them and rushing to embrace Cory’s grandmother and grandfather who had met them there to take them to Caesarea. He said a quick prayer of blessing over the little family, which a gaggle of angels heard and rushed over to become their supplemental guardians.

A week later, Jesus and His disciples indeed travelled to Caesarea Philippi. The disciples didn’t question the change of direction.

Caesarea Philippi was a beautiful place, lush and fertile. When they arrived, they soon found the waterfall, threw off their outer garments and jumped in. A man named Hector recognized Jesus with His disciples and approached Him.

“Master! How wonderful to see you in my town! Do you remember that we met? My family and I were among the crowd, when after days of listening to your teachings you managed to feed us warm bread and smoked fish. What a miracle that was! It was the most delicious bread that I had ever eaten!”

Jesus recognizing Hector replied, “You remember the bread, but do you remember what I said?”

Hector thought hard for a moment or two and with relief he replied, “Yes! Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are ….. those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled. Uh, one more… blessed are those who mourn for the shall be comforted!”

“Good! You got the gist of it.”

“What brings you all the way up here Master? You must stay at my home. We have a large house and I am so glad to be able to thank you for healing my wife that day.”

Overhearing the conversation, Peter interjected before Jesus had a chance to reply, “We would be happy to stay at your home!”

Jesus turned to Peter, a little surprised by his blurting out, but agreed. “Yes, we are grateful to accept your invitation, but we are many.”

“No problem at all, we were once a big family with many sons and daughters but most of them have left for their own homes; my wife will be so very happy to thank You by caring for you and your men. Come, dress, and gather your bags, I will take you there.”

Peter turned and shouted to the disciples who were scattered between the falls, the pool and the shore, “Brothers, come, get dressed, we have a place to stay.” Then Peter walked around, repeating the announcement until everyone was dressed and ready, feeling refreshed after their showers.

As they walked toward his home Hector thanked God in his heart, for what he perceived as the miracle that the Master, who had changed his family’s life so dramatically, was in his city and about to stay at his home. It was almost too good to be believed. He had to suppress his joy wondering how he could be worthy of such an honor.

Hector’s wife, seeing her husband walk into the house with a large group of men looked very curious. Hector explained, “Miriam, look who’s here! Remember the Man who we listened to outside Jerusalem? The One Who healed you? Who fed us warm bread and fish? He is HERE! He just arrived and I saw Him at the waterfall, so I invited them to stay at our home.”

Mariam spotted Jesus among the group and collapsed at His feet, weeping for joy. “My Savior, we are your servants.”

Jesus took her hand to help her stand up, and the she hugged Him, and quickly bowed her head. Because she was overwhelmed, she turned and went into her bedroom to pull herself together.   

The disciples quickly showed that they would be easy guests as they all pitched in to make up beds. Fortunately, her mother lived there too who was a large energetic warm woman and an excellent cook. Grandma looked forward to the change and having a table …or two full of guests. She missed the boisterous old days since her daughter’s children had grown up and left the roost. Since then, grandma felt like the house was cavernous.

After supper, Hector and his wife and grandma withdrew into their bedrooms to sleep and to give their houseguests some privacy.

Jesus planned to walk around the city the next day and hoped to run into Cory and his sister. He wasn’t finished with him yet.

That evening when all was quiet the disciples, Matthew, Simon, Thaddeus, Bartholomew, John, James, Judas and the rest all made themselves comfortable in the great room. Andrew and Thomas built a fire in the massive fireplace. Jesus situated himself in the best comfortable chair and the disciples moved some chairs around, John sat on the floor closest to Jesus.

When everyone was settled Jesus started by saying, “Who do men say that the Son of Man is?”

Thaddeus was the first to answer, “I heard a man say You are John the Baptist.”

Andrew and Bartholomew said together, “Elijah.” At the same time Jesus heard, “Jeremiah.” Matthew added, “or one of the prophets.”

“Interesting,” said Jesus scanning His men, “So, who do you say I am?”

Simon Peter answered confidently saying, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Right?”

Jesus answered, “You are blessed My friend Simon Bar-Jonah: for flesh and blood did not revealed that to you, but my Father who is in heaven.”

Hearing that exchange, the hearts of the disciples all felt lightness and sweetness as if they were made of lemon chiffon. It was the sound of Truth and Beauty that resonated like an aftertaste, or like the reverberating sound of a violin for seconds after the strings are rubbed.

Most of the disciples knew that instinctively; after all, it was so obvious that with all His powers, and His shrewdness, but also His compassion, Jesus was much more than normal, but He was even more discerning, more like a prophet, though no one had ever met a prophet in those days.

Jesus added, “Peter (which in Greek is also the word for stone, ‘petra’) on you, My stone, I will build My own assembly, of the people who My Father will call out from the world, (just as I called you, Peter away from your boats and out of your world). And again Jesus reverted to the Greek language when He translated it as Ecclesia (also translated as ‘church’) and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.”

Peter sat up straighter peering into Jesus’ face to look for instructions. He was in awe to be called out like this. His chest suddenly felt constricted as if there was a heavy burden placed on it. Peter couldn’t even imagine what Jesus meant, and what was in store for him, but he didn’t dare question Him in front of the others.

Jesus facing Peter, continued , “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; and whatsoever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

A few moments of silence followed that powerful proclamation to give those words time to percolate into their minds and then deep into their hearts for safe keeping. Peter, who needed to understand what that meant, was dumbfounded. Was he being give given a new power, as when they were sent out to heal?

Then Jesus broke the silence by saying, “Men, please do NOT tell anyone that I am the Messiah.”

Being the keeper of the purse, Judas Iscariot wondered how he could monetize this information.

Not everyone to whom Jesus spoke, of the thousands of people in all the crowds, even those who followed him for weeks and months, could accept everything He said. Some of those men and women said good bye, othered just disappeared to go back to their villages and synagogues to go through the motions of piety without it’s substance, like actors in a play.

Because He knew that what He told His disciples was so extraordinary, Jesus offered to release anyone who could not fully accept Him so He said to the twelve men in room, “Would you also go away?”

Simon Peter was the first to speak up, speaking for them all when he answered, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You speak the words of eternal life. We believe You and know that You are the Holy One of God.”

Heads bobbed up and down in a cacophony of agreement.

In a shocking response Jesus added, “Didn’t I choose you twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?” Those words broke through the pleasant gathering like thunder and lightening on a summer afternoon. Jesus knew that He was speaking of Judas Iscariot, but no one else did, not even Judas who didn’t know his future.

This large home was so accommodating, offering comfort and privacy, that Jesus wanted to take full advantage of the situation. He had been looking for the right moment to tell them.

Jesus cleared His throat and dove into the subject, “I must tell you to expect that I will suffer many things. I will be rejected by the elders and chief priests, and the scribes; I know that is not news. But you need to know, that I will be killed.”

Waves of gasps filled the room. The men looked at each other as if asking if anyone anticipated such a thing. ‘How could a man with such power over  nature, with miraculous power to heal, even the blind and deaf, the lame and lepers, who could walk on water, how could He not prevail over hatred brought on by jealousy and ego?’

Then Jesus added that after three days He would rise again.

The men looked to their right and left at each other again. What was more shocking, they wondered, that the Son of God would be killed or that He would rise from the dead?

“My brothers, you need to know these things before they happen so you will understand that My Father has a higher purpose in allowing them to happen. I must suffer many things, and be rejected from the elders and chief priests, and the scribes.”

James blurted out, “That’s no surprise my Lord, they have been denying you from the beginning. Not all, but most of them.  But kill you? I can’t imagine that they would go to that extreme.”

Jesus replied, “Believe it.”

Peter, who was sitting next to Jesus said in a low voice so the others wouldn’t hear it, “Jesus, don’t talk like this! How can they kill you. Even if they try, the people won’t stand for it. No, I can’t accept that. Stop talking like that!”

Jesus turned His face to Peter, and flashed him an angry expression and then, then said’ “Get behind me, Satan; you are not regarding the things of God, but the things of men. Yes, I will suffer and die at the hands of these so-called reverent men. It WILL happen. Look at it this way, doesn’t a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die? But if it dies, and only if it dies will it then return and produce much grain and bread to nourish man. Death is not the end.”

The men were stone silent, even Peter didn’t dare contradict Him after that. He felt that he had been taken to the mountaintop and then thrown thrown off!

“I have news for you, and be prepared for this too, everyone who follows Me, you men first of all, must also, consider your lives here as nothing. Practice denying yourselves every opportunity you can. Accept suffering, accept being mistreated, and even you being killed for My sake.”

Chills traveled down the spines of each disciple to hear that not only their Master, but he too should prepare himself to be killed. It was hard to focus on the following words while trying to digest that shock.

Meanwhile, Jesus continued to inform His men of what to expect, “They don’t just want to destroy Me, My body, but they want to destroy My Teachings, the Will of My Father, and inasmuch as I sent you to the villages to preach and heal, I will continue to send you into the world after I am gone, and they will kill you too.”

Until that moment, until that revelation, the disciples had seen only miracles, all the amazing feats Jesus did. It was hard, nearly impossible to imagine that such power could be diffused, even destroyed by foolish men. Why?

“If you lose your life for My sake and for the sake of the good news that God transcends death, you will save it for eternity. Let go of the body, and they will never be able to harm you again. Expand your self awareness from your physical limited flesh, and consider your soul which is the true immortal you that can only die when it forgets God.

I will take up My cross, and you must follow Me in that. Just as I gave you power to heal, I give you power to face death nobly.

For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and forfeit a new life in God? For what should a man give in exchange for his eternal life?”

The Jesus turned to Peter again, and looking into his wide open eyes under his furrowed brow and said, “Whoever is ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man also shall be ashamed of him, when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”

Then Jesus stood up, and one by one the disciples stood as well and He said, “Let’s go to sleep now.”

He paused and decided to end on a high note, which confused His men more than anything else when He said, “Some of you will not taste death until you see the kingdom of God come with power. Okay, good night.”

Hector and his little family had been sound asleep through all of this. Little did they know the limitless wisdom and power that was stirring in their house that night, echoes of which were heard throughout the planet for thousands of years. What a contrast.

ALIVE: Chapter 142, No Signs and No Wonder

Time and space eventually carried Jesus and His men from Tyre into Judaea in the rhythm of their daily schedule. Jesus always woke up before the sunrise, quietly left camp while the others were sleeping and went to a secluded place that He had scouted for when He first arrived. When He returned, He gathered His disciples for prayer as a group, then each man pulled out of his satchel whatever food he had for breakfast, fruit or bread, or smoked fish. 

Then, typically they would go into the town or village to preach or heal whoever came and asked. Every day was an adventure, similar, but nevertheless always including a surprise for someone, either a disciple or a stranger. 

Jesus’ power over nature and His wisdom transformed the world of the disciples, but because of years of insensitivity to the spirit world, and the strong pull of their five physical senses, they often lapsed. Yet, the miracles were undeniable, they came to realize that laws of nature such as weather, gravity, time, and even illness were strangely not caste in stone. Out of the corners of their mind’s eye they saw glimpses of the spirit world of angels and demons that were as real as any man or tree. Some of the disciples, I can’t tell you who, were more perceptive than others, but they all were transformed by experiencing in many ways the full spectrum of earth and air teaming with life and wonders that Jesus showed them with His words and with His actions. 

The disciples repeatedly were amazed at how Jesus could read their minds and predict the future as the ancient prophets did, how He was more keen than Isaiah, than Elijah or even Elisha. Closer to God than Moses, more faithful than Abraham. Being vagabonds, it was fascinating for them to see how in so many ways their need for food and shelter were always met. 

Repeatedly, they encountered certain people at the perfect time. The disciples never knew what the day would bring or what Jesus would ask of them. They simply floated through time following Him, listening, guarding, and helping their Master, the Son of God however He needed them.

In some towns they had befriended wealthy women, typically widows, with large homes who hosted them. Jesus was always grateful to His Father Who always provided for Him and His men. The pure trust that Jesus had in His Father God usually, but not always, conveyed to the disciples. The habit of worry formed during former days, when they even had professions and houses was hard to shake, so despite all, from time to time, each one of the disciples fretted over one thing or another to the great consternation of their Master. 

Although outwardly they were insecure as they wandered from place to place, not always  knowing in the morning where they would sleep that night, or what they would eat that day. After the first weeks and months of traveling with Jesus each disciple fought within himself to accept that he should not bother to think about his physical needs. Pleasure, the sense of it and desire for it fought to move from physical comfort to spiritual growth, as his perception of the entire spectrum of life expanded.  

For example, there was that day when they took the boat from Tiberius to the other side of the Galilee. 

Thomas said, “Who brought the bread?” He looked first at Peter who looked over at Andrew and then scanned the group. Man after man shrugged his shoulders and looked at Jesus. 

Jesus enigmatically said to them, “Be careful and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”

Judas said, “What does that mean? We just realized that we have no bread.”

Frustrated, looking straight at Judas, Jesus added, “After all this time with me, how can you show such little faith?  Why do you look inside your bag and fret because you don’t see bread there?” Then Jesus scanned His men who were milling around in a loose group to let them know it wasn’t only Judas who showed such little faith, but most if not all of them. 

“Can’t you perceive, or even remember? Don’t you have eyes to see and ears to hear? Are your hearts so hardened? Remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets YOU took up?! Or the seven loaves that fed four thousand people, and how many baskets full of bread YOU collected after that? Have you all been asleep this whole time?”  

He was angry. He was frustrated. Jesus could not accept that His closest friends, His bodyguards, His disciples continued to doubt the providence of His Father, and more, that they couldn’t see the world as He did, but rather limited themselves to the physical plane, like a deep layer of fog that blurred reality from their perception. It was like they were all blind, and only He had sight. Such a concept not only angered Him, but it alienated Him from them and that made Him feel lonely. It was inconceivable to Jesus how they could have such little trust?

Calming Himself, Jesus said slowly, “Can you see that I’m not talking about food, but that more importantly you must be aware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”

Matthew spoke up. “But we ARE talking about food! What do the Pharisees and Sadducee’s have to do with bread? I’m hungry.”

Jesus replied, “What is more important, your soul, your spirit or your stomach? Yes, your stomach is growling. You are looking for bread and have none. Consider that it is better to let your stomachs be empty and hungry, than to accept the deadly ingredient of false and ignorant teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees and the leaven of Herod. Your hunger will pass when eventually you will be nourished with food, but the other, the yeast that turns the false teachings (read: social and political pressures) into poisonous food for your minds may destroy you as you go forth in those teachings to disappoint and anger God.

Be hungry. So WHAT!? It’s only your stomach and God can easily provide bread, simply ask Him to. But be careful not to consume false teachings.”

Calming himself Jesus looked at the confused and remorseful facial expressions of His chosen men, Peter, James, then over to Bartholomew who was standing next to Thomas and Matthew. Then He said, “Now does anyone have some bread, look again in your satchels and bring it to me and we will all be filled.”

When John looked in his satchel he found a half a loaf he hadn’t seen before. Surprised, he took it out and walked up to Jesus and handed it to Him. Jesus passed it around and every one of the hungry disciples ate until he was full. 

James was still chewing when he saw three Pharisees walking toward them. “Now what?” he thought.

The three Pharisees walked up to Jesus who was waiting for everyone to finish eating. The tallest Pharisee stepped directly in front of Him who was shorter than he and arrogantly looked down at Jesus and said, “Who are you really? I heard that you’re from Nazareth. How can anything good come from that hole? If you are so special, show us a sign from heaven.” The two shorter, bearded Pharisees standing behind him emitting a stench of perspiration nodded to confirm the demand.

Jesus, knowing that these men were intentionally insulting Him sighed deeply with a loud hum, then said, “No. I know why you want a sign. I will not give you a sign. Excuse us. Come on men, let’s go.”  

Without saying another word, the group of disciples followed Jesus who walked toward the dock. 

The three Pharisees were stunned at how they had been treated and watched Jesus and His disciples leave mumbling egotistical sentiments to themselves and each other to restore their self-importance. 

Meanwhile, when Jesus’ troupe reached the dock; they found a boat about to leave for the other side of the lake. They climbed aboard, paid the fare and sat waiting for the boat to be filled with passengers and depart.

Alive; Chapter 141, Food for Body and Soul

 When Timothy, Joachim, and Elias were out of sight because Jesus and His disciples had walked a ways in silence Jesus suddenly stopped. It was clear that His Father had been speaking to Him and He wanted to tell it to His men. 

“Men, we are going back to Galilee instead. I have gotten what I came for from this place.”

The disciples knew better than to ask questions and just nodded. Except that Thomas looked  at Peter and said, “Can we take a caravan back?  Where would we even find one out here?”

Jesus answered, “No, we will walk.” 

Knowing that it would be far, and that whatever money Peter had would have to be used for food for the journey, the compliant disciples nodded and waited for Jesus to turn and start walking eastward. Andrew was sorry to be walking away from the massive Mediterranean that he admired so much but kept the disappointment hidden in his heart. 

As he walked Bartholomew wondered what Jesus received from Tyre, but didn’t ask. As the holy troupe was walking they noticed more and more people respectfully following them at a distance. At first they figured it was just fellow pilgrims heading randomly here and there, but the group of followers soon out-numbered the disciples and then kept growing like a zygote as both the curious and the desperate, young men and middle aged men, and middle aged widows followed Jesus. 

Jesus stopped and looked back at the crowd which also stopped when they did. He said, “It looks like Timothy told the whole town. I told him not to tell anyone!” Bartholomew replied, “Did you really believe he wouldn’t. Poor man had no choice as soon as words came out of his mouth, they knew he was healed. If he didn’t speak at all, what would have been the point of healing him?” All the disciples nodded and smiled, some discreetly, others with a loud chuckle. Jesus shrugged and resumed walking. Their trek took them to a hill which looked easier to climb over than around and so they hiked upward following a well worn trail.

The view from the top of the bald hill showed them just how large their tail had grown. By James’s estimate, who over the last year had gotten pretty good at judging crowd size, their followers number around 4000 people!

When they reached the summit they stopped. Jesus said He should teach these people as He did those on the Mount of Beatitudes. So they stopped and set up camp. It was a beautiful sunny day, but no breeze to cool their hot cheeks and arms.

The people gathered around and as if told what to do, they set out their blankets and sat around Him. When they were all settled, Jesus found a natural rock-podium and said in His loud preaching voice, “It looks like our God has arranged for us to be here together.” He saw the people smile and nod in agreement. For the next three days and two nights, Jesus repeated what He had taught others about what His Father expects from them, about correct interpretation of the laws. Everyone was so mesmerized by His teachings that no one even thought of food or drink. In fact, the crowd who had left their homes in a rush to find Jesus hadn’t prepared for such a long journey. They brought no food or water. But that didn’t matter. The crowd was so fascinated by Jesus and His teachings it was as if they had become like a school of angels who needed no food or water. It was Jesus who, during a break said to Andrew  “This is the third day, and they have nothing to eat. If I send them away fasting, they will faint on the way.”

Andrew replied, “Where are we going to find enough food for all of these people out here?”

Jesus replied, “How much bread do we have?”

Andrew looked over at James and repeated, “James, how many loaves a bread do we have?”

James went over to where he laid the food satchel, looked in, counted, and shouted , “seven loaves.”

Jesus replied, “That’s good. Men, have everyone prepare the crowd to eat.”

The disciples disbursed themselves around the crowd and told them that before they go home, they would share a meal. He admonished the people to stay seated and be quiet.

It wasn’t until then that so many of the people even noticed how hungry they were. The crowd, filled with these teachings had been ushered into an awareness of God, the Creator of heaven and earth, that they had never before imagined. They seemed to have left their bodies behind and at the thought of food were gradually reentering them. They learned that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was a protective and loving Father, but also a Father who disciplines His children to make them fit for this dangerous world of decadence and demons. 

They were ready. The scene was set. Jesus lifted His eyes to the heavens and gave thanks for the food they had, the seven loaves of bread and some smoked fish that James pulled out from his satchel. After the prayer, Jesus had His disciples distribute the food from the baskets seven disciples each carrying a basket starting from the back forward, pass out bread and fish and return to Jesus for refills. Jesus was sitting on the large ledge, eating His own portion of bread and fish. As each man returned, Jesus stopped to refill the baskets. When everyone was fed, and disciple after disciple returned, He told him, “Sit and eat, here, I have plenty.”

The disciples formed their own group sitting in a circle. John couldn’t contain himself with his enthusiasm. “That was amazing wasn’t it?!” he exclaimed. “Your basket never got empty! It was like Your words and Your healings, there is no end to Your Wisdom and your ability my Lord!”

Jesus smiled a smile that was like a pat on John’s head. He wondered if John would ever take for granted what He showed him. Knowing that he never would was why Jesus loved the lad so much. His sense of awe and wonder were beautiful.

James sat nearby listening and munching on his own bread and fish. He was reminded of the time Jesus told them that He would feed them His own flesh and blood. He thought of how ethereal that would be, but likened it to the multiplication of the loaves and fish. So deep in thought, James couldn’t tell if he thought it or voiced it when he said, ‘This man is a bottomless well of Life.’

About an hour later, the mystical meal having ended, Jesus told His men to gather whatever was left and put it away for their journey back to Galilee. 

Then He stood up on the podium rock, and thanked the crowd for their attention, “Now go back and tell your people what you have learned. Go with God.”

In twos and threes the old and the young, the men and the women went up to Jesus to thank Him before departing. Many kissed His hand. Some hugged Him. Each person walked away with the sense that those days had been the highlight of his or her life and that he or she would forever be transformed, redirected. They had been given commands to be merciful, and generous, to focus their criticisms on self rather than in others. 

After the last person left, Jesus and His disciples headed out on their trek back to Galilee. Besides saving money, Peter was glad to be walking as it gave them space between each other to dive into their own spiritual development. They walked so much that without knowing each other’s thoughts, at one time or another the disciple, and Jesus were reminded of the Exodus. 

The long journey from the western shore, the land of foreigners, back to Galilee was an unusually quiet one. Day after day of walking reminded Phillip of the Exodus. He thought about how God led His people from slavery to freedom, and he wondered how that was different than their journey from Tyre where most people were ignorant of God any His desire to lead them to the knowledge of Himself. Phillip thought of how amazing it was that they could live with Jesus, the Son of God, here, on earth, in time. It was as if they were walking from ignorance to awareness, from darkness into light, from night into day as they returned to Judea. 

ALIVE: Chapter 140, Blood v. Faith

Jesus and His men functioned like a family with Jesus as the head of the household, everyone had his chores and everyone answered to Jesus as the Master of their house, as the parent they were to honor and obey. They were a family. Jesus, by His example taught not only with words, but most especially by His behavior, living a life of deep contemplation and prayer. The words He spoke in His teachings, whether healing or shocking, were sourced by the Source of everything, His Father.  He was bold and fearless because the breadth of His knowledge was beyond any other human. The disciples followed Jesus not just physically but in Spirit. They listened to all of His teachings, His Wisdom was contagious. His worship of God, His power over nature, especially the healings assured them that He must be who He said He was, and who the Voice said He was, that is, the Son of God. For Himself, Jesus in those days was initiating His role of being the Master not just of His family of disciples, but of the children of God, His Bride, the Ecclesia.

Soon, the days in Capernaum drew to a close and it was time for the journey to Tyre. Peter and Andrew managed to gather and sell enough fish to keep their family comfortable until they could return with enough money and smoked fish left for the trip. They were even able to take the caravan to Tyre. The men were all excited to go where they had never been before, to the great Mediterranean Sea. 

Jesus had His own reasons for wanting to go to Tyre and Sidon. He went as an emissary of His Father God to see with His own human eyes the cedars, cypresses, and stones like those sent to Jerusalem to build the House of God, the Temple, on earth. 

In the ancient days, Jesus had observed from heaven the transition from the Kingdom of David rife with war, intrigue, and turmoil to the reign of his son Solomon who would build God a house, a temple, on the site of Abraham’s sacrifice of his precious promise of a son, Isaac, the test of Abraham’s trust in God. The temple, this building, would establish God’s kingdom on earth, like planting a flag on the moon, to claim God’s physical presence and ownership of His creation. It was to be the place where Abraham’s children as many as the stars in the sky would gather to worship God and to be the evidence of the covenant fulfilled. The wood came from Tyre and Sidon as a precursor of the foreign nations that followed to be grafted onto the family of Abraham, in fulfillment of the covenant. 

“As for Me, this is My covenant with you. You shall be the ancestor of a multitude of nations.” Genesis17:4

The backstory.

From Tyre to Sidon by the sea the cedars grow tall and straight, exuding a fragrance that kisses the salty breeze as it wafts by and carries its sweet smell for miles around. King Hiram of Tyre had been a good friend of King David. When Solomon became king, Hiram sent his servants to visit Solomon and congratulate him. Solomon sent word back to Hiram “You know my father David could not build a house for the name of the Lord his God because of the warfare with which his enemies surrounded him. But now the Lord God has given me rest on every side; there is neither adversary nor misfortune. So I intend to build a house for the name of the Lord my God as He told my father David that I should do. So please, command that cedars from Lebanon be cut for me. My servants will join your servants, and I will give you whatever wages you set for your servants; for you know that there is no one among us who knows how to cut timber like the Sidoans.” 

Hiram enthusiastically agreed to cut down cedars and cypresses for Solomon for his Temple. Solomon traded food for the wood, and conscripted over thirty thousand of his own men into forced labor, ten thousand a month in shifts. One month in Lebanon and two months at home. Besides the woodsmen, there were stone cutters to cut stone for the Temple. It had been 480 years since the Jews came out of Egypt and centuries since Abraham was willing to sacrifice his most beloved son Isaac  on Mount Moriah.  

Jesus went to Tyre and Sidon to thank them symbolically for all they did to build the Temple to honor His Father, God. But also for another reason. 

The journey took two and a half days and three nights. When they wielded their way out of the coach, the men were glad to stretch their legs and walk around the city of Tyre and over to the sea. The air was thick and breezy and felt soothing as it ruffled their beards. John and Thomas built a fire on the shore while Peter and Andrew went to buy fruit. Jesus explored the town alone to escape the kind of inquisitive attention He got when surrounded by His men. During that exploration to find a solitary place to pray Jesus met a man, Faisal, who invited Him to visit his home. When He returned to camp, they enjoyed a delicious meal and set up their bedrolls for the night.

The next morning, when Jesus returned from His prayer time and found the camp packed up He announced that He was going to visit a new friend. “I don’t want to draw a lot of attention, so James and John come with me; others do whatever you want.”

Everyone was agreeable to the plan, in fact they relished the idea of going to the beach. Peter was interested in seeing fishermen to compare notes between fishing on the Galilee compared to the Mediterranean.

Nevertheless, it was impossible to be anonymous. The word about Jesus had spread, even as far as this foreign region. After meeting Jesus, the day before, Faisal had mentioned to his wife and a friend that he met the miracle worker who may be coming to visit. By the time Jesus, James and John arrived at Faisal’s home they found several people already waiting for the Jewish miracle worker. 

No sooner had Jesus walked in the door and was greeted by Faisal, a woman rushed up to Him and said, “My Lord! I have a daughter, a beautiful child who had been so joyful and precious to me, but in the last several months she changed, she will wake up in the night screaming in fear. She is never happy, she yells at me and torments me over everything. I’m afraid she has an unclean spirit. Please kind sir, please cast out the demon from her.” Then the exhausted tormented mother collapsed at His feet and began to weep repeatedly mumbling, “I want my daughter back.”

Jesus looked down at this woman and thought for a moment. She was obviously not Hebrew, but most likely Greek from her manner of speaking, perhaps even a Syrophoenician by the looks of her and her speech. This foreign woman was crouched down on the ground weeping and moaning, “Please, I beg of you please cast this demon out, only You can do this no one else. Please don’t let her and me continue to suffer the tyranny of this demon.”

This was an awkward situation. Jesus knew that He had travelled into this foreign territory in Lebanon, but for His own purposes. He did not come to heal, but rather to see the birthplace of the materials of the Temple. This was not their time, so as respectfully as He could present the cold truth Jesus said, “My dear woman, let the children be filled first, it isn’t right to take the children’s bread and cast it to the dogs.”

James heard Jesus say that and felt embarrassed. He knew that these people, in fact all of humankind who do not know the one true God, who obey Him as only the Jews know how, are as ignorant as animals. James thought that selecting a lovable dog obedient and kind was actually better than calling her an equally devoid animal like a snake or a rat, but still he thought that Jesus sounded harsh. He nearly held his breath while waiting to hear how the poor woman would respond. 

She pulled herself together and wiped her wet face with her hands, looked up while still crouching at His feet and in humility and desperation said, “Yes Lord; but even the dogs under the table eat of the children’s crumbs.”

When she said this Jesus saw that even without training in the law and obedience to the commandments and temple sacrifices, and following their holy traditions, she nevertheless had faith in His Father given to her by the Holy Spirit. With this human experience Jesus suddenly understood that the other reason to come to Tyre was to fulfill the covenant with Abraham that other nations would be grafted into his family. That from this woman would grow the fact that Abraham was indeed to become the father of many nations. Jesus smiled in His heart and welcomed this woman into the fold.

He said with compassion, “For saying that, go your way woman; the demon is gone out of your daughter.” She bowed down and sent a kiss to His feet. Then stood up gradually. Lifted her bowed head, then lifted it and wiped her newly wetted face again. Jesus saw her brightened and beautiful eyes. This woman knew in faith, that it was done and cried. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“Go! See your daughter and thank God!”

The woman turned and rushed home. When she arrived, she pushed the door open and heard, “Good morning mama. Where have you been? I’m hungry.”

“I’ll tell you later my dear. I have some eggs, would you like me to boil them, for you?”

Her whole house felt lighter and cleaner. She looked around with a full and happy heart and went right to work making breakfast for her purified daughter after saying, “Now get out of bed and get dressed!”

Back in Faisal’s home, no one knew about the exorcism of the woman’s daughter. They just saw the old lady rush out. Faisal served his guests hot tea and sweets. Jesus, James, and John, enjoyed the hospitality, and the chance to look inside this beautiful home by the sea. Other demands for healing were not made of Jesus. They stayed no more than two hours and excused themselves. Faisal was a gracious host and thanked Jesus for blessing his home with His presence. That evening, when Faisal and his wife were alone and resting after an eventful day, in contemplation Faisal felt as if an angel had been in his home. He felt warm and comfortable as if he were asleep, but also alert to reality. It was strange; he had never felt that sensation before, and indeed never felt it again for the rest of his life, but he could easily recall it when he wanted to, and that was good enough. 

Jesus, James, and John went to the center of town and found the rest of the disciples there. They decided to head north to Sidon and camp by the sea that night. The glorious setting sun cast red streaks in the sky, telling them it was time to set up camp before darkness set in. They knew the ropes. Each man had his job, look for the right place to set up; look for wood; start a fire, others pulled out the food that they packed and prepare a camping meal. 

The sound of rolling waves soothed them. Soon after supper they decided to get to sleep early for they would have a long walk up the coast to Sidon the next day. The men all woke up at sunrise and jumped into the sea to bathe. The sea felt cold but invigorating. They ate some of the figs and bread and packed up to continue their trek to Sidon, the borders of Decapolis being around them. 

When they arrived at the next village Jesus and His troupe, went to the center and looked around to get a feel for the place. Street vendors selling their their fruit and vegetables, a bread maker in his shop with an open door tending the oven, the aroma of fresh bread baking wafting through the air, children chasing each other laughing and screaming. A young man, Elias and his brother Joachim had just returned from Capernaum where they went to sell their ceramic vessels. They were talking with the shoemaker about what they missed while they were away, and about the weather when Elias looked over to see Jesus whom he had recognized from when he heard Him teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum and saw Him heal.

“Joachim look!” said Elias pointing to Jesus. “Isn’t that the healer we saw in Capernaum?”

Joachim stared for a few moments. “Yes! I’m sure it is, I recognize that tall man (meaning Peter) who was with Him.” 

“I’m sure it is. Let’s ask Him to heal Timothy!” The brothers had just left poor deaf Timothy and went back to look for him and grab him. Timothy was confused, but hoisted himself off the dusty ground. Joachim grabbed his arm and yanked him over. 

Timothy was deaf from birth and could hardly talk, but he was a hard worker and a kind man.

The friends, with Timothy in tow, finally reached Jesus who intuited that they were coming and stayed where He was. “Jesus, we saw you in Capernaum and know that you can heal, please heal Timothy here. He is deaf but a good man. Please lay your hands on him.” Begged Joachim.

Jesus said, “Come follow me.” Which of course they did with great curiosity. The disciples with Joachim, Elias and Timothy provided good cover for Jesus as he wielded His way through the small crowd and kept going to the outskirts of the village and beyond. About twenty minutes later Jesus stopped under a sycamore tree with a big wide cover. Elias pushed Timothy forward as everyone else stood back. 

Jesus looked into Timothy’s eyes with a comforting expression. He was looking at Timothy’s face expressing perplexity with a tinge of fear of the unknown. Then Jesus did something He had never done before, He placed each of His pointing fingers into Timothy’s ears and stood there for a few moments with His own eyes closed as if taking a reading of the internal workings. Then Jesus pulled His fingers out and worked up spittle in His mouth and spit onto on his right finger. With His left hand He held Timothy’s cheeks and opened His own mouth to show him what He wanted him to do. Timothy got the message and opened his mouth very wide. 

The men were mesmerized watching this operation. 

Jesus, with His right finger on Timothy’s tongue, His left hand on the man’s shoulder He looked up to heaven and made a deep loud sigh and then said, “Ephphatha!” (which means Be Opened!) 

Only Timothy knew immediately what had happened. It was a miracle. His ears popped as if opening, as if corks had suddenly popped out of a bottle of champagne. Timothy’s eyes opened as wide as they possibly could from the surprise of it. The surprise of hearing birds squawking overhead, of even hearing the breeze rifle through the leaves of the Sycamore tree that they were standing under shocked poor Timothy.

Then he spoke plainly, “My Lord! My God, thank you! I can hear! I can hear you! I can hear the birds!” Tears of joy spilled from his eyes and he hugged Jesus with a bear hug and he didn’t want ever to let go. Joachim and Elias were shocked to hear Timothy speak so clearly. Jesus held the man in His arms, rejoicing and thanking His Father. He felt Timothy’s joy in the core of His own heart. 

When the men finally released each other from their embrace, Jesus said. “Now that you can speak, please don’t tell anyone anyone.” Then they all chuckled, knowing that it would be obvious to all that a life altering miracle happened for poor Timothy. 

Joachim and Elias were overwhelmed with amazement, they too chuckled at that great Jewish sense of humor. Joachim said through his broad smile, “He has done everything well. He even makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.”

Peter asked, “Well where do you want to go from here?”

Because Jesus really didn’t want to attract a crowd, He replied. “lets continue north to Sidon and let Timothy and his friends go back home,” and He looked at the three men and added, “okay?”

Timothy said, “I can’t promise that I won’t tell anyone, because I won’t be able to stop talking, so Lord, if You don’t want the attention, You should go on, but I will thank God for my healing every day of my life. My new life. 

Jesus smiled and said, “Okay, but no more hugs.”

The disciples all shook hands with the three and said goodbye. Then the two groups split off with Jesus and His disciples going further into Lebanon by the sea. 

ALIVE: Chapter 139, Interpretations Right and Wrong

Even though it was only about the 9th hour, it felt to all the disciples that It had been a long day, and everyone was exhausted. After all, they had that frightful experience on the sea the night before, and the strange morning in the synagogue. Jesus sensed that His men, being only men needed to rest and decompress. After the meal that Peter’s wife and her mother set before them, hummus, falafel, fresh figs and oranges,  they didn’t dare leave the house to be approached by either friend or foe. 

Instead they made plans. Where to go from here?

“Let’s stay in Capernaum for a few more days,” said Peter, “so I can attend to our boats (and my poor wife).”  Andrew agreed, echoed by a few more okays. Mom and the wife overheard and wondered if they should be glad or not.

Jesus quietly listened to His men. 

Bartholomew asked, “Can we go to the sea? I’ve never seen the big sea in the west (the Mediterranean)?” 

Jesus smiled because that was His plan all along, and He was happy that Bartholomew was so close to Him, that he intuited His plan. He said, “Sure, why not. Let’s go to the region between Tyre and Sidon. We will leave after the Sabbath.”

The plan was set. They would spend a few more days in Capernaum, resting and gather supplies. There were a few synagogues they could return to, heal people, then take off after the Sabbath and head northwest. The rest of the day, the men helped the women with whatever they needed, cleaned their clothes and bodies, and rested peacefully. Jesus truly enjoyed the companionship of His men, and the hospitality of Peter’s wife and her mother who were both gentle women, generous, easy going, and good cooks, like His mother.

The next day Jesus and James walked over to another synagogue, the one with the lovely garden a block from the cemetery, not too far from Peter’s house. Capernaum was a fairly large town, but Jesus and His men were there so often that the people were used to them. The crowds that had gathered around Peter’s house in the early days were now a slew of familiar faces, and of friends. Those not in need of miraculous healing went about their business as if Jesus was just another itinerant rabbi. Jesus liked that about Capernaum, there was more freedom there than when they went to new places and were mobbed. Capernaum was home, familiarity and rest. Everywhere else they went, they felt like Jesus was a drop of honey on a leaf attracting hundreds of ants. 

Rabbis in every town looked out for Jesus and His disciples, wondering when their own village or town might be visited. Some wanted Jesus to come and inspire the people, and of course heal those in need, and others hoped He would never come and disturb the sleepy equilibrium of the place. 

If one wanted to find Jesus, it was hard to do, because He moved around so much. Nevertheless, three Pharisees and three scribes were determined to speak to Him. They left Jerusalem and headed to faraway Capernaum specifically hoping to find Him since they heard that He frequently went there. In fact, they were so determined that they left with enough supplies to wait until He returned if they had to. These were sincere men of God who had heard about Jesus, but were confused by Him. He could heal and teach, but He transgressed the Law and criticized the Pharisees. He also made wild claims. They wanted to interrogate Him for themselves rather than sheepishly hate Him as their colleagues did.

When they finally arrived by coach in Capernaum, they headed for the largest Synagogue. Ira, the eldest Pharisee became their spokesman. He led the troop into the synagogue, heads held high, because after all, they came from the City of David, which gave them stature. 

As they walked up the stairs to the entrance they spotted a boy sweeping the steps several meters to their right. Convenient as it might have been, Ira passed the boy to find someone else. Inside the dark candlelit building there were only a few old men in prayer as it was not yet time for services. The rabbi came out of the altar and spotted the distinguished looking foreigners so he walked over and asked them if he could help.

Ira spoke up, “We have come from Jerusalem looking for the Man Jesus. Is He in town? Does He live here?” All five men slightly held their breathes waiting for the answer. 

The rabbi said, “You are in luck gentlemen. Jesus is at the house of Peter the fisherman.” Then the rabbi called a boy, “Hey boy, come here. Take these men to Peter’s house.

“Yes sir. Come, follow me.” said the boy, happy to have an errand to do. He felt proud to know something that the Pharisees with their elegant clothes did not know. 

When they arrived at the house, the boy pointed to it, “That’s Peter’s house!” he said proudly.

“Thank you.” replied Ira and then the boy nodded, turned and ran back for another task. 

The Pharisees and scribes climbed the stairs, and Ira in the lead knocked hard three times on the wooden door.

Judas opened the door. 

“Is Jesus here?”

“Yes, He is.” replied Judas.

Ira said, “We have come all the way from Jerusalem and just arrived today to ask Him some questions. May we see Him?”

“Wait here.” Judas shut the door on them gently and went in to tell everyone about the visitors.

Jesus said to Peter, “If it is alright with you I will see them, do you want Me to go out?” 

“No, that’s fine, let them come in; I suppose we can squeeze five more people in this house.” replied Peter; Jesus nodded. 

Judas went back and opened the door for the visitors and welcomed them into the crowded house. Several of the disciples politely stood to give their seats to the guests.

Ira remained standing while the others gratefully accepted the seats.

Jesus held out His hand to Ira and welcomed him to Capernaum. “You have come a long way, what you have to ask must be important.”

“Yes, we are glad to have found You here. We were preparing for a long wait. I ask you these questions in all sincerity because You puzzle me.”

Jesus said, “Ask.”

Ira cleared his throat and mustered up the gumption to ask, because suddenly, being in the presence of Jesus felt intimidating. He never expected that; just being near Jesus in such close quarters sent chills up his spine. He sensed something that was unfamiliar and powerful, even frightening about that Man.

Jesus patiently waited for Ira to get to the point.

Ira started, trying hard to sound curious and not arrogant. Ira  cleared his throat, (a gesture not unlike holding his nose closed before jumping off a boat into the sea), “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? I have been told that they don’t wash their hands before they eat bread?” Hearing himself, Ira instantly felt smaller.

Without hesitation Jesus replied, Why do you also transgress the commandment of God on account of third-hand traditions told to you instead of going to the source? Didn’t you learn that God said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’ Do you all do that?”

Ira’s eyes looked downward. Jesus stated the commandment right away, “Whoever speaks disrespectfully to either his father or mother, let that person be put to death.” 

Silent gasps vibrated the air, so that even the angels shivered. 

“But you all pervert that, and say ‘he that speaks evil [increasing the violation from simple disrespect to cruelty] of father or mother, let him die the death.” Jesus scanned faces and bowed heads of the disciples and visitors around Him to see who felt guilty and who was hardened to a sense of guilt by his ego. Only a few simple hearts among the group treated their mother and father as king and queen of their home and innocently assumed everyone else did as well. 

Jesus continued to clarify what He meant, lest anyone of the hard hearts quickly continue to toss this law aside. “But you say the commandment infers that, ‘Whosoever says to his father or his mother (with a distinct emphasis on mother, knowing that so many young men will honor their big gruff fathers while treating their mothers as beneath them, even from childhood)  ‘Whatever I owe you, I will give to God instead, taking away from your mother and father the honor you owe them. So you take for yourself the honor because of hubris, that God told you to give to them, and you void the commandment of God. Your excuse is that it’s tradition!

“You HYPOCRITES! Isaiah was right when he prophesied concerning you by saying, 

These people honor Me with their lips;
But their hearts are far from Me.

They worship Me in vain,

Their teachings are just rules made by men.

And YOU criticize us for not washing our hands, when your hearts are filthy?”

Jesus felt that He had said enough. He was tired and said to the guests, “I will be speaking in the synagogue tomorrow. If you don’t  mind, can we talk again then?” He didn’t given them so much as an inch opening to say no, but rather wanted them to leave and contemplate what He just told them. More hyper-critical Pharisees. 

Andrew and Peter took the cue, stood up and thanked the men for the visit and said they looked forward to seeing them in town again while ushering them to the door. 

Everyone dispersed. The sun set. Disciples gravitated to their bedrolls, Jesus to the bed He was given and fell into a deep sleep where His Father could continue to guide and instruct Him. 

The Pharisees and scribes went back out into the streets of Capernaum to look for a place to stay, rather glad that it wasn’t too dark yet. Without saying another word, Ira marched his companions over to the synagogue to tell the rabbi that they were coming to stay at his house.  

The next day Jesus and His men walked over to the big  synagogue where He knew the Pharisees and Scribes would be. But instead of going inside He went to the nearby garden and called attention to Himself so a multitude of people would gather around. Ira and the other two pharisees and their scribes saw the crowd with Jesus in the center and joined them. Jesus spotted them approaching and said in a clear loud tone for them to hear, “Listen to Me and understand what I am about to tell you, It is NOT what you eat that will pollute your soul.” Then He paused to given His audience a few moments to remember all the dietary laws about not eating animal meat with its blood, about dairy products, about pork. 

Then He said, “What poisons your soul and will send you far away from the protection and guidance of God are the words that  proceed out of your mouth!” 

The people in the crowd, including the distinguished visitors from Jerusalem began muttering among themselves. “Did this rabbi just tell us that it’s acceptable to eat the meat of swine? Is He insane?”

Judas who was offended as well went over to Jesus and said, “You realize that You just offended the Pharisees when they heard you say that, don’t you?” Judas was embarrassed, for himself to be associated with what he considered to be a rebellious statement. Who could violate the dietary laws with a good conscience?”

The people closest to Jesus overheard Judas and waited to hear how Jesus would reply. 

Jesus answered Judas, “Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be yanked out of the earth by its roots. Let them alone: they are blind guides. And if the blind guide the blind, both shall fall into a pit.”

Peter said to try to tone down the highly charged situation,  “Jesus, why don’t you explain this in one of your parables?” 

Jesus replied to Peter,  “Don’t you even understand? It’s so simple, no need for a parable. Whatever you eat, whatever goes into your mouth passes into your belly, and is expelled. Right?”

Peter nodded in embarrassment. Jesus continued looking straight at Peter this time, “But what you say comes from the heart, and those words define who you are. Out of the heart come forth evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, railings: These are the things which not only define you, but by your words you curse yourself.” Then Jesus chuckled under His breath at the absurdity and added, “But to eat with unwashed hands doesn’t define you, it may simply make you sick. The ceremony, the law, is for hygiene, not judgement.”

As Jesus spoke, more layers of people gathered around Him.  Even though the Caperniums were used to Jesus, they were always interested in His odd teachings. 

Speaking directly to the Pharisees and Scribes, albeit via the crowd, Jesus bellowed, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, (He said with his eye on Ira) you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Ira wondered how Jesus could so strongly defend the law and still heal on the Sabbath and not ceremonially wash his hands. Even with his fancy clothes and his commanding tone of voice, Ira sensed the disconnect between himself, with his stature and rules, and this young vagabond Jesus with His seemingly intuitive understanding, or rather His perfect interpretation of the law. Scholars spent their entire lives, three score years and ten discussing the meaning of laws, and this young man, poorly educated, minutes past childhood, somehow has the confidence to propound the wisdom of the ages. It just didn’t make sense. Then a frightening thought entered Ira’s mind, ‘Will I be able to enter the kingdom of heaven?’ 

These were the thoughts that whirled around Ira’s mind, along with the one where he wondered if they accomplished their mission because he was still confused by Jesus, but in a different way. Now Ira wondered whether he and his colleagues could be very wrong about what the law actually says and about Jesus. Nevertheless, Ira decided that they would return to Jerusalem. 

ALIVE: Chapter 138, The First Glimpse of the Mystical Birth

Hearing Jesus say aloud that one of His disciples was evil and would betray Him, Peter, John, Judas, James and the rest decided not to continue the conversation in public. It was too embarrassing, and too confusing.  Levi, Eli, Joel and Isabel were also surprised and embarrassed hearing of such a personal rift in the ranks. Jesus had nothing more to say, so the rabbi, taking the cue, directed the attention of the congregation to himself and began the worship service reciting the psalm of David, “Have mercy upon me o’ Lord according to Thy great mercy, according the multitude of Thy tender mercies pardon my iniquity, for my sin is always before you…” The rabbi wisely followed Jesus’ outrageous statements with that powerful psalm that David wrote in his darkest hour when Nathan exposed the horrible truth that he killed Uriah the Hittite after impregnating his wife Bathsheba. Adultery was a major sin, even then. Only David was so filled with passion for Bathsheba that he couldn’t help himself. To cover up his adultery, David tried more than once to send Uriah home to sleep with his wife and cover David’s sin.  Uriah, in his loyalty refused to leave his king and his post. What choice did David have but to rid himself of the faithful soldier and marry pregnant Bathsheba? All of that drama passed through the rabbi’s mind and the minds of most of the people, some who were praying it aloud and others who were just listening to the rabbi, ‘…According the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my iniquity, wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin, for I acknowledge my iniquity and my sin is always before me …” Every one of them, including the rabbi had his or her own sins to remember with which to identify this intense remorse, appropriating the heart of David as a guide.

So immersed had the congregation become in the prayers and worship that they soon let go of the concepts that Jesus told them about His Body and His Blood as food and drink, about eternal life and, and about His betrayer. Two hours later the service ended. Jesus and the whole congregation quickly dispersed for their work or their afternoon naps, not paying attention to Jesus as they went their separate ways. Many of the people in the synagogue walked past Jesus without even a greeting, so embarrassed were they by the strange things He said, that He was manna that God sent from heaven. Who has ever heard such statements in all of Judea and the Galilee? Nothing in the Torah spoke of eating a man’s body. On top of that, the Healer and the Teacher said in public that one of His disciples was evil. These words, all of them were shocking and embarrassing to hear within the temple. They saw no miracles or healing that day, only did they hear outrageous statements. “Who was that Man?”

And yet, those people who had eaten the bread and fish and listened to Jesus teach them for two days were not offended. Instead, they squirreled away those words like acorns for a deep snowy winter when there would be no other food for contemplation and prayer. These new disciples refused to be shaken loose by what was most likely the Truth. 

Jesus and His disciples filed out of the synagogue with the rest and walked back to Peter’s house. Levi and the others from the Mount followed them from a distance, but when Jesus  entered the house, they knew not to go in. The four of them went off to get to know each other and talk about how the experience from the multiplication of loaves and fishes to the teachings, and this last session at the synagogue in Capernaum changed their lives forever. Little did they know that not only their lives, but also changed was the history of humankind on planet earth.

As he walked away from Peter’s house with his new friends Eli thought deeply about Jesus’s body being the bread of eternal life. Had he not seen and eaten the bread that Jesus fed them, the unlimited amount of bread that He had produced, he wouldn’t have a clue about what Jesus had just said. 

When they were back there on the Mount Eli had been in the front of the sitting mass of people. With his own eyes he watched as the bread and fish kept appearing so that the basket was never empty until everyone had been fed. He even watched as Jesus passed the food to His disciples and also ate of the bread and fish. Eli remembered how then he was reminded of the pelican who feeds her newborn from her own body when there is nothing else to eat. “But why should that be strange?” thought Eli, “what of the mammal whose mother feeds her young from her milk until the child can walk and talk and feed itself. Until it can be fully independent.”

Eli was on a roll, thoroughly enjoying his thoughts whether they originated from his own mind or were sent by an angel, once they came into his mind the thoughts enticed his full attention like the aroma of a savory stew.. 

Eli thought on, “Just as a father gives His sperm to form a new person, and a mother feeds the newborn of her own blood and then feeds the newborn and infant her breast milk, to be nourished for physical existence, so is it not so outrageous to be given mystical food and drink for a heavenly eternal life? If this Man is really sent from God, as He says He is, to form other children of God His Father, then it makes perfect sense that He would have to feed of Himself both His flesh, and His blood. By doing this, God on earth is both Father and Mother of children that are fully physical and fully spiritual. Jesus was erasing lines between heaven and earth.”

After a long silence Levi said, “What are you thinking about? Say something.”

Eli responded, “I’m not ready to say. Maybe later.”

Back at the house, with the door to the world shut tightly behind them, Simon Peter’s wife and her mother were busy in the kitchen cooking for them, Thomas boldly voiced what everyone had been thinking. 

“Jesus, what were You talking about, that You are the bread of Life? I don’t understand that. I know there will be an after-life, but what You said sounded absurd. I believe that You came from God, that is obvious but how can You feed us Your flesh and blood?  Please explain. We know you are a healer, but…”

Peter interrupted, “And a miracle worker. I mean, how on earth did you walk on water! You nearly gave me a heart attack watching you!” 

Jesus replied, “I will explain it to you some day soon. Until then, if you want to follow Me, trust 

Me. It will all make perfect sense to you someday. For now, walk in the darkness, out of such darkness and the void I came into the world to illuminate the world.”

Judas was glad that no one mentioned the betrayer again. 

At that moment Peter’s wife entered the room to announce that lunch was ready.

ALIVE: Chapter 137, Hard to Hear

In the morning Levi and Eli, with the rest arrived in Capernaum, disembarked the boat and walked into the town square where the two men spotted Jesus who they sought walking into the synagogue followed by His disciples. Eli flashed Levi a surprised expression that said, ‘There He is! How did He get here?‘ Levi shrugged his shoulders and said aloud, “He must have been in the boat with the disciples after all. He could not have walked here [in such a short time.]” 

Eli said, “I am sure that He didn’t get into the boat. I was watching every minute.  Look there are two of His disciples, let’s just ask them.” Levi replied,  “Stop. It doesn’t matter how Jesus got here, I’m just glad we found Him so soon!” The two men entered the crowded synagogue. Still curious, Eli spotted Peter and wormed his way over to him with Levi at his heels. 

When they were close, Eli tapped Peter on the shoulder. Levi was looking around the crowded room for Jesus above all the heads. Peter turned to see who tapped him.

“Excuse me,” said Eli. “Hello. Yesterday, Levi here, and I were there at the mount and last night I went down to the lake after you; we saw you get into your boat, but without Jesus. We did not see Jesus get in the boat. How did He get here so soon? Was He hiding in the boat before you all got in? We’re just curious.”

Peter pulled the two men out of the crowd with a jerk of his head and they followed him out of the synagogue. Before he started to speak to them Simon Peter thought for a moment whether to tell them what He saw. A voice in his heart said, ‘Yes, tell it’, Peter said, “You’re right. Jesus was not in the boat. We got in without Him because it was late and we had to escape the throng. We figured that He had already started walking and that Jesus would meet us in Capernaum eventually. We went several miles and then it became windy. Thank God for the stars that gave us a little light. The winds blew harder and harder, and it was still dark, when all of a sudden we saw Jesus walking on the water towards us! At first I couldn’t believe my eyes. I thought it was a ghost or a vision. But through the splashing waves, I saw Him! Jesus was walking on the water as if He was on dry ground!” 

“NO!!” Gasped Levi. Eli was stunned into silence. 

“Seriously, you don’t have to believe me, but it’s true, as God is my witness. That is exactly what happened. The closer He came, the more I had to believe it was real. He reached and I bent over, afraid I would fall into the turbulent sea because the boat was rocking so much, I reached for Him and grasped His hand and pulled Him into the boat. No sooner was He in the boat than we reached the shore! As God is my witness. We went to my house last night and slept there. This morning, when I woke up, He was already up and told us to go to the synagogue with Him and here we are! I haven’t even had time to digest all that.  This man is superhuman, I tell you. There is no one born of woman like Him. Come, let’s go back in and hear what He has to say now. He never ceases to surprise me.” Peter’s admiration of Jesus exuded a big smile. “Come, let’s go back inside.”

Levi and Eli nodded heartily and followed Peter into the crowded synagogue. 

Meanwhile, Eli and Levi were not the only ones from the mount who had taken the boat to Capernaum in search of Jesus.  Isabel and her husband Joel also followed Jesus into the synagogue. They managed to reach Him and tapped Jesus to get His attention and asked him, “Rabbi, when did you get here?” 

Jesus recognized them and answered, “I tell you the truth, you are looking for Me, not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill, Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the son of Man will give you. On Him God the Father has placed His seal of approval.”

Joel asked, “How do we do the work of God?”

Jesus answered, “Simple, the work of God is this, to believe in the One whom He has sent.”  clearly referring to Himself. 

Isabel added, as if she had already forgotten how two days earlier Jesus fed them by miraculously multiplying bread and fish. “What miraculous sign will You give us that we may see and believe You? Our fathers ate manna in the desert, as it is written: He gave them bread from heaven to eat.” She was still fixed on eating. 

Jesus looked into Isabel’s eyes with a look that pierced her heart. He had the look of a frustrated but tolerant parent with a teenager who should know better.  Deciding to stay with the theme of eating food, He said,  “I tell you the truth it was not Moses who had given you the bread from heaven, but it is My Father for the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”

Isabel lowered her eyes in humility. “Sir,” she replied, “from now on, give us this bread.”

At this point, several people, including Eli and Levi overheard the conversation between Joel, Isabel and Jesus, as did others who realized that it was The Miracle Worker who was in the synagogue with them that morning. Soon, Jesus was at the nucleus of nearly an hundred curious people. Even the rabbi of the synagogue gave up trying to preach and paused to listen. 

Jesus, aware of His audience, declared loud enough for all to hear, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never grow hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty.” The thick warm air sent the sound of murmurs and quiet gasps around the room. The rabbi didn’t know what to say to stop that kind of blasphemous talk, but he didn’t have the strength to silence Jesus. His congregation was mesmerized by Him. 

Jesus continued, “But I have told you, you have seen Me and still you do not believe Me. All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and whoever comes to Me, I will never drive away for I have come down from heaven not to do My will, but the will of Him who sent Me. And this is the will of Him Who sent Me, that I shall NOT lose one of all that He has given Me, but raise them up at the last day.”

Tears spilled out of Isabel’s eyes, and not just hers. These words, as shocking and bold as they were, comforted her. It was being handed a long and warm fur coat on a freezing desert night. Such security she had never experienced, even in her imagination. And this Man spoke with such assurance and authority.  She was a sandy desert being rained upon. Joel felt that way too, but without the tears to show for it.

Jesus had much more to say. He knew that several of these people were from the mount, and some of the locals in the synagogue that day were able to hear, while others were not. Nevertheless, He boldly said, “For My father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For My Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”

Zeke who was raised in Nazareth snickered and murmured to everyone around him after Jesus said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.” since he knew that he was the son of Joseph the carpenter over in Nazareth, and Zeke knew His mother Mary. Zeke said aloud for everyone to hear, “I know His parents, so how can He say that He came down from heaven?”

Jesus turned His head and boldly flashed Zeke a defiant authoritative glance and said, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him. And I will raise him (perhaps not you Zeke) up on the last day. It is written in the Prophets. They will all be taught by God. Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from Him comes to Me.” Jesus knew that not everyone in the crowd was called by His Father, but He continued to speak to them all.  

“No one has seen the Father except the One who is from God; only He has seen the Father. I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life.” To people who came to the synagogue regularly, who had worshipped God from the cradle, these words were shocking, hearing someone refer to the almighty Creator, the God of Abraham and Moses with such familiarity, it was like Moses descending Mount Sinai with the Tablets of Commandments in his hands. So many of the people were mesmerized, that even the naysayers like Zeke didn’t have the gumption to debate Him. Then came the most unusual and alarming statement anyone on planet earth, man or beast, had ever heard, since the serpent lied to Eve.  

Jesus declared again, “I AM the bread of life. Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert and they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, of which a man may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If a man eats of this bread, he will live forever.” Jesus paused to give His audience time (believers and non believers alike) to digest what He had to say. How easy it would have been for Jesus not to say this. How comfortable it would have been to stop and leave the people with a metaphor. But that omission would have been dishonest and worse, it would have been weak. The truth is shocking but it was also healing and life-giving. It was with the same power that healed lepers and gave sight to the blind that prevented Jesus from making His statement more palatable. 

Jesus declared with the voice of a trumpet, “This bread is my flesh, which I give for the life of the world.”

At that pronouncement cascading gasps resounded throughout the walls of the synagogue. Shouts and one person tore his shirt from revulsion. The rabbi closed his eyes tightly hoping God would tell him what to do. He was paralyzed by confusion. 

Zeke sprayed this shout around the room, “How can this Man give us His flesh to eat?” 

Jesus said to him matter-of-factly,  “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My for flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in Me, and I in him.”

Zeke stormed out of the synagogue pushing away everyone in his path. The rabbi saw him and wanted desperately to follow. 

Hearing that, even James leaned over to his step-brother, elbowed him and said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?” A few other disciples standing behind James nodded.

Jesus, looked askance in response to James as only a brother could, and hearing in the background the murmur of widespread grumbling Jesus brashly said to him, “Does this offend you? What if you see the Son of Man ascend to heaven where He was before!” James’ emitted a grunt of exasperation salted with confusion and a little concern but he wasn’t sure if he was more concerned for himself or for his young step-brother. 

Jesus continued loudly, “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.” Then turning to His left and right, to the crowd projecting His voice even more He said,  “Yet some of you do not believe.” Jesus knew which of them did not believe and who would soon be yelling ‘Crucify Him, Crucify Him!’ “This is why I told you that no one can come to Me unless it has been given to him by the Father. [to believe.]’

At this point many of some disciples followed Zeke out of the synagogue and out of Capernaum. They didn’t even say good bye. 

Watching them walk away, Jesus turned to the remaining twelve and said, “Do you want to leave too?”

Peter answered for them, “To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that You are the Holy One of God.” Jesus looked over at Levi and Eli, and Joel and Isabel who nodded in agreement. 

Jesus said to them and to his disciples, “Have I not chosen you, the twelve? Yet one of you is evil. Judas Iscariot who was to betray Him.

ALIVE: Chapter 136, The University of Jesus the Christ

To have been on that grassy mount, to have eaten the mystical bread and fish, to have heard Jesus teach lessons that formed the souls of His followers for centuries after centuries through wars, and earthquakes, through years of brilliant inventions, through the Dark Ages and the Renaissance and yet nothing that happened since that day could benefit mankind more than these teachings. They say that nothing lasts, but these lessons lasted and will last. Pilgrims came for healing, for curiosity, to see a miracle and they left as gardens of rich soil that Jesus tilled and into which He planted potent seeds. Seeds of fruit to heal humanity through the ages.

There was still more to say, Jesus spoke faster to beat the falling sun that He and His Father created. Jesus is the Light of the world, begotten of the Father before all ages. The first light of that timeless day extinguished the darkness and filled the void until the fourth day when the sun and moon replaced it to perform their essential functions in the newly created heaven for the newly created earth. Tomorrow, at high noon look at the sun, thank God for it, but wonder how much greater was the first light and how this natural star betrayed that Light by supplanting it, by leading humanity to think the untruth that the sun is the only source of light. The fourth day, Wednesday, is twice the day of a great betrayal. 

In a clear, strong, authoritative voice Jesus bellowed for all to hear, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits.” Hitler promised relief which explains why so many people followed him, served him, and gladly hailed him. Yet, he produced more death and suffering than earthquake or tsunami. 

And now for the purpose of it all. Destiny. Only Jesus held within His soul the clear vision of eternal life and what that will be like and why it was so important to prepare the people to go through this murky dangerous world in such a way that honed by battle with faith they will emerge victorious and enter the new universe, the new earth where we will look up in awe to see a new heaven. This is the point of it all. 

He was doing His Father’s work. This unique God-Man was illuminating the path to the Kingdom of God. He was forming children of God, born not by blood, nor by flesh, nor of the will of man but of God, but formed they needed to be. Everything in the new world is so perfect, so right, that there will be no corruption of perfection as on this planet which is perfectly formed and yet corrupted by evil, hubris, enmity, and deception by the work of demonic forces that find ready souls. Here on this grassy mount Jesus first gave voice to words as powerful and as practical as the sun is to earth. 

The crowd, to the person, was mesmerized by His teachings. And then came the hammer. Self deception. 

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?’ Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.’ 

Seth thought about the many times he was wrong and had to self-correct.  He wondered how it was possible to be sure he was doing the will of God, and not of himself. Perhaps Jesus will explain. 

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell—and great was its fall!” 

 To emphasize what He said, a long silence ensued. The words, “..and great was its fall” echoed in the minds of the people, and visions of what such a fall would look like accompanied the echo. A house destroyed by a tsunami and winds. My house. My home, where  I sleep and eat, the place that shelters me from the world, my refuge, my comfort. What a frightful event! What a catastrophe! Why did that happen again? …Not acting on the words we just heard. Seth was shaken to the core. It wasn’t good enough to hear as he had been doing. This Man was not singing a lovely melody or reciting a ethnically poem, He was projecting a spotlight on a narrow path on the side of a steep and rocky mountain,and insisting, not suggesting, but insisting that his audience start hiking it. 

After a prolonged and frightful silence, it became evident that Jesus chose to end His teaching with the warning. He was finished. The crowd was astounded at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as their scribes. Seth thought to himself, ‘I only hope I can remember it all.’

Jesus broke His silence by announcing, “I am finished. Now return to your villages, towns and homes. Tell your friends and families what you learned here, and what you saw (meaning the multiplication of the loaves and fish.) By all means DO what I have told you. ACT so that your neighbors see the change in you. Live righteous lives. Pray with faith unshakeable. 

Eli stood up and announced boldly pointing to Jesus, “Surely this is the prophet who is come into the world, the Messiah.” He looked around and noticed some people who heard him. They smiled and nodded in agreement, their faces beaming. They looked at Jesus and echoed, “the Messiah.”

Jesus turned around and walked over to a nearby ledge and sat down while the crowd was dispersing. His disciples knew to gather round Him to create a barrier for Him from the crowd that would have trampled Him. He was clearly drained as if rivers of living water had poured out of Him. He was satisfied. Jesus knew that giving sight to a blind man, or purifying a leper mainly helped that one person. Yes others who believe that happened would be impressed and believe in Him, but the teaching! The teachings of this very day will heal millions through the ages. And all whose lives are righted like a flipped canoe and live in the light, and contribute to a peaceful loving world because of His teachings, these millions will all have first hand experience of psychological healing. To each and every one who heeds these teachings Jesus gives life and life abundant. 

Of the five thousand people most departed albeit reluctantly, leaving the powerful scene to descend the mount of their transformation. They had come sick and needy and left in an aura of peace, wisdom and enthusiasm. 

The remnant of the crowd, seeing the miracle of the loaves and fishes, the healings, and hearing the profound teachings intended to come and make Him king by force. Knowing their intent, shielded by the disciples, Jesus discreetly slipped away in the midst of the hubbub, and escaped into the hills by Himself. 

The people who remained after the others left, those who wanted to keep Jesus by force and make Him king, looked around wondering how He disappeared. They asked each other where He went, but no one saw Him leave. 

Eventually two women saw some of His disciples departing and they followed them back down the the mount, and others saw the women following and then the rest of the crowd followed them expecting that Jesus would turn up to rejoin His men. Feeling disappointed and bereft because they wanted to cling to the Person, whereas Jesus wanted them to cling to the teachings. Jesus knew that his personhood could do no more good for these people if they didn’t do what He told them. And yet they still were desperate to find Him so they followed the disciples down to the lake. 

Andrew said, “Listen, Jesus will probably meet us in Capernaum, but if we walk there this crowd will follow us all the way, so Peter let’s take our boat and go by sea. They can’t follow us then.”

Peter replied, “Good idea. Let’s go.” And the disciples walked closely together with the crowd following at their heels. 

Jonah and three other men ran and caught up with Thomas when they recognized him as a disciple and tapped him on the shoulder. “Where is He? Where did the Master go, we want Him. We need Him to lead us.”

Thomas answered, “We know as much as you do. Go back to your homes and live as He told you! Go!” 

The disciples managed to reach the boat. As it was evening, the boat was docked for the night and available. With Peter at the helm they pushed off. The crowd, having no boats could not follow which was a great relief to the disciples. 

His disciples, knowing too that Jesus would turn up rowed toward Capernaum, which was not very far. 

By now it was dark, and the shore could not be seen.  A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough. When they had rowed three or four miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water and they were terrified. But He said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid.” So Peter called to Him to come into his boat and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading. 

The next day the rest of people who had descended the mount and gone to the fishing village where they first saw Jesus realized that the boat, the one Jesus had used before to escape them and from which He had been planning to lead them up the mount, that boat was gone. Levi asked Eli who he recognized from the mount if he saw Jesus get into the boat that was there. Eli explained, “We were fervently trying to find him and so yesterday evening we followed his disciples to the shore, but He wasn’t with them. We saw only his men push on in their boat without him. We think He went to Capernaum so we plan to walk there this morning. 

Then three boats from Tiberius arrived at the dock to pick up supplies and food. Levi and Eli asked the captain of one boat where they were going and when He replied Capernaum, and several people behind him heard that, they asked if they could go with them, willing to pay for their transport. Several people boarded the three boats, and after the captains were ready, the three boats from Tiberius and about thirty of the people from the mount headed for Capernaum by sea. Of the rest, some walked and the others heeded what Jesus asked of them and went back to their own towns and villages full of awe and wisdom.

ALIVE: Chapter135, Manna in Words

By now many hours had passed for the five thousand people, men, women and children, young and old, like a small cosmos who continued to sit on blankets on the grassy earth fixed on every word delivered by the young Master.  They had learned so much already. Some wondered if they could retain this wealth of information. Twenty five year old Ruben felt as if he was riding on a shooting star through the universe seeing the world around him in a new way. The lessons were so profound yet so exhilarating at the same time. He wanted to be in that moment for a long time, but the sun never paused its descent behind the mountains. It was the ninth hour and there was still so much Jesus wanted to teach this unique crowd, His graduate students. Their bodies were squirming around looking for different positions. It was hard for these people who were used to moving all day long to sit still for so long. Stomachs growled, but the experience was obviously so precious that no one, not one person wanted it ever to be over. This wise young Man was telling them the secrets of a successful life. How did He know all this? The elderly were particularly surprised that such a young man could have gained so much wisdom.

In those days, without paper and pencil, without libraries, these people naturally knew how to listen and remember precisely what they heard. Passing knowledge from person to person, teaching and learning by listening and retelling was primarily how knowledge was broadcast through time and space. Jesus knew that each person, young and old, of the five thousand was chosen for his and her ability to remember what was heard. When we read, even this book, we quickly abandon the words knowing that the book will be there holding the words forever, so we only retain a fraction. We know where to go back and find it, maybe. The mind can do so much more, we have grown to use less and less of our amazing brains as generations introduce more and more facilitators and distractions. 

With every passing hour Jesus loved this group more and more.  They had become one community from disparate places of the region. Like fellow pilgrims that they were, this shared experience cemented their relationship to each other as well as to the Master.  These lessons were vitamins nourishing their souls. As the hours went by each person in his or her own way sensed an inner transformation so that he or she thought it appropriate to leave with a new name. Hadji-meaning I was on that unique journey to Galilee and the grassy mount. 

 Jesus continued, determined to convey as much as time permitted to teach them, because He knew that they would have to disperse. But He also knew that these teachings had the power to heal the sick and broken hearted and to illuminate for them the path to eternal life. This was not good advice to be considered among many choices, Jesus was pointing to the luminous trail to His Father’s celestial kingdom. 

 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Eli thought, ‘Treasures in heaven may be our mitzvahs. Our acts of forgiveness, of service to others, of love. LOVE! This Man speaks of love and the heart so much. Where have I read about this kind of love in the Torah?’

Jesus went on, speaking over a spirit-cacophony of thoughts, “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!” Ruben wondered how light can be darkness, and thought that maybe his nagging negativity, his fretting, his hyper criticism were rays of darkness eating away seeds of faith in God’s providence. 

“No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. 

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? And why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you—you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ For it is the Gentiles who strive for all these things; and indeed your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But strive first for the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 

“So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today. 

Ruben shrunk at these words that sounded like a perfect description of himself. Then Jesus went on to describe him even more precisely which caused Ruben to weep inside. 

“Do not judge, so that you may not be judged. For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye.” Those were the words that pierced Debra’s heart. Her gossiping was relentless. She always looked for faults in her children, in her friends and neighbors, and when she spotted them, she didn’t hesitate to show everyone, as if they were golden nuggets.

“Do not give what is holy to dogs; and do not toss your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under foot and turn and maul you.” This particular admonishment only managed to be understood and retained by very few, but those few knew exactly what it meant to them. Those words were exactly like the bread that was multiplied from nothing to fill their bellies. Real, but mysterious. Those few were the ones who recognized this crowd of five thousand to be unique. They knew that Jesus was speaking to a crowd of humans made in God’s image and not to base animals who cared only for their bodies. 

“Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for bread, will give a stone? Or if the child asks for a fish, will give a snake? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” Conversely, this line was grasped by the most people who believed it, who wanted to believe it, who couldn’t wait to put it into practice. It was the line of lines that elevated each person to the comfort, the confidence, the peacefulness of faith. 

“In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets. 

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

At this Seth among thousands of others committed to follow this Master’s words as light shining on his crusted feet so that every muscular step would be sure walking in the light, even when circumstances threatened to trip or drag away from the path. Seth was old enough, experienced enough, and especially because this journey proved to him that God, David’s God watched over his every step and every thought and would indeed answer his cry for victory over his many enemies, those around him, and in him. It was a new day, the first day when God said “Light Be” that this Master described. All Seth had to do, was to put these thoughts into deeds, every day. No every hour of the day. Seth vowed to empower these words of the Master with his own will. The same will that sent him on this long journey from desire to the meal of fish and warm bread, the feast he will never forget because he ate it, like manna from Heaven.

ALIVE: Chapter 134, Silent Power

A man in the crowd of five thousand, who had eaten so many fish and so much bread the day before that he still felt full the following afternoon, listened attentively to every word this Master Teacher was telling them. His name was Simon and he had travelled the long way from Jerusalem to see Jesus. He was a 40 year old graying skeptic and a teacher. He had heard much about this Man, about His outrage in the Temple and about the way He stood up to the scribes and Pharisees. He was intrigued to the point that he had to go and find Him in Galilee. Not knowing what was true and what was hyperbole or gossip, he was driven to find out for himself. The appearance of so much fish and warm bread shook him. He kept eating because with every bite he was trying to convince himself of the miracle, that fish and bread could be multiplied as easily as, well there was nothing he could think of that could multiply so quickly and so abundantly! It would be centuries before men learned about multiplication of cells. But cells are not whole pieces of food. This was a true miracle, more than healing that restores; it created. Simon was dumbfounded. It was like he woke up to find himself in a dream that morning. The Master astounded him. Not with food but with His teachings, such as he had never heard teaching before. Could he bring this message to his students? What would they think? But he must. That was the reason he was chosen to be in this crowd. It was as if God was speaking to him, directly to him, Simon the teacher! Learn!

Simon forced himself to stop thinking to listen, lest he miss anything. “And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners so that they may be seen by others.” Simon chuckled to himself for he thought of old Moshe who fit that description. It was refreshing to hear someone voice what he had been thinking. “Truly I tell you, they have received their reward.” Simon smiled and thought, ‘Sweet truth and justice. How refreshing to hear. I believe this Man. I want to believe this Man though I’ve rarely seen it with my eyes.’ Jesus continued, “But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

Simon said to himself, ‘Truly this is the son of David who poured himself before the Lord with his sorrow, his fears, his joy.’ Simon was a scholar when it came to the psalms of David. He had always admired the relationship between King David and God. He could see that David’s sonship was so real and so personal. ‘ Surely, David was a man after God’s own heart. No hypocrisy, no show for others. That in spite of David’s flaws, which were many, the many laws David broke, he was beloved by God. How else could a man be such an outright sinner and be so close to God? It was his honesty, with himself and his awareness of God. Poor David, so many enemies.’

Jesus kept speaking over Simon’s mental meanderings, “When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” 

Eli, another man with five children and two wives who had journeyed for healing of oppressive anxieties sensed that a boulder had been lifted off of his heart. Tears flowed from his eyes as he drank in every word from the Master’s lips. He was too relieved to feel ashamed.

“Pray then in this way: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we also have forgiven those who trespass against us. And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one. For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

Eli was surprised to hear that forgiveness was linked to evil and sickness. All these years Eli thought to himself, he had only thought about himself and his woes, his burdens. He kept fighting to be free of anxiety, but it was impossible. He was a prisoner of himself in solitary confinement. There was too much to worry about. His woes were real and he couldn’t fix anything. Not for a moment had he thought to forgive. Forgive his wives for their nagging, forgive his children for demanding so much of him and for misbehaving, forgive his creditors. He suddenly could see himself as if in a new space, a reality that looked familiar but in truth he had never been here before. This vision was a miracle of the soul. He was indeed in the secret place with God that the Master described. Could it have been his hyper critical nature that caused his mental torment? Suddenly, whether by his thoughts or by an alien but holy spirit, Eli felt another flash of joy as lightning extinguishing darkness. But could he grab this light and hold onto it?

Jesus paused to allow Eli and the rest of the crowd to absorb the meaning of His words. “Stop and think about this. Selah.” Jesus reached for His pouch of water, took a refreshing swig, and still waited for a few moments. The crowd remained quiet. Even the children were still, sensing the power of the situation, or the thousands of whirring minds in the crowd, which if they could be heard would sound like waves crashing on the shore during a storm. 

Simon too was happy for the pause to think through what was just said for the first time, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed by Your Name. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Neither Simon nor any of the five thousand people had an inkling that this was the very first of billions of times men, women and children of every station in life, in sickness and in health, in grief and in joy would repeat those lines for the next thousands of years. ‘Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Deliver us from evil.’ 

‘What a shocking request!’ thought Simon ‘The Master is actually telling us to command or is it to declare that God’s will be done on earth, as if with our words we have the authority to do so! Can the absurd be true? He must know. And look at the value He gives to forgiveness! Not an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth as my mother taught me, but instead to let go of offenses, and for what?! So my own offenses can be dismissed. He is raising us to the level of God, as if He wants us to look upon Him. And why not? We aren’t animals, we were made in God’s image and likeness. We have so much to learn about our humanity. To ask God to deliver us from evil? Isn’t that what David asked over and over in so many ways. Poor David, a friend of God surrounded by enemies.’

The pause ended when Jesus resumed, “ And whenever you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces so as to show others that they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that your fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” ‘There he goes again!’ Observed Simon, He is talking about the inner life, our thoughts being so much more meaningful than our outward expressions. Our thoughts are who we really are. My words reflect who I am, to others and to myself if I pay attention to myself. This is so rich.’

Jesus said, “Your bodies were fed manna from heaven yesterday, now I feed your minds with teaching. Understand this, your behavior and your attitude affect your health and your whole life. If your mind is sick with anger, fear, anxiety, how can your body thrive?. Your behavior is the fruit that falls from the tree. The quality of the tree is known by its fruit.  How you think and what you say, and how you treat others reflect the condition of your soul. Listen to yourself.”

ALIVE: Chapter 133, Before Heaven, the Ladder

Jesus knew that He had this special crowd mesmerized. To the person, even the child, everyone clung to the power of His words. Never before had they heard such teaching, not in the synagogue, not from the elders. In innocence this crowd of five thousand who gathered from around their world had no idea that they were carefully chosen by God to be there, to sit at the Master’s feet. With His words Jesus was dropping crumbs to lead them to the Kingdom of God, where there will be no death, nor suffering nor sorrow, but life everlasting. 

Jesus knew that He was raising the bar high, higher than the prophets, even Moses, but He knew too that the people of God for over a thousand years had had enough time to master the laws and rather than relax them, it was time to elevate them taking God’s people to the next level. After all, the reward was worth so much more than its cost. The universe, and the earth and every kind of life on it had been made with precision, like a ten thousand dollar watch, why should humankind be so sloppy with their own souls? 

Jesus spoke loud and clear. His eyes scanned the crowd selecting and grabbing corresponding eyes,  “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” A thousand men winced. A thousand women blushed.

“If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to go into hell.”

He paused to allow the meaning of those shocking words to penetrate into minds deeply enough to remain for a lifetime. Seth imagined himself tearing out his eye, and then cutting off the hand that did it. He shuddered. He remembered hearing John the baptizer two years back talk about repentance. What Jesus just said took the concept of repentance beyond regret, or sorrow. What He said was to feel such revulsion over sin so as to destroy one’s own body! Seth was stunned. Could God require such awareness of the evil of sin? Is sin so very bad?

Just the week before Seth had read in the Torah about Gideon’s son from the prostitute … what was his name? Oh yes, Jephthah who was a mighty warrior, exiled by his superior half brothers. One day the elders of Gilead fetched Jephthah to fight the Ammonites who had made war upon them. They promised that if he would fight and prevail, Jephthah would rule over all the inhabitants of Gilead. Of course Jephthah was convinced by the prospect of climbing out of his dungeon in life to sit on a throne above his mean brothers, but during the bloody battle when victory was illusive, desperate, Jephthah promised the Lord that if he returned to his home victorious, he would offer up to the Lord as a burnt offering the first person to come out of the door of his house to meet him. The Lord accepted the deal. He was indeed victorious, but the first person was Jephthah’s precious daughter and only child. Jephthah carried out his promise as torturous as it was for him. His sweet daughter accepted her fate and willingly gave her own life as a sacrifice to God. 

So here too, the words of Jesus found parallel with the God of the Torah Who is at the same time highly demanding and most loving. ‘What can be worse?’ thought Seth, ‘to lose an eye, or a hand, or to give God your most precious possession, your child to death, or to exile yourself from the Lord, as Jephthah’s brothers had exiled him? It is not enough to say, or even to think that pleasing, obeying, and serving God is a priority, sometimes such honor must be demonstrated. Hell. The thought of hell, it’s pain, it’s sorrow and regret, it’s loneliness, it’s torture, to avoid these conditions must surely be purchased at a great cost. ‘I’ve got to stop thinking! Now, listen!’ Seth admonished himself.

As if Seth was in a time warp, he hadn’t missed anything while thinking. He shifted his attention back to the Master to hear Him say, “It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I say to you that anyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of unchastity, causes her to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.”

Seth fell back into the depths of his own soul, listening to the Master he heard again that God’s standard of measure, the God who made the sun and great mountains, earthquakes and gale storms, that God’s standards are high, and if he was to commit himself to the Lord, he too needed to raise his standards. He remembered that he was often angry with his wife, and because he grew weary criticizing her so often that he had thought of being done with her and divorcing her. He must have made a bad decision by marrying her in the first place.

Seth knew how serious the sin of adultery was to God. It was one of the Ten Commandments. He felt overwhelmed by these revelations, so personal, as if the Master was piercing his heart, so he popped out of his thoughts once again by the bellowing voice of Jesus.

“Again, you have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but carry out the vows you have made to the Lord.’ But I say to you, Do not swear at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is His footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let your word be ‘Yes, Yes’ or ‘No, No’; anything more than this comes from the evil one.” A thousand heads nodded. Hundreds of heads were bowed, eyes closed to listen best. Other faces shown brightly mesmerized by the moment. 

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you.”

Seth’s ears perked up again. What this Man was saying was so new and yet so ancient. He was hitting the core of the commandments, giving them more reason, more power. The power to transform, the power to heal. He prayed that he would be able to remember all that he was being told. He desperately wanted to change, not only to stop getting the headaches though. He wanted to become a man who didn’t need the headaches to wake him up to his own faults. 

As Jesus spoke the sun was rising slowly in the heavens, warming the air and the arms and legs of each man, woman and child. It was remarkable how attentive everyone was. They were mesmerized by wisdom. 

No one, not one man, woman or child was fidgety. All ears and all eyes focused on the Teacher.  It was as if they were being given great treasure, a life transformed from being a pauper to becoming a prince, which to their amazement they were learning was possible. Jesus was simply lifting the veil placed there by the enemy of man, ignorance.  With such tremendous capacity, like the spectrum of light, why do so many people use such a sliver of their minds and hearts? 

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” 

Elizabeth was a strong young woman who came to accompany her father who begged her to go with him to meet this prophet. They had travelled over mountains and across plains from Judea passing through Jerusalem to Capernaum. It had been such a long and tiring journey. Her father had been a teacher and a preacher, but he always sensed that there was so much more to know than what he was teaching. He didn’t know where to find such knowledge until a pilgrim arrived in his village and told him about Jesus and where He may be found, in Galilee. He received the information as a gift from God and begged his daughter to accompany him on the journey. They spent weeks in preparation. Here he was, finally. What he was learning even exceeded his expectations. Elizabeth, being bored with her life, was easy to persuade. 

Lest His students, especially the best most attentive and sincere students among the crowd would go back to their towns and villages glowing like a lightbulb for all to see and admire, Jesus cooled them off by adding, “Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven. 

“So whenever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be praised by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

Inside the frame of a man or a woman is a world so magnificent, so beautiful that the sun itself shrinks at its glory. Yet, unlike the sun, it shines not to be seen by nature, but only by angels with wings and the Spirit of Truth. 

ALIVE: Chapter 132, The Classroom of God

On the grassy hill to be known as The Mount of Beatitudes, Jesus continued to energize the crowd of 5,000 pilgrims with rich nourishing food for their souls. 

As the sun was rising in the cloudless sky, heating the air and landing on faces and arms, He proclaimed, “You are the light of the world.”

‘Me?’ thought Zelda to herself. How can that be? I am just a poor soul, and a woman at that. Cooking and cleaning for my brothers is my lot in life as no one took me for his wife. I’m so glad to have been freed to take this journey, but light? I love the Lord. He comforts me, and I try to obey all the laws, because I know when I do He will keep me safe. Safe from those evil young men who abuse women, even strangers; they don’t care. They think love is nothing more than eating too much and drinking, feeding the body, nothing more.’ 

Zelda popped out of her rumination to hear Jesus say, “A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” 

Zelda was dumbfounded. Never before had she been given a compliment without having to draw it out by asking, ‘Did you like the stew? I spent most of the day washing and folding your dirty clothes, did you notice?’ It was as if she had been trained to devalue herself. She was comely in looks, her graying hair was dry and frizzy. Her teeth were crooked and yellow, as crooked as her arthritic fingers, and yet this young Master, this Miracle Worker was telling her that she was the salt of the earth, and the light of the world! 

Zelda wondered, ‘Could it be that this Man sees the world very very differently, He must see with more than His eyes. Whatever He sees that I can’t, has a kind of power that He uses to heal and to make miracles happen. Oh, I must stop, I don’t want to miss anything He is saying.’

Jesus was building the people up. They were no longer to consider themselves desperate, sick and poor, but rather blessed luminaries who had a job to do. They needed to stop thinking only of their own struggle for comfort, for food, clothes, even for relief from pain. He wanted them to use whatever talents, whatever gifts, whatever strength they had to better the world. Ordinary people would have stayed in their villages and cities waking, working, eating and sleeping in a continuous cycle, a never ending quest for more comfort from sleep, food, friends, and family. But not these thousands of people who packed up and shlepped across valleys and plains to find Him. Jesus knew that all of these people were ambitious. They were looking for more than comfort, even more than physical healing. Jesus loved these people!

Hearing that he was a light of the world, an old but strong man, Isaac, thought to himself, ‘How does He know me?’

A bright youth listened, and thought, ‘This is probably only because He says we are salt, that we are also light. To be useful, even me, I should do whatever I can to improve the world. My parents brought me all this way to see and hear this miracle worker, only to learn that He doesn’t want a dumb audience, He wants an army of disciples to change the world. It is time for our so-called leaders to stop being tyrants because each person, not just them is made in the image of a brilliant powerful God. This Man is telling me, and us, to use my life, my hours and days to do whatever I can to make the world beautiful. Wow. Who ever said that before? Not even my mother. I can. I will. From this day till I die, I promise to do whatever I can to…be salty light.’ And then the young man chuckled at himself. 

Person after person sat up straighter, listened with greater attentiveness, squirreled away these bold statements in their minds to think about later. They were all in the earliest stages of becoming more than they ever expected themselves to be in this world. 

To reel the people back in, to keep them within the Father’s fold, within the history of their nation as children of Abraham, Jesus pivoted the focus by adding, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

An old man named Elijah, a shoemaker, who had travelled all the way from Tyre; thought about the scribes and Pharisees he had known and thought, that while they were very dignified men, well educated and well respected, he wondered how difficult it would be to exceed their righteousness. 

As if reading Elijah’s mind, Jesus answered his question by going on to explain: 

“You have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, ‘You shall not murder’; and ‘whoever murders shall be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment.

Just then a strong wind blew through the crowd. A gaggle of birds was seen gliding in it. Leaves were rustling. The sun was an hour past it’s height. Heads turned to their neighbors to see if he or she noticed the the strong wind, like another being, an angel, come to insert itself in the moment.  Or was nature itself also energized by the Master’s words?

Having uplifted His audience that morning, and then reminding them of God’s laws Jesus decided that these precious people, His new disciples, who came from far and wide needed Him to properly interpret some laws for them. After all if they were to exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees, He would have to explain what God meant by the laws that they had always known, the laws that they were compelled to obey. They had come, as sent from the Father to listen and to learn. Each of the five thousand was chosen by God who knows all hearts to come and receive food, blessings, healings and wisdom. These people, these five thousand who received the fish and bread from heaven would return to Tyre and Sidon, Decapolis and all the many places they came from to spread the word that the heavenly kingdom of God was within reach. Jesus didn’t just come from the throne room of The Creator of the universe to earth, He brought the Kingdom with Him. There was much work to be done, and a very short time to do it in. 

Jesus said in a loud clear voice, “If you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; and if you say, ‘You fool,’ you will be liable to the hell of fire.” He paused knowing very well that casting insults was common. It was a bold statement that every single person in the crowd could identify with and cringe and vow to repent. It was a key assignment that opened the door to humility, which opened the inner door to hearing God. 

Isabel thought, “Did the Master just damn me?”  How shocking. 

“So when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift.’ Jesus paused again.

The people were mesmerized. They were not even offended having experienced so much transformation already. First they heard that they were the light of the world, and now that by insulting, they risked eternal damnation. But how else could they understand the fall of man? How else could Jesus point to the restoration of man through properly following the Law.

“Come to terms quickly with your accuser while you are on the way to court with him, or your accuser may hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you will be thrown into prison.” Knowing well about the injustice of authorities, even justices, He continued. 

“Truly I tell you, you will never get out until you have paid the last penny.”

When a young man named Seth from Decapolis heard these words, tears welled up in his heart. He had been an angry man since he could remember. Always criticizing his wife, his brother, his children. Sometimes they would try to defend themselves which made him even angrier and more hostile. He refused criticism. 

Other times, they quietly walked way, abandoning him to his own self-righteousness.  Until one day he fell ill with a terrible headache. It would come and go but when it came, he wanted to vomit it pained him so much. This was the reason Seth left his family and his work and walked so far to see the healer. He was desperate. At that moment, it occurred to him that the pain, being the reason he was there, was a sign, an arrow pointing him to himself as the only one who could heal the cause of his torment. Seth listened for more prescription for his healing from within. Could it be possible that his head would stop torturing him if his heart became more tolerant? While thinking for so long, Seth missed hearing the following two counsels. He was torn. Seth wanted to ask a neighbor what the Master had just said, but He didn’t want to miss the next statement. 

ALIVE: Chapter 131, The Miracle of Learning

Jesus woke up at Peter’s home before dawn as usual. After praying, while it was still dark He  gently nudged His men one by one to tell him that they were going back. He wanted to get there early before anyone left. The men woke up and dressed without a grumble, grateful for the comfortable night inside.

When they arrived about two hours later most of the people were just waking up. Few had noticed that Jesus and His men had not been there all night. 

Jesus and the disciples huddled at the makeshift podium on the exposed rock-ledge. He directed them, “Go through the crowd and let them know that I want to speak with them more before they return to their homes. Tell them to finish packing and gather.”

About an hour later the busy scattered campers formed an attentive audience. 

Jesus reassumed His position on the rock. His apostles, the twelve, positioned themselves around the periphery of the crowd standing while the others sat. He started, “Good morning. Did you sleep well?” Shining faces smiled their response. While others replied quietly and still others shouted “Yes!” still beaming from the evening before, still full from the miraculous smoked fish and warm bread. Many people woke up realizing with glee that they had been healed, whether from the teaching, His presence alone, or was it the mystical food that was their medicine, no one could know. The healed sat amazed and transfixed with wonder; grateful and wanting more. 

Jesus had a lot to tell them. That morning He had prayed that the people would be able to absorb all that He had to say, and be able to carry His message to their villages and countries. On that day, with the five thousand people from towns and countries of the region, Jesus was about to make disciples of all nations. Scanning the large crowd, He patiently waited for their chatting  to stop, which it gradually did at the urging of the disciples surrounding them and several people throughout the massive audience.

Jesus bellowed, “You are the salt of the earth.”

Everyone could hear the words He spoke, again so clearly to the last row of this natural amphitheater. Even the children sat up attentively. The birds flying overhead observed the large gathering while looking for crumbs of bread. The air was clean and thin on the mount. From time to time a gentle breeze passed through to refresh the audience.

He repeated, “YOU are the salt of the earth.” He stopped to give them time to think of how valuable salt is to them. Salt is the preservative, it enhances flavor, it even heals sore throats. No one knew why, but what an amazing substance! What would they do without it?

The adults felt uplifted by the compliment. Hurting people felt stronger, valued. 

The fishermen in their midst knew more than all the others how vital salt is. It was almost miraculous how the salt was made by the sea in glistening clumps on rocks near the shore. But how that salt was then used to preserve the fruit of their labors long enough to transport the dead fish to market and for the buyers far and wide throughout the country to still eat it as wholesome as it was on the day it was caught. Salt is more useful than gold. 

Mmmm? People as salt. What an uplifting concept! 

Then Jesus continued, “but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot.” 

Oh no!

Jesus noticed scattered among the crowd thirsty souls nodding their heads. What He said made sense. Jesus paused to give them plenty of time to process His words.

The more critical souls among them thought, “But how can salt lose it’s taste? Then it isn’t salt, it’s sand. Could I become useless? From laziness, from not doing what I was born to do on this earth? From caring only about myself? God help me from losing my saltiness. I may have been ill, I may be poor, but what can stop me from being…salty? Only myself.”

A boy of twelve; his name was Jesse who had been dragged against his will to this faraway place by his parents was earnestly listening while his eyes were trying to clasp onto the sight of Jesus beyond the heads in front of him by bobbing his head left and right until he final gave up and closed his eyes and dropped his head into the palms of his hands to hear better and to think. He said to himself, ‘To Do is better than To Be. Yes! Salt can loose its flavor when it isn’t used. I don’t want to be thrown out and trampled. Good for nothing! Only I can keep myself salty. No one can do this for me. Not even my mother.’

Jesus knew to pause just long enough to give the thoughtful people in the crowd enough time to contemplate His words and then squirrel them away for a time, perhaps in the night when sleep eludes them, to penetrate them and to fertilize their minds. Jesus knew that healing had to be accompanied by wisdom to make these ordinary people become children of God, His brothers and sisters. He had so much to teach them. 

ALIVE: Chapter 130, The Fullest Day

The holy troupe continued their journey north leaving behind at Jacob’s well in Samaria a panoply of people: amazed new believers wondering how to learn more about the God of the Jews.  Many of the women, particularly Jezebel, and men spent the next few days clinging to the feelings that Jesus and His disciples left behind. There were also the skeptics who couldn’t help themselves shake off their doubts, but from time to time they would try, like constantly planting new seeds among thorns. But woe to the arrogant Samaritans who relished the superiority they felt in damning their neighbors and relatives. 

One more day on the rocky road took Jesus back to Nazareth. When roads diverged the disciples went their separate ways. Peter went on to Capernaum to be with his wife and his boats, and the others were sent to reconnoiter for new places they should visit. The plan was to meet again in Capernaum four days later.

Mary was thrilled when she opened her front door to see her beloved Son. She greeted him with a long enveloping hug.  After she reluctantly let go of Him, they went into the kitchen where she started a little fire to boil water and make tea. She still had some honey given to her by a friend the week before. At tea, Jesus told His mother about her renovated house in Jerusalem. 

For the next two days He helped her to prepare for the move. Mary relished being able to care for her Son, feed Him, and listen to the stories of His travels. She was particularly fascinated by the visit of the Pharisee Nicodemus in the night and of his baptism the following day. 

Being together, just the two of them was such a joy for Mary. The past year she had spent so little time with her Son. Jesus helped her pack. The second evening Joseph’s children came over for dinner and to discuss the move and what each could do for her. After all the arrangements were made, Jesus explained that He had to go off again. The people had much to learn about what God requires of them. There was so much illness, diseases and demon-possession to vanquish in this world. As God, Jesus abhorred illness and evil. He saw them as aberrations, corruption of the Father’s design. Jesus experienced pleasure in healing and in exorcisms. On a base level healing was like bathing after a day’s work in the fields, it was the cleaning of a messy space. It was restoration. It was a resurrection from being as dead.

Jesus talked to His mother about eternal life, the plan. He explained that in six days the world was made, and those days represent the time of life in nature in which mankind works. And on the seventh day God rested, and He commands His people to rest. This day represents the period of death, the time when all flesh must cease its labors and passions to rest. And then comes the eighth day, like the first day of a new world, true life as it was always meant to be, lived in oneness with God. Real life will be free from sickness and sorrow, He told her that someday there would actually be a new earth and a new heaven. Mary listened attentively, it all made so much sense. In fact, the plan was so beautiful that it wasn’t even shocking. As a Jew, she always believed in the Kingdom of God, but hearing her Son talk about it vivified eternal life.

But there was a lot for people to learn. The Law was the first step. For the Jews to be a distinct and separate people had been necessary. But He was now ready to bring all of humanity into relationship with Him. God’s promise to Abraham was going to be fulfilled, that He was to be the father of many nations. All the nations and peoples of the world would be grafted into the tree of Father Abraham This was another reason He went to Samaria. The Samaritans were the first foreigners to be pulled into the people of God.

He told her about His visit to Jacob’s well. Mary was a surprised that He would speak with that woman. But then again, at this point, after all she had experienced, she wondered how anything could surprise her. 

“But mama,” said Jesus, “that’s what I’m talking about. These days are coming to an end. My Father is inviting the world to become Jewish in a sense.” He continued, “While the Greeks were flattening the power structure with their philosophy about democracy and all men being created equal, God was preparing the world to accept Him as the King of kings and paupers. Some day mama, all men will learn what Moses taught us about the Creation of the world. All men will learn that they were made in the image and likeness of God, not just the Jews.

Mary’s eyes were wide open, this was the first time she heard or thought about this. It had a ring of familiarity louder than its absurdity. 

“It is time to teach, to teach the Jews the spirit of the Law. To take them to the next level. There is so much for humankind to learn, more than the laws, more than the customs.” Jesus deeply appreciated this time alone with His mother.

She was so proud of her Son. She trusted Him implicitly. Jesus stood up and gave His mother a kiss on the forehead, then said, “Good night, I’m going to sleep now.”

“Good night my love.” Mary stayed up a while longer contemplating what she had just heard.

On the third day, armed with a satchel filled with food and clean clothes Jesus hugged His mother goodbye, telling her that He would visit her again in Jerusalem and off He went to Capernaum. 

Miraculously, no one recognized Him walking on the road to Capernaum. He was glad for the time, with heightened awareness to walk on earth to smell the thick air, rich in minerals, laden with the smell of the sweat of wild animals, to feel the warmth of the sun on his pliable skin. A faint memory of the formation of the sun, the moon and stars on the third day flashed through His mind. 

As He walked Jesus perceived that He was feeling unusually comfortable in His body. He felt the strength of His legs and arms, and all the movements that His hands could make. He clenched His fist as He stretched His fingers, then He thought for a few moments about the things those hands could do. To be a man, even and maybe especially as God, gave Him such pleasure. He was so proud of creation. 

Words, as powerful and meaningful as they are, were as the sands of the desert, sedentary and inert, compared to His heightened perception of being human within nature. That solitary trek and the awareness that it evoked, devoid of the consciousness of time was a gift. He felt His Father’s pleasure in their oneness, in His humanity. The farther away from Nazareth He went the more isolated He was. It was as if He walked alone on the earth, no people, no houses, no large animals. The desert around Him was expansive and barren. There was great peace in that. It was this peace that He relished that day. 

The sun descending on His left cast long shadows of His form on the ground. It was time to stop before it was too dark to set up camp. He didn’t know how much farther He had to go to reach Capernaum. He just knew that the arch of the sun had made it’s journey around Him as He walked all day. It’s end was near, leaving Him in darkness. Jesus found a flat place surrounded by hearty shrubs where He set down His backpack and unrolled His blanket. He sat and ate some figs and the cheese and bread that His mother packed for Him. His muscular legs were glad for the rest. The dried figs tasted so sweet. It felt as if His whole mouth was laughing in delight. The crunchiness of the little seeds felt like tiny companions come to join Him as He invited them in to nourish His body. He enjoyed the hearty bread and cheese too, but not as much as the figs. 

After His meal, Jesus laid down and looked up at the starry sky. Then He noticed how cold it was getting, so He got up and reached into His satchel for a cloak that He had rolled up. Laying down again Jesus suddenly felt the weight of the day on Him as a heavy woolen blanket and quickly fell into a deep dream-filled sleep. 

Waking up before sunrise as was His custom, Jesus tidied Himself and faced East to pray to His Father asking for guidance for the day. An hour later, when the red streaked sky announced  the arrival of the sun He was ready. He rolled up his bed and packed His satchel and continued the trek to Capernaum.  

On the road that morning, as He was approaching Capernaum, He was no longer alone, others were also traveling, whether on foot, or in coaches, or by camel or donkey. Jesus was grateful that still, even with others around Him, He was not recognized. Whether it was by divine action or because He wasn’t surrounded by His disciples is unknown. But He relished the anonymity and thanked His Father, knowing that the next several weeks were going to be very busy. The closer He came to Capernaum the more crowded the road. 

Jesus arrived at Simon Peter’s home at dusk, just as Peter too was coming back from a day on the boat. It had been a productive day, a visit to his old life that Peter enjoyed. They had caught many fish and Simon Peter was glad for the earnings. 

Having been told of the date of the arrival of her guests, Peter’s wife was preparing a hearty meal. In ones and twos the disciples arrived. Jesus arrived at dusk. Peter and his family and a handful of the other disciples greeted Him with great joy. The disciples had so much to say about their findings. 

After a delicious supper everyone sat around the great room to talk about the next steps. Everyone was ready for what they knew was coming, an onslaught of needy people. The disciples took turns telling the group where they had been and what they accomplished. Phillip said, “The people are miserable; they seek relief. By now everyone from miles around, as far as Syria  has heard of Jesus and I heard that they are coming from far and wide to Galilee looking for Him.”

Indeed the next morning as the troupe walked from Peter’s house to the sea a great multitude from throughout Galilee, and even from Decapolis, Jerusalem and Judaea, from Tyre and Sidon and from behind the Jordan were asking where Jesus the healer was. 

As they saw the crowd approach and reaching Jesus and His disciples, His men went into full crowd-control mode. How did they find Him? Sick people with plagues of one kind or another kept pressing on him, just to touch Him. Unclean spirits caused a young man and an older one who worked their way through the crowd until they reached Jesus both fell to their knees; in a common chant they cried, “You are the Son of God.”

Angry, Jesus demanded, “Please stop saying that!” Nevertheless, out of compassion Jesus stretched out his arms to person after person, to heal them, with a touch of the palms of his hands. Knowing full well that by doing so, He would be bombarded even more.

When the crowd became too unmanageable even for Peter the hulk and his brother Andrew and the others; He realized that He needed order and calm, and the people needed wisdom more than a quick physical healing. Jesus knew that unless the person repented, understood the meaning of the commandments, and the image of God in them, their ailments would return. 

It was as if thousands of hands were reaching out to touch Him. What was most remarkable to Thomas and Judas, was to see how many people were actually being healed.  The more healings that occurred, the more the crowd grew delirious with joy. Their expectations were instantly fulfilled. 

Overwhelmed by the aggressive crowd, Jesus shouted to Peter, “Get me a boat! Quick!” Jesus and the disciples surrounding Him, with Bartholomew at the lead winded their way through the crowd to get to the sea so they wouldn’t throng Him on every side. When they arrived at the shore, the disciples formed a wall as Peter pulled one of his dinghies onto the shore. Jesus stepped in and John after Him. John rowed out to sea. The crowd watched while the wall of disciples maintained their positions so no one would swim out to Him. They had never seen so many ill and desperate people in one place. From the rocking boat, looking at the crowd with compassion, Jesus assessed the situation and decided to lead the people up to a nearby grassy mount. Giving Himself time to think and plan, He then told John to row back to shore. Meanwhile, the people watched Jesus in the boat with intense longing and curiosity, wondering what He would do, if He would row away from them. 

John rowed back to shore and Peter and Andrew met them there. John threw the rope to Peter who reeled the boat in. Jesus and John disembarked from the dinghy. Jesus told the brothers to tell the other disciples who had formed a tighter wall with outstretched arms to keep the crowd at bay, that they were to steer the crowd up to that grassy mount that He pointed to. He would lead them there, but hold them until He got into position to lead. 

Having the loudest voice, James shouted for silence so he could speak.

“Quiet! Silence!” shouted James several times until it became easier to be heard. Then he announced, “The Master will take care of you. We are going up this mount, and then sit down. He wants to speak to you and He will heal you. But you must be patient and calm and cooperate with us. First, I ask you to stand still and when I say, you may start to follow us.” 

The crowd, seeing that cooperation would get them what they yearned for, and growing hot, tired, and hungry did indeed calm down. 

Jesus, flanked by Peter and John walked up along the shore until the bulk of the crowd was behind them, and then they headed in and walked up to the mount. The crowd followed like a herd of sheep. The disciples maintained their barrier between Jesus and the crowd. About an hour later, they arrived at a grassy spot whose terrain was so perfect for the event it was as if God landscaped it at the beginning of time, on the third day billions of years earlier when the earth and trees and vegetation were created. 

Ever since the word got out about that woman who was healed just by touching Jesus, everyone wanted to touch Him. This was a problem. That woman had suffered for twelve long and painful years. Her desperation fed her faith. The others attempted to piggyback onto her faith. It wasn’t the same. They had to be kept at bay and take small steps to reach the level that she reached. They had much to learn first. 

Because only Jesus knew exactly where He was leading the crowd, the layer of disciples, followed by the ill, and in the far distance, the lame, who were most desperate and faithful formed the strata of starving humanity come to Jesus that day from so far away to meet Him, learn from Him and receive from Him, whatever each person in his or her own heart yearned for. For the most part, their journeys had been long and difficult, but they arrived at their destination. 

The perfect spot where they stopped had a large exposed rock or ledge that served as a podium for Jesus. The disciples penetrated the crowd shouting for order and silence and for the people to sit down. Thousands of people obeyed, knowing that if they didn’t they would never find relief. 

As the people were getting situated so everyone could see, Jesus gazed at the magnitude of the crowd that was the largest to date.

There was chatter at first, especially among the families with children, but for the people who weren’t talking all eyes were fixed on Jesus standing alone watching them. They looked at Him wondering who He was and what He would say to them. They looked for relief from one malady or another. 

Jesus was reading them. He read their cares and their hopes, their pain and their desperation. With compassion, Jesus stood quietly fixed on them, while stubborn thick silence soon prevailed over the chatter, like the turtle that beat the hare. Even children as young as five sensed the allure of silence.

Finally Jesus spoke. 

He lifted up His eyes on His disciples, and said, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.”

It was the 9th hour. The thin air enveloped each person with its warmth. 

Standing on the rock and leaning on His staff, Jesus began to give each person hope to nurture his or her faith. He said in a loud clear voice that travelled easily, even to those in the periphery of the crowd, so well they could have been listening through earbuds. It was a miracle that no one noticed through their attentiveness to the words. 

“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Between each sentence, Jesus paused to allow time for the wisdom to penetrate their souls and become rooted there.

“Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

‘Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

He stopped and scanned the crowd of people on whose faces distress soften into curiosity. He saw glimmers of hope and peace. He continued. 

‘Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

‘Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

‘Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called sons of God.

“Blessed are they that have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 

Blessed are you when men shall reproach you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake. 

Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so they persecuted the prophets that were before you.

And He looked at His disciples, and said, “Blessed are you poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.”

Then up to the ends of the crowd, He said, “Blessed are you that hunger now: for you shall be filled. 

“Blessed are you that weep now: for you shall laugh.

“Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they separate you from their company, and reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. 

Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy: for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for in the same manner did their fathers despise the prophets.”

He concluded by telling them that their journey to perfect health and peace had just begun. 

Jesus bowed His head. Everyone in the crowd followed without being asked. A gaggle of birds flying over the scene saw thousands of faceless hairy heads. He prayed to His Father God to teach all of these people from the youngest babe to the toothless old man, to teach each one to accept their frailties and lowliness for the lessons they bring, for the faith that suffering nurtures like seeds in rich soil. A strong warm breeze travelled through the crowd on its way down to the sea.

The day was drawing to a close. Peter was the first to approach Jesus. He said, “Lord, let’s send the crowd away, so that they may go into the surrounding villages and countryside, to lodge and get provisions; for we are here in a deserted place.” He replied, “You give them something to eat.” Peter said, “We have no more than five loaves and two fish. How can we go and buy food for all these people?” 

Andrew, standing behind Peter added, “There are about five thousand men here!”

Jesus replied, “Make them sit down in groups of about fifty each. Collect a large basket from each group and bring them to Me here.”

Peter turned and saw that all the disciples were hovering behind him and had heard what Jesus told them. He sent each man to a quadrant to spread the people out into groups of 50 and collect the baskets. Some groups had no such basket, while others had more than one. 

The disciples brought as many baskets as they could carry up to Jesus and went back to form more groups. 

Hungry and curious everyone cooperated. There was plenty of room for everyone. The whole procedure took over an hour but as each group was formed they introduced themselves to each other, happy and hungry they anticipated a miracle. 

When the last group was formed, everyone was ready. All eyes were on Jesus. A large pile of 100 baskets were piled to the left and right of Jesus. The basket of five loaves and two fish was in His hands. 

Jesus’ eyes looked up to heaven. He prayed while holding the basket up. When He finished praying He asked John to hold the basket of food in front of Him, and told each of the other disciples to form a line to His right holding an empty basket. 

As Jesus divided the fish and loaves to fill each basket the disciple would take it to the farthest group, and come back to grab another basket and get in line. The process took a while, no one minded. The people with food ate it merrily, like a big family gathering, those who hadn’t been served yet waited patiently looking around, some people hoping there would be enough left for them. The smoked fish was delicious and the bread was still warm as fresh out of the oven.

Finally all the groups were either eating or talking. It was loud! The disciples and Jesus also were also eating and talking.

When everyone was finished, the disciples being the last to eat, Jesus asked them to collect the leftovers. Everyone was full. 

The disciples consolidated the leftover food into 12 full baskets and brought them back to Jesus. 

Jesus stood up and everyone clapped enthusiastically from the five year old boy to the hunched over old lady in black. 

Jesus said, “All glory, honor and worship to our God. Now please set up camp here tonight and tomorrow go back to your towns and villages and tell them what God has done for you today. Tell them what I told you earlier. Tell them to prepare for heaven.” 

The people were satisfied both physically and spiritually. Everyone quietly and reverently set up camp. The rolling hills became an ad hoc village. 

Jesus and His disciples slipped away, back to Capernaum and Peter’s house for privacy and rest.

Jesus had never looked so exhausted, so drained. John looked at Him, and said to himself. ‘I hear what they say, but He is a man after all.’ He approached Jesus and said, “Can I fetch you some water my Lord?”

“Yes, please. Thank you John.”

As John was walking over fill his pouch with water, he thought to himself, “Imagine, that He also wants and needs my help. My life is so amazing.”

ALIVE: Chapter 129, Conversion by Living Water

Glowing with the spirit of their baptism, and teeming with the concept that their leader, Jesus, was the Son of God, the disciples, each man in his own way automatically tried to settle back into being the same person he had always been, not realizing why that was impossible. It was important for everyone to carry on the work of the itinerant teacher and healer, to be the shield and support that Jesus needed to surround Himself with. What they didn’t know yet was what their lives and reputations would be after He was gone. In those first days of revelation, they just knew that the reality of who Jesus was, and who by relation they were was overwhelming. The intensity of it all was muffled by performing the practicalities of life. Food, shelter, travel, and washing clothes. Each of the twelve matured at his own rate and ability. 

Mary’s house was shaping up. In fact, it was almost complete. Fresh paint, some new furniture. Jesus was pleased with what they had accomplished in just a few weeks. It was time to return to Nazareth to tell her that she could move in whenever she was ready. 

They would leave the following week, on the Second Day. Meanwhile, the men scattered for a few days, walking around the big city, shopping, visiting people they knew, and going to the temple. Jesus went alone to visit the tomb of His grandparents, and to His grandmother’s garden in Gethsemane. Taking in the great and ancient city, Jesus thought to Himself, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!” He lamented the blindness, the stubbornness, the hardness of heart that characterized so many of the inhabitants of a city rich in gifts from God. The most magnificent gift being that from Jerusalem He would someday sacrifice Himself. But it wasn’t time to think about that now. There was still much to do. After spending the entire day on His own, wandering around Jerusalem without His disciples, in anonymity, it was time to go home. How He had enjoyed the day to Himself, and the city where even as a child He came with his mother and father Joseph to celebrate the Passover. ‘Oh what a Passover have I in store for the people of God!’

The sun was setting in the west behind the hills and buildings. The darkening sky was illuminated with blazing red streaks. He walked in the front door just in time before total darkness descended up the city, and just in time for supper. 

“Oh good! Here you are!” greeted Bartholomew. “We wondered if we should start without You? Did You have a good day Jesus? I have made lamb stew, the best ever. Wash up.” And in a louder voice to the rest of the men who were not on his cooking crew Bartholomew said, “Come on, time to eat.”

The men all washed in the ceremonial way, and sat in their regular places around the table and in their scattered seats. The buffet was set up, and the disciples filed up to it to take their utensils and fill their plates. When everyone was seated and waiting politely, Jesus stood and offered the thanksgiving prayer. 

Some evenings they would dine in silence, but this was not one of them. Each man wanted to tell of his adventure of the day and listen to the others. Conversations among two or three filled the room. 

Before empty plates, Thomas said to Jesus, loud enough for all to hear, “Where do we go from here and when?”

Jesus replied, “We will go north via Samaria.”

The disciples looked at each other thinking that they had never been to Samaria, which was a town of foreigners. Why would Jesus want to go there? 

Jesus explained, “I want to visit Jacob’s well, and besides, it’s a good second stopping point, towards Nazareth. We will go in a caravan that stops at Giv at Asaf. We will spend the night camping there, and the next day the same caravan will take us to Sychar, near Nablus, near Jacob’s well that he gave to Joseph.”

James and Andrew nodded in agreement thinking that was as good a route as any, lamenting having to leave the cozy renovated home to go back to camping. 

“We leave soon, so let’s make the house sparkle, wash our clothes and pack some food for the journey.” said Jesus. 

On the morning of their departure and as they it filed out of the house, Jesus, being the last to leave took a good look around and imagined that His mother would be very comfortable there, with her memories of her mother, and her father’s books. He blessed the house with protection, and gently shut the door.

“I’m ready. Let’s go.”

The men walked in twos and threes over to the caravan stop to pick up the camels and donkeys that Peter had reserved. Four legs are so much quicker than two. The road was straight and well travelled. The earth was so hard that little dust was given off. The sound of so many hooves sounded like drum beats in the air. 

Every few hours the caravan of camels and donkeys, with two coaches occupied by the very young and very old would stop to rest and water the animals. It wasn’t until dusk that they stopped for the night. It was a desolate place but the solid still ground under their feet was welcome. The travelers all dispersed to find their own camping ground. Reconnoitering, John spotted an abandoned fire pit with space enough for Jesus and His men. He called the others to come and claim it. After so many hours of bobbing up and down in the monotonous terrain, they were happy to be still. They set up camp for the night and spread out their food. Jesus lead a prayer service, the men recited psalms and Jesus, having inherited His mother and His grandmother’s talent led them in chant. 

Having first thanked and glorified God, they quickly spread out food for supper, ate, cleaned up, set up their bedrolls and fell into deep and revitalizing sleep. Daybreak woke up some and the sounds of the those awake, especially the loud children, woke up the rest of the members of the caravan. 

The second day of travel was easier to endure and shorter. The caravan stopped in the city of  Sychar in Samaria about the sixth hour when the sun was at its highest. This was the stop for Jesus and His men. They dismounted and bid the team leader thanks and farewell to their fellow travelers.

The men dispersed to scout out this city of strangers and to buy more food while Jesus, weary from the journey went directly to Jacob’s well to rest. ‘So this is the parcel of land that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. And this is the famous well.’ thought Jesus to himself and He thought about Jacob and his love for Rachel, about his sin with Esau and how he paid many times over for stealing his brother’s inheritance by feigning Esau’s identity. How poor Jacob was duped himself when homely Leah appeared after working seven years for Rachel. He deserved it, he accepted that. Patient and humbled. Jesus thought about the joy that Jacob felt when at last Rachel was pregnant, and then about the day of Joseph’s birth. His eleventh son, but no. Something more than that, much more. With the hot sun beating down on Jesus He became very thirsty. He prayed that people who came to Jacob’s well for relief could drink of Jacob’s patience and his humility. Joseph was the reward. 

Jesus was shaken out of his daydreaming by a woman who was approaching the well. Wasn’t it too late in the day for a woman to be fetching water? And she was alone. In His village the women would gather at the well early in the morning to gossip and help each other to lift the heavy buckets out of the well and onto their heads. When this woman came close enough He said, “Give me water woman.”

The woman who was already brave enough to approach this strange man at the well replied, “How is it that you, a Jew are asking me, a Samaritan, to give you water?” She was not just brave, she was brazen.

Jesus, matching her hutzpah replied, “If you only knew who I am, who asked you to give him water, you would have asked him to give you living water.”

This woman smiled thinking that she had met her match. So she kept it up. “You don’t even have anything to draw the water up with, and this well is very deep. How do you expect to get your living water? Are you greater than our father, Jacob, who gave us this well, and drank of it himself, and so did his sons, and his cattle?”

Jesus enjoyed that she mentioned Jacob and as if they were sparring with words twisted the conversation and went right for her heart. “Everyone who drinks this water,” then He looked at the dark deep bottomless hole and then up into her green eyes, “Everyone who drinks the water from this well will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks of the water that I have and will give, My water will become a well of water inside him that will spring up into eternal life.”

Her eyes opened wide, her forehead furrowed. ‘He won.’ She thought to herself. “Are you offering? I’ll take it! Give Me this water so I won’t ever thirst again and never have to shlep all this way to fetch water” she stopped short of saying ‘in the hot afternoons to avoid those  bitches.’

Jesus replied, “Alright!”

She perked up in anticipation of receiving the magic potion from this Jewish stranger. 

Jesus added, “Go back. Get your husband and bring him here. I’ll wait.”

She said, “I don’t have a husband.” not wanting to take the chance that He would leave, but instead challenged Him to produce this magic potion right then no there. She had never enjoyed such an extensive conversation with such an interesting man before, especially a Jew! She didn’t want to leave for that reason too. She was having too much fun.

Knowing her mind, and to bring her closer to reality, He added, “You are right in saying you have no husband. You have had five husbands, and this man you live with is not even your husband.”

Shocked, once again how this Man pinned her down. Her cockiness melted away. In a sweet sincere voice she said, “Are you a prophet? It looks that way to me. Our fathers worshipped at this mountain, and you Jews say that Jerusalem is the only place men ought to worship.” She said that to distance herself from Him, as He was getting too personal, and she was becoming slightly frightened by Him. How would He, a Jew, respond to that?

“Woman. Believe me, the hour is coming when neither at this mountain, nor even only in  Jerusalem, shall God the Father of mankind be worshipped. You worship that which you don’t even know. You Samaritans are very wrong in your beliefs. Salvation is from the Jews.” Jesus said that because if she was going to push away, He would make her see that she was pushing away from Truth which the Samaritans have always done. Then He added, “The time is coming, and actually has already come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. That is what God the Father wants. He seeks to be worshipped in spirit and truth. You see woman, God is Spirit. That’s why He wants to be worshipped in spirit and truth.”

She was becoming increasingly amazed by this man and their extensive conversation. She didn’t even noticed that in this busy city, no one during the past half hour had walked by to fetch water and interrupt them. To show that she wasn’t completely ignorant she added. “I know that the Messiah is coming, and when He comes He will teach us all things. We Samaritans, like you Jews are waiting for the Messiah. We aren’t so different.”

Jesus replied so simply and matter-of-factly that such an understatement caught her off guard, “The One who speaks to you, woman, is He.”

Before the woman could mentally digest this shocking announcement by this Jewish man, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. The conversation may have to end! She had so much more to say.

Peter nudged his brother Andrew, “Look! Now I’ve seen everything. Jesus is talking to a Samaritan. And a woman no less!” Andrew nodded but didn’t answer; they were approaching rapidly and he didn’t want Jesus to hear them. The others noticed too, but no one said anything.

“Did you see what I see?” said Thomas to Judas.    

“Jesus is talking with a woman.”

“Um yes, but a Samaritan woman.”

“He never ceases to surprise us. Didn’t God ask us to separate ourselves? Let’s give Him a hard time.” teased Thomas.

When Thomas and Judas came within earshot Judas gave the woman a sharp look and to Jesus a jerk of the neck that asked Him what He was doing talking with that woman. Jesus ignored Judas and looked at the woman to see what else she had to say. 

The woman, seeing that she was being replaced by His friends, quickly excused herself. She was so flustered that she left her water pot behind, which was lucky for the disciples and Jesus who used it to get water from the well. 

She walked quickly to the town square and immediately spotted her friend Hannah who was among the group of women she had been trying to avoid by going to the well late. But she was so flustered that she forgot about all that and said to Hannah, “Come, see a man, who told me all things that I ever did. Can this be the Messiah?”

“Calm down. What are you talking about?”

The other ladies wanted to walk away when they saw Jezebel coming toward them as it was their practice to shun her, but their curiosity forced them to stay and listen to what she was so anxious to say. Other women and a few men approached this group, attracted by Jezebel’s fervor. 

Hannah said, “Where is He?”

Jezebel replied, “He’s at the well. Do you want to see Him?”

“Sure, why not. But let me tell my husband. I’ll meet you there.”

Most of the other ladies and men were ready to go too. Some also went to fetch husbands and children. 

Meanwhile. All the disciples arrived at the well, fortified with sacks of figs and bread, smoked meat and olives. 

Peter said, “Come let’s sit down and eat. Jesus, you must be starving.”

Jesus, in His enigmatic way replied, “I have meat that you don’t even know about.”

Simon and Bartholomew looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Simon said in a low voice, “Did someone come here and bring him meat while we were gone?”

Jesus heard Simon and said, “No one brought me meat, My meat is to do the will of the Father who sent Me, and to accomplish His work.”

Simon and Bartholomew nodded pretending to understand what He meant by that. 

Jesus disregarded that and went on, “Don’t say there are still four more months before the harvest. I tell you to look up, look around at the fields, the harvest is ready.”

Many of the men looked around at the desert. 

Jesus said, “Whoever reaps this harvest will be rewarded, He will be paid for what you didn’t do; others have done the hard work, all you men need to do is to collect the harvest. Enter into their labor.”

Thomas nudged Judas and said in a low voice, “Is He asking us to make Jews out of Samaritans?”

Judas replied, “I think so. But I don’t think that’s a miracle I can do.” And then he went over to the well and picked up the woman’s bucket that the others had emptied. And lowered it down. ‘What as deep well,’ he thought.

After everyone had their fill of water and were just resting and a few of the men even found a place to nap, they heard a group of about twenty people approaching. Jezebel being among them. 

“Look He is still here.” And approaching Jesus she said, “Sir, my neighbors want to meet the Messiah.” Hearing herself say that, she wasn’t sure if she sounded a bit sarcastic, but she didn’t mean to, so she added, “Speak to them.”

“Of course.” Jesus went on and talked to them about baptism and repentance. He made clear the difference between the errors of the Samaritans and the truth of Moses, the commandments, the Law, especially to love, and trust the One True God and to have no other gods before Him. He spoke about helping the distressed. “If you see a person on the road who is hurt, don’t walk by him or her. Stop. Do whatever you can to heal the person, even at your own expense, and God will reward you, and you have made a friend for life. You never know when someday, that person that you helped, will come to your rescue, or even someone else.”

Besides His teachings the magnetism of Jesus’s persona attracted Him to many of the people in the crowd. One man stood out, “Please stay here with us. Come and stay in my home. My friends here can shelter your disciples. We want to know more. 

One man said to his neighbor in a low voice, “I’ve heard enough, I’m going home.” And his neighbor said, “i’m going with you. He’s an interesting guy, but He expects too much.”

As the crowd dwindled and the sun was lowering rapidly Jezebel said, “It’s time we all went home. Come stay at my house. What is your name by the way?”

Jesus chuckled to Himself. “My name is Jesus, what’s yours?”

“My name is Jezebel.”

“Okay, Jezebel, thank you, I will. How many of us do you have room for?”

“I can put up three people, but I’ll find room for the others.”

Other men and women came forward to offer their homes. They were fascinated by this rabbi and His disciples. He truly seemed to offer living water, teachings that could elevate them above the petty problems and rancor that they were accustomed to. They became believers and vowed to themselves to follow His advice. 

The next day a few of the townsfolk got together and prepared a feast for Jesus and His disciples for the following day. They prepared three lambs on the spit and cooked them all night long. Others baked loaves and loves of bread, while others gathered wine from the townsfolk for the feast. While the young men gathered and set up tables and chairs in the city square. 

Jesus was pleased by the reception. They were Samaritans, but they were good hearted, receptive and generous people. He stood up and offered thanks to God for the feast and for leading Him to their city. Then He thanked the people for their hospitality. 

After the prayer, Jesus sat down. Hannah’s husband stood up; he lifted his wine glass and said, “Now we believe everything Jezebel told us about You Jesus. Not because she told us, but because we heard it from You for ourselves. I for one, and I am sure that most of us here can say that we believe that You are indeed the Savior of the world. Our world has needed a Savior for as long as I can remember. God be with You.” Hannah’s husband, saying those words come out of his mouth, but from his heart got all choked up and teared up a bit. 

Jesus stood up again, “Thank you. May you be blessed and protected. Remember, don’t be harsh to the unbelievers. They hurt themselves enough. I wish I could stay with you always, there is so much for you to learn, but my men and I must be off tomorrow. We are headed to Nazareth to deliver a message to My mother. I will always remember you folks in prayer. Shalom.”

Then Jesus sat and enjoyed the festivities. After the meal there was dancing and singing. Men, women and children had indeed been drinking Living Water.

ALIVE: Chapter 128, Baptism beyond John

While walking in silence to the Jordan river from home the thoughts of the disciples were in different stages of awareness of who Jesus was. Peter, Andrew, John and James were the most aware. Yet, after the scene with Seth asking Jesus what he heard from heaven at His baptism, and what Jesus himself told Nicodemus about who He was, clearly the disciples were flabbergasted and had to mentally digest the revelation that Jesus was the Son of God…the Messiah? Would He free the Jews from Roman control? How? They weren’t soldiers. Jesus appeared to be completely normal and human, and yet…

None of the most alert and most curious disciples had the courage to grill Jesus about Himself. Besides, there was rarely an opportunity. Yet, what would he say? “Jesus, how does it feel to be the Son of God? To be God.?” How could they even be able to comprehend a reply? No, each man decided on his own to keep it in his heart and to observe. 

If he ever had a chance, John decided to talk to Jesus’s mother about it,. She would know how that could be. That thought, that flittered into his mind shocked John. She would know! John decided that he would have to keep these thoughts hidden in his heart. They were too astounding. He needed to pray, pray for comprehension and to know what God wanted him to do with this revelation. 

The troupe arrived at the Jordan a little after sunrise having left the house while it was still dark. The riverbank which had hosted great crowds of penitent people was now desolate, except for the shadow of a solitary man sitting on a fallen tree limb gazing out at the river. It was Nicodemus. The old distinguished man from the evening before was sitting and waiting for Jesus to arrive. He hadn’t been able to sleep all night and in the wee hours Nicodemus, arose from his bed, dressed and walked to the Jordan River as if he had been led to do so by the Holy Spirit.  

The disciples were surprised to see the Pharisee there, Jesus expected to see him, which is why He had made His men wake up before sunrise and start walking. Seeing Jesus and His men approach, Nicodemus stood up and walked over to them. He simply said, “I am ready.” 

The men faced the rising sun and Jesus led them all in prayer, worshipping and glorifying God together, and rebuking Satan. Jesus told each man to turn and spit on the ground three times as a outward sign of rejection of the devil and all its deeds. Then the men were told to turn toward the rising sun and accept the Lord God, vowing to love and serve Him every day of their lives. 

After the communal prayer, Jesus walked into the river, up to His waist. Nicodemus and the disciples entered the cold water, pushing against the current and the tide one at a time. Nicodemus asked the disciples if he could go first so he could leave before anyone else arrived and saw him there. They understood. 

In the river, Jesus placed His hands on the old man’s bowed head looked up to heaven and prayed silently, then He gently pushed the man to fully submerge him into the sea instructing him to ask God for mercy and forgiveness while the man holding his breath did so. 

His body begging for air. Nicodemus emerged as a new man, his old spirit having died in the water and its companion, his body, relieved by air when he arose from the sea, literally felt the rebirth. Nicodemus was surprised to fully comprehend by experience his psychosomatic birth. His question of the night before was answered as no words could have done.

Tearfully, Nicodemus thanked Jesus and struggled to get through the running water and away from the river without so much as a nod to the disciples he left behind. Dripping wet and cold, Nicodemus steeped in mental conversation between God and his new self, kept walking until he became fully dry and filled with peace. He looked forward to visiting his friend, Joseph of Arimathea to tell him and only him what had happened. Perhaps Joseph would want to be baptized too.  

One by one the other disciples were similarly baptized. When each man emerged out of the river, he walked to the shore, dried off with a cloth and sat quietly and patiently for the others absorbing in their minds the power of the baptizing experience. 

After all the men had been baptized Jesus too waded out of the river and to His waiting men. He said that they would wait for people to arrive who were looking for baptism. Then, each of the disciples was to lead the baptism sacrament. Each disciple from Peter to Judas felt ready, willing and able to baptize others.

Within a half hour, when the sun was halfway between the horizon and noon, remarkably people arrived looking for John the baptizer. Jesus withdrew to observe from a distance His men in a line, up and down the spot they had so recently been baptized, now baptizing others. 

By noon, the day was very hot and sunny. The water was so refreshing, as if the body literally materialized the refreshment of the soul. 

Two men when seeing that John the Baptizer was not at the Jordan River approached Andrew suspiciously who was baptizing to ask where John was. Andrew replied that John was at Aenon near Salim. They thanked Him and left for Aenon. 

When they arrived at Aenon the men spotted one of John’s disciples and told him that they went looking for John at the Jordan and that others were baptizing there. 

That disciple hearing the news waved to John in the water for him to come out. Curious as to what was so important, John walked out of the water to find out. He was told that others were baptizing in the Jordan in his place; it was that man Jesus and his disciples. He reported that the crowd there was growing when he left.

John surprised them with his reply because they expected John to be as outraged as they were. Instead he replied, “A man can receive nothing, except it has been given to him from heaven. You heard me say that I am not the Messiah, but, that I am sent before him. 

He that has the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, that stands and hears him, loves the bridegroom. He loves just to hear his voice. I’m not angry that Jesus’ disciples are baptizing in the Jordan. On the contrary I am very happy to hear this. He must increase, and I must decrease. I know this and I want it this way. You should too.”

John’s growing audience listened attentively, surprised at what they were hearing.

After a brief pause to allow the men to grasp what he was saying John continued, “That Man Jesus came to earth from heaven above. This makes Him above all of us. We are of the earth, we speak earthly things. But Jesus, being from heaven is far superior to us. What He knows of heaven, what He has actually seen and heard from heaven He tells us. This is so far above us that we can’t even comprehend it, because we don’t even have a frame of reference for what He says. 

But those of us who listen and believe what Jesus tells us, prove that we believe in God. We believe with all our mind and heart that God is true, and that He sent Jesus to us. This man Jesus speaks as if God is speaking to us.”

John looked upon the faces of his audience who were increasingly aghast. One man looked as if all the blood had drained out of his head, in fear. Unconcerned because he had more that needed to be said, John kept talking while many of them wondered how the baptizer knew all this saying, “God sent Jesus to us to speak plainly to us. God didn’t want to give us only a glimpse, a flash of reality, but through Jesus He tells us all that He wants us to know, and those who come after us. Listen to Him. Listen to Jesus. God is His Father and He truly is God’s Son.”

John knew this about Jesus ever since he heard God speak from heaven for the first time  on that day a year before when he baptized Jesus. Since then in prayer God confirmed it to him gradually until he came to comprehend the magnitude of Jesus’ existence. John remembered that as a child his mother telling him about her cousin Mary, His mother, her visit and when he leaped in her womb.

“God, the Father loves the Son. He loves Jesus whom He sent to earth. God gave everything to Him. How could I, look at me! How could I ever dare to be concerned that Jesus is baptizing, or even that His disciples were baptizing? I should be baptized by Him!”

John paused to let the men comprehend what he was saying, before the hammer came down that would change their lives forever. For John, it was as if he was baptizing these men with words instead of water. The effect was the nearly same. Their old ignorant man was dying inside, and they were becoming forever aware. He said, “Whoever believes in this man Jesus, the Son, will have eternal life. He will live forever.” Eyes wide open grabbed those words from the air. “But you, or anyone of you all who does not take what Jesus says to heart and follows Him and His teaching, will incur the wrath of God. It is that simple men.”

Everyone who heard and overheard John speak this way to his disciple and the men who just showed up were stunned. There was so much more to what he was saying than they could comprehend before they could accept it.

“Oh, okay. I supposed I’m sorry I even asked, or maybe not. Now that I’ve heard. Actually I went to the Jordan to be baptized by you John. And now I am here.”

Many of the other men echoed, “Me too.”

John looked at the men sympathetically and said, “Come, let’s go back in the water again. And after you have been baptized, go to your homes, and then you will be ready to understand what I just said, and why God sent you to the Jordan to be disappointed and suspicious. You were given a gift.”

The two men who had come from the Jordan to lambast Jesus and His disciples both felt as if they were shedding old skin, like a snake, as did John’s disciple, the one who called him out of the water to convey the news.

Meanwhile, those looking on had lost track of the conversation, it became hard to hear and they were distracted by the clamor of the sea and the other people. 

John turned and walked back into the river, not looking behind him at the two men following him.

When he stopped, they stopped. 

John lifted his head looking into the heavens and prayed silently for several moments, and then put voice to his prayers. The men felt chills going through their bodies. They couldn’t tell if it was from the temperature of the water or the Spirit entering their bodies with the power of an inner wind. 

Those first baptized men thanked John profusely and turned to enter into their new lives, leaving their former soul-consciousness, or rather unconsciousness behind forever.