ALIVE: Chapter 107, CraZy Wise Persians and Christmas Day
/Two months before Joseph learned about the census and the need for a journey to Bethlehem, when his routine days of work and sleep were filled by building beautiful furniture and watching Mary knit clothes from lamb’s wool for the Word of God becoming flesh in her womb, more than one thousand miles to the east three Persian Zoroastrian priests, known as magi, were directed by God to do something crazy.
Persia was a civilized country that was a useful color in the palette of God. Centuries before, King Cyrus had helped to rebuild the second Temple in Jerusalem and was famous for freeing slaves; Jewish Queen Esther saved her people from extinction when she married the Persian king Ahasuerus who sought to destroy them; Alexander the Great had conquered and hellenized Persia forcing his conquered to learn Greek. Their religion, Zoroastrianism, was the first to believe in one God. Intricate artwork made of gold and glorious architecture graced this country of learned men and warriors.
During these days when Nazareth harbored God’s earth-shattering secret, the three magi, Melchior, Gasper, and Balthazar were about to play a prophetic role in the birth of Mary’s holy Infant. The reason for their fame started as a mustard seed on this cloudy day in their town square.
“Good morning Gasper! Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in a while!” exclaimed Balthazar looking particularly well dressed and fit that morning.
“Oh Balthazar, I had the most unusual dream last night. I think the god spoke to me.” replied frazzled Gasper whose puffy eyes were underscored in purple.
“Really? Tell me. Wait! Is that Melchior?” Then he shouted, “Melchior! Here we are. Come here!”
Melchior followed the sound of his friend’s voice and saw Balthazar and Gasper together. Not being in a big hurry, he shuffled over to greet them.
The two waited patiently for their friend to reach them before Balthazar said, “Gasper was just about to tell me the dream he had which caused him such consternation that his visage is dimmed, look at the poor sop!”
Gasper looked up and smiled at his older, typically wiser, friend and inserted, “It’s not that bad Balthazar!” Then he faced Melchior and reported, “This dream was so vivid that I can even remember it now. I dreamt that I was walking at night under a starry brightly lit sky with the crescent moon right above, when ..... wait, let me think. Wait! I saw you Melchior! And I ran up to meet you. But you were gazing up into the sky and you didn’t notice me. As soon as I reached you, you disappeared as if you had been a hallucination. Then it started raining, but it wasn’t water, it was flakes of gold dropping out of the sky. As soon as they touched the earth, the flakes turned into light like fallen stars. I looked down and the earth was covered in a pool of light at my feet. I looked up and the night sky was still dark and the slivered moon was still high in the sky. I called for you to come back, but you didn’t.”
Melchior sat in awe listening to his friend, wide-eyed mouth open. “Was this dream last night? Because I had a vivid dream two nights ago, I think, or maybe three, I don’t remember.”
“Tell us.” replied Gasper.
“I dreamt of a king. He was covered in jewels, emerald, amethyst, and sapphires. He was sitting on His throne, when suddenly he clutched his head in pain. He removed his crown, and the top of his scull opened and gold poured out like a River of living water filled with fish. The water kept pouring out until it covered the whole world. I was drenched and afraid of drowning.
Balthazar listened intently not knowing what to make of these two bizarre dreams.
Both men looked to their older friend and asked if he could make anything of it.
Then he heard himself speak as if the words were coming through him and not from him. Balthazar yielded to the phenomenon. He heard himself say, “A child will be born in Palestine. He will be a great king of the Jews who will water the earth. He will be the light of the world.”
Melchior listened curiously immediately noticing that this proclamation sounded like an interpretation of of both dreams combined. Melchior looked at Gasper for confirmation. “Is this some sort of message from the holy one? What are we supposed to do with this?”
Balthazar replied. “Let’s wait and see if we get any more direction. I must be off now. Peace, let’s dine together this evening. Both of you come to my home at sunset and we can discuss this further. Balthazar was anxious to remove himself from his friends, so jarred was he by the freakish event.
“Okay, see you this evening.” said Melchior puzzled that Balthazar left so abruptly.
As Balthazar walked away Gasper looked at Melchior and said, “I don’t know about you, but I think we need to take this seriously.”
“I agree,” replied Gasper. “But where is this king, where do we go? Could he be in Jerusalem?”
Gasper and Melchior exchanged dreams again, and still came up empty. They decided to part until Balthazar’s dinner that evening. Gasper went home to nap and bathe and Melchior to reread the scrolls where he had recorded his spiritual observations.
Balthazar went to his home quickly. The phenomenon startled and disoriented him. He needed to be alone. Safely inside his home, Balthazar went straight for his prayer rug and fell to his knees. “Oh great one, if those dreams and my prophecy are true, please make clear what you would have us do. He closed his eyes and waited for a message, but nothing came. After giving his god plenty of time to reply, in his estimation, he decided to start preparing the meal. Perhaps the powerful one would get through to him while he was cooking.
The two friends coming from different directions met at Balthazar’s front door at the same time. They chuckled in unison about the coincidence. Balthazar opened the door and ushered his guests into his home. His wife had passed away many years before. He loved her so very much that he didn’t open himself to another woman since then, either for devotion to her or for fear of the pain repeated. Balthazar had become proficient at cooking and cleaning for himself. He had a fire blazing in his hearth and a stew all ready prepared. Melchior brought a jug of wine, and Gasper came with two loaves of freshly baked bread.
“Enter my friends.”
The three men situated themselves around the table that was already laden with food. Melchior poured the wine into ready glasses. As soon as they sat down they started in. Each of them knew that something very important was happening. They knew that these dreams were messages and that they needed to act in some way. But no one knew where to begin.
Again Balthazar spoke, “We are to go to Jerusalem. We are to follow the star of the king of the Jews who will show us the way. We will take gifts to this newborn king. Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”
In unison Melchior and Gasper said, “Balthazar was that you?”
Trembling, Balthazar replied, “Yes, I mean no. No, it wasn’t me. The message was through me again. All day I begged the god to explain to me what this was about and heard nothing. Now, this happens!”
Gasper said, “I for one am ready for an adventure! Let’s go to Jerusalem and meet the newborn king of the Jews.”
Melchior added, “I don’t know why we are doing this, but I suppose we don’t need to know why, we simply need to obey. I’m in.”
“That makes two of us.” said Gasper who looked over into Balthazar’s hazel green eyes for approval.
“My friends, I don’t see that we have a choice. Do we have anything better to do than obey? I believe our ancestors learned long ago that these Jews have a strange, but powerful God.”
Gasper said, “I have some high quality myrrh that I have been saving for a special occasion.”
Melchior added, “I know where to purchase the best frankincense in the world. I have gold saved up to purchase it with.”
Still stunned Balthazar mumbled, “Where do we begin? When and how?”
By then the sun had fallen and the sky was pitch dark. The blazing fire provided warmth and illumination. Balthazar arose and lit his oil lamps too. “Jerusalem is very far away. Have you ever been there gentlemen? I haven’t.”
Both of the friends shook their heads.
Balthazar in his robotic voice said, “We will leave at high noon in a week. We must gather our gifts and pack our knapsacks. Gather the gold.”
Following this startling revelation the three men ate in silence. Each digesting the magnitude of the plan.
The week was a busy one. They told their friends and neighbors that they were going on an expedition to study the stars far away and may be gone for a few months.
The day came for the beginning of their journey; the three men were ready. They had their camels all rested, watered and fed.
With the sun overhead, on the day of departure, they headed out on their camels with a heavily laden ass in tow. Fellow townspeople waved good bye and wished them well. The magi paraded southwest into the sunset. Being amateur astronomers, they were familiar with the night sky. However once they left the limits of their town the most astounding phenomenon happened. A star appeared close by!
“Do you see that?!” said Gasper.
“Of course I do!” replied Melchior and Balthazar in unison.
Then Balthazar taking the lead said, “This must be our guide, nice to meet you mister star. Onward to the king! On to Jerusalem!”
For thirty-seven days and thirty-six nights this triumvirate sometimes perched on their camels and sometimes walking beside them passed through plains and hills, woods and fields. Wherever the star lead them they followed. The star shined enough during the day to be perceived and shined brighter in the night. They camped and slept every night for five hours. The star woke them up before dawn to urge them to keep walking. They were as men with a deadline, men on a mission. Despite hundreds of hours through sunny days and freezing nights, not one man complained, so unusual and exciting was this trek, so peculiar was the star. They rarely spoke. The food they brought with them was meted out sparingly, for they had no idea how long it would take them to arrive and it was not even the harvest season. The Lord provided pools of water along the way. Indeed this was a holy pilgrimage for these three gentiles.
What was the star? Saint John Chrysostom offers the following insights:
“It wasn’t a star at all. Instead it was some invisible power, transformed into this appearance. How do we know it wasn’t a star? By it’s course. Stars go from east to west. This one also went from north to south.
It appeared in mid day while the sun is shining. That is impossible; the sun would surely outshine a star.
Also that it hid itself when they arrived in Jerusalem, so they could inquire of Herod. No, this was not a star, but a power endued with reason.
This bright light didn’t have its own course, as a star has, but when they moved, it moved. Sometimes it stood still. In this way the star resembled the pillar of cloud that guided the Jews out of Egypt.
Also, consider how the star pointed out the manger. How could a star descend and point to a small shed.”
To all of these questions Saint John Chrysostom offers his own explanation:
The purpose of the star was to draw the whole world to the Christ Child. From the very beginning, God opened the door to the Gentiles.”
The prophets validated His coming. They assumed He was the Messiah of the Jews, but He is the Messiah of all humanity, first the Jews, and then the Greeks (who represent the rest of the civilized world.) To show this, God sent foreign magi to welcome His Son into the world. (1 Corinthians 1:24.)
Balthazar, Melchior and Gasper found themselves close to the great city of Jerusalem which they could see in the distance as the sun was about to set. They decided to set up camp for the night and start off in the morning to find the infant king.
In the morning they were so excited to have reached their destination that neither man realized that the star was gone. They quickly dressed and packed up camp.
“Now we can buy some food!” exclaimed Gasper who was feeling weak as their food supply had dwindled to nothing two days earlier.
If camels could gallop, these three did. The pilgrimage took nearly 40 long hard days. Even the donkey looked exhausted.
The day that the magi arrived near Jerusalem, was for Joseph and Mary their third day living in the barn. Joseph had completed his duty to register, however, the city was still crowded and Mary had been feeling increasingly lethargic. Whether it was as a result of the end stage of her pregnancy or the lasting effects of the arduous six day donkey ride from Nazareth to Bethlehem, or both, Mary was so tired that she couldn’t have moved to a decent home, even if one became available. Even the inn next to their barn still had no vacant rooms.
However, talented Joseph made the barn as cozy as a bird’s nest.
On the fourth morning Joseph said, “I will go out and find a midwife, because it looks like your time is near my dear.”
“Yes, replied Mary, that’s wise. I would come with you. But I think I’d better stay here and rest.” Indeed, it was clear from looking at her that the baby had dropped and was about to be born. Alone, Mary would chant to pray and to keep herself amused. The lambs and goats and the donkey by then had grown accustomed to their roommates. The little lambs nestled by Mary every night and the goats provided her with milk every morning. This young city girl gradually experienced the life of a farm-girl with friends of other species.
Joseph returned with a plump cheerful midwife who brought her birthing satchel along, just to be safe.
“This is my wife Mary.” said Joseph to Hilda.
Mary smiled and with her arm added, “Welcome to my home!” A goat brayed his greeting.
Hilda smiled back. “It is lovely. Look at you, my my, I think you are about to burst, eh?”
“Can you tell? Yes, I am ready. My baby boy is ready.”
Hilda looked at Mary curiously and said, “How do you know it’s a boy?”
“I guess it’s just a feeling.” replied Mary flinching.
Hilda looked around at the barn and the animals, and then at the young pregnant girl and her old man husband. “What an odd situation this is.” she thought to herself. “I’ve seen a lot in my day, but never anything as bizarre as this!” Outwardly she smiled and nodded. Aloud she said, “I best be going now, I have dinner to prepare for my family. Are you sure you have the money to pay me?”
Joseph was not offended at that. He knew that their temporary home among the animals could lead anyone to believe that like the animals they had no money and so were thrown into this shelter, even in her delicate condition. These were the days when many, if not most, women died during the intense act of childbirth. The conditions need to be most sanitary to avoid infection. The agonizing suffering of the woman should be balanced by as much comfort as possible. Soft pillows, clean sheets, music. What Hilda found here was the harshest environment in which she had ever been expected to deliver a live infant to a surviving woman. She should be paid up front, before the delivery, just in case there were problems. Because if there are, the husband is usually too distraught to reach into his pocket. Besides, Hilda wanted to be sure he could pay.
“I will ask for the payment when you call me. Is that understood?”
“Yes, of course. Thank you very much. You are too kind to help us. Thank you. I will come for you as soon as my wife begins her labor.”
“Looks to me like it will be soon. I will stay near my home. Good bye.”
“Thank you again, good bye.”
After Hilda left, Mary and Joseph looked at each other and they both let out a hearty laugh.
“Oh my dear, how can we blame her. Look at us, sitting here among the beasts of the field preparing for the birth of a human. In this condition I feel like I could birth a lamb!”
Joseph went over and gave his young Mary a big hug. “Yes, my sweet, how can we get lower than this! I can’t wait to tell my children about this scene. Our Lord certainly has a sense of humor.”
To that sage assessment Mary added with a smile, “Come my dear, let’s go to sleep. I would love to stay up and talk, but my body is so sleepy.”
Mary and Joseph raised themselves from their makeshift sofa and walked around a few animals to reach their makeshift bed and laid down to sleep cuddled up and cozy under many blankets.
It was still pitch dark when Mary began to feel the first strong cramp in her groin. She tried to relax and see if it would go away, and it did and she felt better, so she tried to dose off again. An hour later, just as she had fallen back to sleep, the cramp returned. This time she thought she had better nudge Joseph who was snoring.
“Joseph, I think it is time. Ow! Please go fetch Hilda.”
Joseph opened his eyes and looked at her almost in disbelief. “Okay. I’m up!”
He quickly got out of bed and combed his hair. Since sleeping in the cold barn, he didn’t change into night clothes.
The lambs started neighing either from their uncanny sense of the joy around them, or because they were woken up by the humans. The cacophony of animal voices distracted Mary from her cramps.
Joseph rushed out the door. Mary, breathed as she was taught.
Mary’s contractions were quickly becoming more frequent. But the repetition of them gave her the experience to handle the next one better. She relaxed when she wanted to cry out, she breathed heavily. She wanted her mother.
Hilda and Joseph rushed into the barn. Hilda soon presented herself to be most competent. She ushered Mary with aplomb through the opening of her womb, calming her with her motherly voice. “Breathe my sweet.” As she stroked her head and wiped the sweat off her brow. The moments of rest grew shorter and shorter, while the pain became stronger and stronger. Hilda saw the crown of His holy head. One more push. “Come my sweet child, give it all you have. PUSH” Mary’s scream didn’t even phase the animals who knew intuitively that this was not the sound of danger, but of relief.
Mary’s Baby entered the world as a little lamb, fresh and wrinkly. Hilda caught the Son of God as He shot out of His mother’s womb. “Oh! One of those!” thought Hilda. Some babies must be coaxed out, some must be retrieved, and others, like this guy entered the world like a bullet. Ready!”
Hilda laid Mary’s infant on her belly and then cut the cord.
Joseph looked on in awe. He knew instinctively that nothing would go wrong. But his intellect was overwhelmed by his emotions. Although not his seed, this was truly his son. A tear spilled out of Joseph’s eye. He instantly felt that he was the most blessed man in the world to be given a son at this stage of his life, from this beautiful young girl. What a gem she was, and He was. No one has ever, or will ever be so blessed as Joseph on that day, except the Father.
The Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, observed Himself being born a human being exiting the body of a girl, His mother, and as He watched her travail, the curse of Eve, the Lord was filled with joy unspeakable. He witnessed Himself emptied of all power and glory, except that which He had freely given to the crown of His creation, humankind. He saw purity, He saw the fulfillment of humility. The Father God would savor this sight and this moment into eternity.
Nothing else mattered, the battles ahead with Satan, the ignorance and complicity with evil that abounded on the earth, the cries, the pain, the betrayals, hatred, suffering. Nothing could detract from the splendor He beheld in that manger at that moment, to be remembered and celebrated, even more than the glorious Passover night.
Yes, sweet Passover the victory of four centuries of oppression, victory over the egotistical clinging to oppression of his people by Pharaoh. By contrast, this moment was hidden from the world, only to peek out in the imagination. It was a moment of exhilaration for the Creator, of joy and pride for Joseph, and of relief for Mary. She looked down at the Infant on her belly and laughed and cried at the same time. Her cheeks were rosy red and wet. She had never felt such joy. The contrast of the poor barn with her inner majesty was as disparate as day and night, as light and darkness, and yet, and yet it was uncannily fitting.
“Quick!” ordered Hilda like a Sargent to Joseph “cover the baby with a blanket.”
“Oh yes, yes, of course. We have it right here.” Joseph lifted his whimpering newborn son, and carefully swaddled him in the blanket and hugged him for the first time with his strong muscular arms. Joseph then nestled his face in the baby and cried tears of overwhelming emotion.
Meanwhile, Hilda and Mary were busy extracting the afterbirth. In the background Mary heard the sound of her baby boy cooing as the most melodious sound she had ever heard. Actually the tone of the Infant sounded like the tone of her mother Anna chanting. It was odd, something she didn’t expect.
The room was crowded with angels too, all cheerful and congratulatory as if they were responsible for the whole event. Cherubim and seraphim alike were present at the scene. Father God beheld His only begotten Son with human thrill. Of all His creation, even at the creation of Adam, never before did God, who knows the future, the past, and the present as one, feel so exhilarated. The angels congratulated their Lord on the human birth of His Son. God, the Father felt as joyful and proud as He had on the first day when He had first begotten His Son, the light of light. And here was His second birth. The Lord received the hearty congratulations from the angels and archangels and thrones and dominions with the pride of a man. This all human Son, gave God an inkling from the moment of His birth to what it is like to be a Father, to be one with the Child and yet separate. This moment was as close as God, the Father, had ever come to sharing the human experience.
When she was cleaned and ready Joseph carefully handed Mary her Son. She received him with tears and smiles. This was the moment she had anticipated for so long. Her face was glowing. The moment she saw his beautiful little face she fell in love with him. She hugged him so gently but so tightly that she could feel His heart beat; she released him to gaze on His face. He opened his eyes and looked at her with the curious look of a newborn. He was so peaceful, so innocent and beautiful. Mother and Son stared at each other in silent communication. Mary and her baby Jesus had never been so separate physically since the moment He was conceived, and yet so close.
“That night, even farther from the city limits there were shepherds who lived out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.
When behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.
Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
“And this will be a sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”
And suddenly there was with an angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:
“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill towards men.”
So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another, “Let us now go into Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us. “
And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in the manger.
Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child.
And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.
Then the shepherds returned to their field glorifying and praising God for all these things that they had heard and seen.”
Meanwhile, in Jerusalem Balthazar, Melchior and Gasper had just woken up, they had arrived the night before on the outskirts of the great city and were glad. They set up camp as usual and went to sleep expecting to see the infant king in the morning. Yet when they awoke, the star was gone!!! What were they to do?
Gasper said, “Hey, wait! Where is our star? This is a big place; where do we go?”
“Calm down!” replied Melchior. “We didn’t come all this way to think we have been dropped. There must be a reason. But, let’s go into the city and inquire and find some food.”
“Good idea,” said Gasper, “I think I am actually starving! I don’t know how many days it has been since we ran out of food.” And then Gasper flashed an angry look at Balthasar as if it was his fault.”
“Don’t look at me that way! How was I to know, how was anyone to know how many weeks it would take? We ate too much at the beginning.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry. Just cranky. Let’s dress and pack up and find breakfast. Surely the people will be able to direct us to the king.
The three less than wise men quietly packed up their beds, and dressed in their finest vestments for their visit to the infant king, and rode what they hoped would be the last few miles.
As they rode their camels, just listening to the familiar clickety click of hooves, their hunger was replaced by excited anticipation of finding the Holy Child.
In the center of the city, they dismounted their beasts, and parked them near the water trough after watering them.
It wasn’t long before they found sellers of falafel and sellers of kabobs on the street. Thrilling. So many foreigners came daily into Jerusalem selling spices and wares from faraway places that our wise men were not noticed.
As they walked through the city streets looking for signs of excitement over the birth of the king, finding none, they realized that they didn’t understand the language of the people in order to inquire of the king.
Balthazar having the greatest knowledge of Greek asked for the βασιλιάς, (basilias). Most of the men shrugged their shoulders in confusion and then ignored him.
“Let’s go to the temple” Suggested Melchior, “surely there are learned men there who speak Greek.”
“Good idea” replied Balthazar. And off they went with full tummies, feeling rejuvenated they walked to the temple.
Jerusalem was a bigger city than they expected to find. Balthazar spotted a rabbi, and approached him, and with his broken Greek he said, “Where can I find the king of the Jews? The infant.” He didn’t know the word for infant and so said it in his native tongue. The rabbi spoke fast, which confused Balthazar, but he also pointed to the palace on the hill.
“Of course, and thank you.” All three Persians smiled and nodded in gratitude and bade farewell to their guide. Then they headed through the winding cobblestone streets in the direction of the finger. From time to time, saying with the most inquisitive voice, “basilias.” And pointing. This gesture with some successes and some failures finally guided them to the palace.
Having arrived, they told the guards that they were looking for the king.
A guard asked them in Greek what their business was and then asked them to wait.
After quite a long while, the three Persians in their finest garb, followed the guard through the palace to see the king.
Walking through the palace the triumvirate listened for sounds of a baby crying, but heard none.
Finally they were guided to the throne room where curious Herod awaited the foreign delegation.
“May I help you gentlemen?” The king spoke in his cleanest Greek to be able to communicate with the foreigners.
Balthazar replied, also in Greek, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.”
When Herod heard this, he was troubled but disguised his consternation.
“Please friends, surely you must be tired from your journey. My servant will take you to the royal dining room and feed you, then you will return and I will tell you.” The guards immediately ushered the magi through the palace to a large comfortable sitting room where they were treated to dried figs and tea.
Meanwhile, to his servant the king said, “Immediately gather the chief priests and scribes of the people together and bring them here within the hour.”
The king nervously tapped his toe while waiting for the priests to come. He had instructed that the Persians should not be allowed to return until he called for them.
For their part Balthazar, Melchior and Gasper were happy to be inside the palace. They reveled in the grandeur, the aromas, the magnificence of the palace and were in no hurry to leave, especially before knowing where they were to go.
The chief priests and scribes arrived. The king glared at them with all the power of his authority over them and said, “Well?! What have you to say? Answer me!”
The spokesman for the troupe of Jewish sages replied timidly, “in Bethlehem of Judea, for as it is written by the prophet Micah,
‘But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah who are one of the littles clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for Me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from the ancient days.
Therefore he shall give them up until the time when she who is in labor has brought forth; then the rest of his kindred shall return to the people of Israel. And he shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.
And they shall live secure, for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth; and he shall be the one of peace.’ The priest looked up at the kings as if to say, “Is this what you want to know?”
“Thank you, you are dismissed.” heralded Herod. “Call in the foreigners.”
Balthazar, Melchior and Gasper during the time of waiting grew familiar and comfortable in the palace and this time walked confidently into the throne room to hear where to find the newborn king.
Herod shrewdly took on a calm and fatherly demeanor saying, “You will find what you seek in Bethlehem. Go and search carefully for the child and when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also.”
The three Persians thanked the king profusely and turned to leave, hearing as they walked out of the great room the king bellow, “Don’t forget to return with the news.”
Our friends departed from the palace, well fed, well rested and informed.
When they picked up their camels they asked of a passerby, “Bethlehem? much? Meaning, how far it is? The man pointed to the Beth
When Road and explained with his fingers that it would be a six hour ride. Thanking their guide profusely with nods and smiles they headed in that direction and soon found the Bethlehem Road refreshed and ready, glad that they may arrive before dark, if they were quick.
No sooner were they on the outskirts of Jerusalem again, and riding through the plains than did their star reappear!
Gasper gasped, “Look, our star!”
‘Even though they found out they had to go to Bethlehem, the star reappeared not just to show them the road to Bethlehem, everyone knew that, but to take them to the exact spot where the Baby was.’ St. John Chrysostom.
Melchior said, “That’s strange. Why did we go to the palace?”
Balthazar answered, “We may never know. Besides it doesn’t matter, our journey’s end is near! Alleluia!”
The next several hours were speechless as each magi bobbed up and down on his camel within a swirl of his own thoughts and observations of the countryside. The familiar star looked more clear and bright than ever.
As they rode into Bethlehem village the star shrunk, but was more distinct as the sun was setting by then. The magi and their camels went through the village not knowing what they would find, watching the star intently for the destination. The three men looked at each other and shrugged as they followed the star through the center of the village to the other side where the buildings were sparse.
Balthazar was in the lead, with Melchior and Gasper traveling side by side behind him. Then the star stopped between a barn and an inn. The magi looked at each other wondering how this could be? And yet the star could not have led them all the way from Persia to make a mistake now! Even the stop in Jerusalem when the star disappeared did not startle the magi as much as seeing it hovering over a stable.
Once they were clear that the star had stopped, the magi dismounted their camels and tied them to a tree. They looked at the large Inn, and thought surely this is the palace of the newborn king, but no. Then the star lowered itself and moved very slowly to beckon them over to the stable. The wide door was open. The dimmed star entered the barn! Gasper, who was either the bravest, or the most curious, walked over and peeked inside the opened door and whispered loudly, “Look! There is an infant in here! This must be the place!” Then instead of walking in, Gasper went back to where his companions were waiting.
The initial glimpse of the long sought Infant filled the men with emotion. Women would have wept, but they were men and less inclined to give in to their feelings.
Gasper threw one arm over Melchior’s shoulder and pulled him in. Then Balthazar drew near. With arms on each other’s shoulders the travelers bowed their head in prayer. The unlikeliness that the stable would be their destination, suddenly showed them that they found what they came for; that the Infant was divine; it had been a fruitful journey.
Thanking their god and the star for bringing them to this destination after over a month of travel, they dispersed from their huddle and walked over to their camels to retrieve their gifts. “Are we ready?” asked Balthazar.
In unison Melchior and Gasper replied with a hushed but confident “Yes.”
The three men processed to the opened door. Inside they all saw the mother, the father, the Infant, the lambs and goats and a donkey, and the shepherds. Seeing the shepherds encouraged them that this scene was not as intimate as they feared.
Balthazar knocked on the open door and in his best Greek said, “χαιρετε.”
Joseph, in his protective fatherly frame of mind was the first to look up. The look on the faces of the magi assured him that these unusual visitors, these regal men bearing gifts were sent by the Lord, and so Joseph welcomed them. He walked over to the entrance where they stood and with his arm ushered them to enter.
The baby Jesus cooed, Mary smiled. She sensed that the Baby welcomed the magi too. His voice was like the sound of a harp. So melodious, so beautiful, surely an inheritance from His mother and grandmother.
Because of the language barrier they couldn’t have a conversation, so Balthazar, Melchior and Gasper held out their gifts.
The shepherds stepped back, and excused themselves as they needed to get back to their flock. Joseph and Mary thanked them for their visit and wished them well.
After the shepherds departed, Gasper was the first to approach the mother and infant with his bottle of myrrh. When God saw the myrrh a tear welled up in His beneficent eye, being reminded that His Son would be anointed with myrrh at His crucifixion.
Unaware of God’s grief, Gasper stepped back to make room for Melchior who approached the mother and with a deep bow and presented his finest Frankincense. Mary received it with pleasure and gratitude. She asked Joseph to take some and light it then to show how pleased she was with the very valuable gift. The beautiful aroma filled the manger with a royal scent. Closed eyes transformed the space into a palace. The aroma ascended into the heavens and pleased the Lord too. How fitting a gift for the Father.
Mary sat in awe of these three men. Where did they come from and why? How did they find me in this remote barn living among lambs and goats? Perhaps this visit and the one from the sweet young shepherds was the first outward sign that God, the Father of her Son, came out of hiding to show her that in spite of this lowly condition, this dusty dirty space, His glory, His Wisdom shined forth. It was so much easier to accept the cold nights, and the strong smell of the animals as she watched her Son being treated as a king. These men didn’t hesitate to honor Him, even to worship Him in this place, in this humble place! The irony both surprised and comforted Mary. It was the first sign of God’s Providence since she had left Nazareth and that special week alone with the Lord. After so many days of hardship and disappointment since they left Nazareth, a hint of Divine Reason appeared to her.
Actually, the source of her disappointment and grief was turned to exhilaration. She lowered her head and gave glory to God forever and ever.
Mary looked up to see the most regal Balthazar who had waited for her, with no regard whatsoever for the lowly scene. He behaved as if he was in Alexander’s palace with a retinue of servants surrounded by artwork, and presented the infant with two hands filled with gold coins.
The three magi were speechless because of the language barrier, and yet words would have only detracted from the scene. They encircled the infant in His cradle made by Joseph of hay and covered with blankets and bowed their heads and worshipped the king of the Jews. And so it was at His birth and not again until His crucifixion was Jesus the Christ recognized to be King of the Jews.
Saint John Chrysostom of this scene wrote, “The wise men offered gifts, but not just the material gifts, but foreshadowing the gifts of the Church, of knowledge, and obedience and love that they offered Him. They saw a star, and found the Sun of Righteousness.”